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Stage 15

Stage 15. rēx Cogidubnus. alius , alia, aliud. other, another. aqua, aquae , f. water. claudō claudere clausī. To shut, block. commodus , -a, -um. convenient. debeō debēre dēbuī. To owe, ought. effigiēs, effigiēī , f. image, statue. equus , equī , m . horse. etiam. even.

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Stage 15

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Stage 15 rēxCogidubnus

  2. alius, alia, aliud other, another

  3. aqua, aquae, f. water

  4. claudō claudere clausī To shut, block

  5. commodus, -a, -um convenient

  6. debeō debēre dēbuī To owe, ought

  7. effigiēs, effigiēī, f. image, statue

  8. equus, equī, m. horse

  9. etiam even ADVERB

  10. fractus, -a, -um broken

  11. impediō impedīre impedīvī To delay, hinder

  12. lectus, lectī, m. couch

  13. lentē slowly ADVERB

  14. mare, maris, n. sea

  15. miser, misera, miserum miserable, wretched

  16. nauta, nautae, m. sailor

  17. plaustrum, plaustrī, n. wagon, cart

  18. praesum praeesse praefuī + DAT. To be in charge of

  19. prīnceps, prīncipis, m. chief, chieftain

  20. quī quae quod who, which RELATIVE PRONOUN

  21. redeō redīre rediī To return, go back

  22. sacerdōs, sacerdotis, m. priest

  23. saxum, saxī, n. rock

  24. teneō tenēre tenuī To hold

  25. unda, undae, f. wave

  26. vincō vincere vīcī To win

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