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Microarray hybridization pattern of the P. aeruginosa outbreak clone EC29
Microarray hybridization pattern of the P. aeruginosa outbreak clone EC29 Microarray hybridization pattern of the P. aeruginosaoutbreak clone EC29 (#11) isolated from patient RS11 (A) and localization of marker genes on the typing chip (B). Only the lower part of the Clondiag microarray representing different single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from seven conserved loci of the core genome of P. aeruginosais shown. For each SNP, the presence of PAO1-type (0) and non-PAO1-type (1) alleles is converted into a four-digit hexadecimal code as described in the materials and methods section. For the flagellin gene fliC only one allele is sufficient for typing (fliCa=1, then fliCb=0 and vice versa). Individual P. aeruginosaisolates carry either exoS gene or exoU gene (exoS=1, then exoU=0 and vice versa).