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Digital Transformation Checklist for your Business

Digital transformation is the reinvention of an organization through the use of digital technology, to optimize the way of working of the company and its employees. Organizations must update and implement new technologies, tools, and platforms that are increasingly necessary for business life.

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Digital Transformation Checklist for your Business

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  2. The term ‘Industry 4.0’ refers to the fourth industrial revolution, driven by Digital Transformation, and signifies a qualitative leap in the organization, management, and working within the distinct industrial spheres. The transition of people to interact with their environment is evident which has tremendously changed, encouraged by the technological revolution that is all about automation and data exchange derived from:

  3. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE NANOTECHNOLOGY  INTERNET OF THINGS CLOUD COMPUTING ROBOTICS MACHINE-TO-MACHINE COMMUNICATION The technologies named might be less in words but the potential and power they possess in un comparable with their evolving subsets and descendants (like machine learning, AR/VR, IOE, etc.).

  4. What is Digital Transformation? The introduction of digital technologies in the industry allows the hybridization between the physical world and the digital world, making it possible to link the physical world (devices, materials, products, machinery, and facilities) to the digital world (automated systems). This connection enables devices and systems to collaborate with each other and with other systems to create a smart tech world full of machine intelligence and further envisioned to go beyond the current revolution.

  5. Although most companies have already developed models based on new technologies in certain critical areas such as marketing, sales, or IT, there is still a long way to go that affects different fields. In effect, the analysis of the return on investment in digitization is still too linked to the areas of marketing and sales, but companies do not see the importance of the people in the organization in this process or the potential of digital transformation.

  6. Why Does Digital Transformation Matter? Industry 4.0 transcends various sectors of society due to the fact that it modifies the way in which day-to-day activities are carried out and has a significant impact on ecosystems since it allows interactions at each point of the network. Unlike the 3rd Industrial revolution in which the turning point was the incorporation of PLCs or Automata, Robotics, and Supervision Systems, for Industrial Automation, in this New Industrial Revolution, the new actors are incorporated into all these existing Systems creating a Global Intelligent System.

  7. Digital Transformations Across Industries With revolutions, improvements, and modifications in technology, operations, processes, workflows, digital transformation is here to impact our business strategies as well, in the way we monetize our value proposition.  With digitization and access to data, we can make decisions, sell and enter in a completely different way than we have done until now. In this sense, we will focus our decision-making on artificial intelligence since we will be able to decide based on patterns generated by algorithms that will define future scenarios, thus passing from intuition to information and knowledge.

  8. Digitization, of society in general and of industry, represents both an opportunity and a challenge for all business industries.  These challenges may come from the hyper connected client, with great access to information and that is increasingly demanding from companies, or from the necessary adaptation of the industry to new technologies. The digital transformation of the industry involves the application of a set of technologies throughout the value chain of the industry. These changes generate benefits both at the process, product, and business model levels.

  9. #Process: The digital transformation applied to processes involves incorporating 4.0 technologies to make them more efficient and flexible, either by optimizing existing ones or changing them. #Product: The digitization of the products of the industry can suppose the incorporation of technology to the existing ones, thus improving its functionalities, or allowing the appearance of new ones.An example that illustrates this is the automobile and its evolution towards integration with electronics and digital components, which in new developments already represents 45% of the value of the product.

  10. #Business Model: Industry 4.0 and its technologies also enable the emergence of new business models, by changing the way a product or service is made available to customers. The digital transformation allows, for example, to incorporate sensors to vehicles, enabling a new business model that consists of renting cars by the hour (‘car sharing’). Overall, the application of digital technologies guarantees greater efficiency, greater flexibility and shorter deadlines (shortening the customer’s waiting time to obtain their purchase).

  11. Digital Transformation Benefits for Organizations We must also be aware that the impact of the digital transformation is accompanied by a series of benefits for the organization, thus improving internal performance and the relationship with customers. Here are some of them:

  12. #Improves worker satisfaction Thanks to digital transformation, employees become more productive and their operational efficiency also increases. #Improves the customer experience Digitizing some company processes increases customer retention levels. In addition, digital channels allow you to interact with your customers in an easier and more dynamic way.

  13. #IT cost savings The implementation of Cloud Computing services and digital transformation are relevant aspects for reducing economic costs. #Increase in productivity Decision making becomes easier and more agile with the help of digital tools. In addition, these tools add value: how can you evaluate your processes, analyze decision making, etc.

  14. #New business opportunities  Transformation and innovation go together. Technology provides new skills and new business processes that favor innovation and the impulse of ideas. Therefore, the digital transformation must be a progressive but constant process at the same time. Companies cannot postpone their digital transformation any longer if they want to continue competing in a changing and increasingly demanding market.

  15. Digital Age Calling… Digital transformation is the reinvention of an organization through the use of digital technology, to optimize the way of working of the company and its employees. Organizations must update and implement new technologies, tools, and platforms that are increasingly necessary for business life.  Without this adaptability, companies can fall into obsolescence. The mere use of technology is not enough to take the step towards digital transformation. You have to raise awareness and train the entire team so that they get the most out of digital tools in their day to day.

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