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Bellwork: Monday, 8/19/13. TSWBAT communicate common greetings and introductions. Take out your “Greetings: Dialogue” notes. Copy dialogue Practice pronunciation (if you need an additional sheet of paper, take it out, head it correctly, and title it “Greetings, cont.”)
Bellwork: Monday, 8/19/13 TSWBAT communicate common greetings and introductions. Take out your “Greetings: Dialogue” notes. Copy dialogue Practice pronunciation (if you need an additional sheet of paper, take it out, head it correctly, and title it “Greetings, cont.”) III. Switch notes with shoulder partner (to check for spelling) IV. Participate in Inside/Outside Circle. V. Review/Homework
Greetings: Dialogue 1. Hola.Hello. 2. Buenos días. Good morning. 3. Buenastardes. Good afternoon. 4. Buenasnoches. Good evening, night. 5. ¿ quétal? How's it going? 6. (muy) bien (very) good/fine • (muy) mal (very) bad • Así-así so-so • ¿y tú? And you? (INFORMAL) • ¿y Ud.? And you? (FORMAL) • Gracias. Thanks. • De nada. You’re welcome. • Señor Mr., Sir • Señorita Miss, ma’am • Señora Mrs., ma’am
Greetings, continued 16. Pleased to meet you. Mucho gusto. 17. Where do you live? ¿Donde vive? 18. I live in the United States. Vivo en los estadosunidos. 19. Goodbye.Adiós. 20. See you tomorrow. Hasta mañana. 21. See you later. Hasta luego. 22. How are you? ¿Cómo está Ud? (FORMAL) 23. How are you? ¿Cómoestás? (INFORMAL) 24. What’s your name? ¿Qué es tunombre? (INF.) 25. What’s your name? ¿Qué es tunombre? (FORM.) 26. My name is ___. Minombre es ____.
Greetings, continued 27. Please. Por favor. 28. I’m sorry. Lo siento. 29. I don’t know. No sé. 30. I don’t understand. No comprendo.
Inside/Outside Circle As the music plays, you will rotate around the desks. You may greet your classmates and give them a high-five as you rotate. • Partner up. • Wait for instructions. • Quiz your partner. • Praise your partner. • Begin rotating again.
Homework: Monday, 8/19/13 Study your dialogue. Have someone call them out aloud. Practice speaking your dialogue as well as writing them.
Bellwork: Tuesday, 8/20/13 TSWBAT communicate common greetings and introductions. • Take out your dialogue notes. • Practice Pronunciation. • Group Activity • Create Conversation. • Practice Conversation. • Review/Homework
Greetings: Dialogue 1. Hola.Hello. 2. Buenos días. Good morning. 3. Buenastardes. Good afternoon. 4. Buenasnoches. Good evening, night. 5. ¿ quétal? How's it going? 6. (muy) bien (very) good/fine • (muy) mal (very) bad • Así-así so-so • ¿y tú? And you? (INFORMAL) • ¿y Ud.? And you? (FORMAL) • Gracias. Thanks. • De nada. You’re welcome. • Señor Mr., Sir • Señorita Miss, ma’am • Señora Mrs., ma’am
Greetings, continued 16. Pleased to meet you. Mucho gusto. 17. Where do you live? ¿Donde vive? 18. I live in the United States. Vivo en los estadosunidos. 19. Goodbye.Adiós. 20. See you tomorrow. Hasta mañana. 21. See you later. Hasta luego. 22. How are you? ¿Cómo está Ud? (FORMAL) 23. How are you? ¿Cómoestás? (INFORMAL) 24. What’s your name? ¿Qué es tunombre? (INF.) 25. What’s your name? ¿Qué es tunombre? (FORM.) 26. My name is ___. Minombre es ____.
Greetings, continued 27. Please. Por favor. 28. I’m sorry. Lo siento. 29. I don’t know. No sé. 30. I don’t understand. No comprendo.
Group Activity: Conversation • You will be placed into groups of 3. • You will use your Dialogue notes to create a scenario in which you “meet, greet, and leave” with polite conversation. • All members must write the group dialogue out on a sheet of paper to be kept by each. • You will review the dialogue sheets with your group members. Make sure each of you understand your part in the scenario. Shortened Example Conversation: • Hola, (Student B). Hello, (Student B). • Buenos días, (Student A). Good morning, (Student A). A. ¿Cómoestás? How are you? C. Hola. Minombre es (Student C). Hello. My name is (Student C). • Much gusto. Minombre es (Student A.) Pleased to meet you. My name is (Student A.) Each member of the group must speak at least 6 different times.
Review/Homework: Tuesday, 8/20/13 Study your dialogue notes. Have someone call them out aloud. Practice speaking your dialogue as well as writing them. Review your group dialogue sheet. Be prepared to write only your dialogue on index cards tomorrow. You will practice your group presentations tomorrow. You will present your conversations to the class on Friday. It will be for a grade. You will NOT be able to use your index cards. If you are absent, you will be given an alternate assignment.
Bellwork: Wednesday, 8/21/13 TSWBAT communicate common greetings and introductions. • Take out your group dialogue sheets, dialogue notes, and a pen/pencil. • Review all dialogue. • Group Activity • Write individual dialogue on index cards. • Practice group dialogue. III. Review/Homework
Group Activity • Write your individual dialogue on an index card. You will use this to practice. You will NOT be able to use them on Friday for your presentation. • Practice your dialogue with your group members. I will walk around and help you individually if you need it. • Remember you will present your conversations on FRIDAY, 8/23/13. It will be for a grade.
Review/Homework: Wednesday, 8/21/13 Study your dialogue notes. Have someone call them out aloud. Practice speaking your dialogue as well as writing them. Review your group dialogue sheet and practice speaking your personal dialogue. Be prepared to practice your dialogue with your group members.
Bellwork: Thursday, 8/22/13 TSWBAT communicate common greetings and introductions. • Take out your group dialogue sheets, dialogue notes, and your index cards (individual dialogue). • Review all dialogue. • Group Activity • Practice group dialogue. III. Review/Homework
Group Activity Practice your conversations WITHOUT your index cards. Remember you will present your conversations TOMORROW!! If you are absent, you will be given an alternate assignment.
Review/Homework: Thursday, 8/22/13 Study your dialogue notes. Have someone call them out aloud. Practice speaking your dialogue as well as writing them. Review your group dialogue sheet and practice speaking your personal dialogue. Be prepared to present your conversations to the class TOMORROW. Remember it’s for a grade!
Bellwork: Friday, 8/23/13 TSWBAT communicate common greetings and introductions. • Take out your index cards (individual dialogue for your group presentation). • Group Presentation • Review/Homework
Review/Homework: Friday, 8/23/13 Over the weekend, observe your surroundings for the Spanish language. Check the labels on various food products, cleaning products, etc. at your home. Look at advertisements on TV, in stores, etc. Be prepared for discussion of the Spanish language and its common observance in our society.