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In Australia, there is no shortage of information readily available to parents via the internet on what to expect with an autistic child going forward. Support services for autism in Australia are gaining significant traction with the growing prevalence of ASD. What may be lacking, however, is an awareness of how important early intervention services are. Visit - https://www.adventurerespite.com.au/
Introduction In recent years, the rate of children being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) worldwide has increased. The prevalence also, of autism spectrum disorder has increased. In Australia, the former estimated that 1 child out every 100 children has ASD, now has been adjusted to read 1 in every 70 children is on the spectrum. With roughly 353,880 Australians living with autism, it is crucial to gain a better understanding of how to nurture and care for those around us living with autism spectrum disorders and other disabilities.
Autism Spectrum Disorder Affects Autism Spectrum Disorder is a disability that affects communication, social and behavioral abilities of a child. Delayed speech, repetitive behaviors such as hand flapping and head rocking, isolated play, inability to regulate emotions and lack of eye contact and warmth may all be signs of a toddler exhibiting a possibility of being on the spectrum. The moment a specialist confirms to parents that their child is on the spectrum may be one of the most painful and heartbreaking moments to face. However, after a diagnosis is confirmed, steps toward early intervention services are critical if the child is going to become the best version of him or herself in the long run.
Support Services For Autism Australia In Australia, there is no shortage of information readily available to parents via the internet on what to expect with an autistic child going forward. Support services for autism in Australia are gaining significant traction with the growing prevalence of ASD. What may be lacking, however, is an awareness of how important early intervention services are.
Signs Of Being Autistic On average, a child starts showing signs of being autistic from 18 months. Diagnosis is possible as early as 2 ½ years. There are many cases where actual diagnosis takes place as late as 6 years. This, however, is not as ideal as the earlier a child begins to receive help, the better it is for the child and the family involved.
Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis There are several factors that contribute to the importance of timing when seeking initial treatment. This is because during the period of 12 – 36 months, a child’s brain is most malleable for wiring and rewiring. After this period is up, the brain becomes focused and fixated on certain patterns, routines, and behaviors which become more difficult to relearn or rewire in later years. The child begins to grow and mature past this age, more resistance is gradually built toward attempted rewiring. This is why early intervention is very critical. Early intervention for autism spectrum disorder diagnosed children means that there is a high possibility of remission of certain symptoms in middle childhood although, this is not always the case as each child is different and unique.
Autism Respite Service Autism respite services offer a wide variety of activities to the child and caregiver alike to allow for both to wind down and enjoy themselves while spending some time apart. An autism support worker could be a possible caregiver during this time. This person should be knowledgeable about autism. Having certain certifications such as first aid and CPR training would be an added benefit you could look for. Most importantly though is that this person connects well with your child and understands the family’s needs. Each child is different and so finding the right fit for your unique family dynamic is important for the success of the respite program.
Autism Therapies There are many early intervention therapies that one can consider. The first is speech therapy, which will encourage and develop correct speech pathology. A speech therapist works closely with a child to impart excellent speech and language skills. Another therapy to consider is applied behavior analysis therapy, also known simply as behavior therapy. This therapy uses principles of behavior to encourage the development of socially significant behaviors while changing maladaptive behaviors into more positive ones.
Eco- Therapy For Autism Another therapy to consider is Eco-therapy, where the child is guided in therapeutic exercises usually involving elements of nature like the hills, forest, and animals. Here at Adventure Respite, we take pride in providing quality autism respite services involving Eco-therapy. Eco-therapy offers stress and anxiety relief, the opportunity for exercises and muscle development, sensory stimulation, immune system strengthening as well as what a child would perceive as recreation.
Early Intervention Therapy When planning for early intervention therapy services for your child, a dimension of the reality of having an ASD diagnosed child to look at is financial support and funding. Through the National Disability Insurance Scheme in Australia (NDIS), disabled children and adults alike may receive funding for treatment and support.
Bottom Line No matter the therapy you decide to enroll your child in, the important issue is that it is done early. High functioning children will have better academic chances and low functioning children will have better chances of social and community integration. Slowly adding intervention therapies is a great thing to do as too much at one time can overwhelm a child on the spectrum. If you are interested in Eco-therapy as a possible intervention for your child, feel free to contact us, and schedule an appointment for a consultation.