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ENGR 2720 Chapter 10

ENGR 2720 Chapter 10. State Machine Design. State Machine Definitions. State Machine: A synchronous sequential circuit consisting of a sequential logic section and a combinational logic section.

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ENGR 2720 Chapter 10

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  1. ENGR 2720 Chapter 10 State Machine Design

  2. State Machine Definitions • State Machine: A synchronous sequential circuit consisting of a sequential logic section and a combinational logic section. • The outputs and internal flip flops (FF) progress through a predictable sequence of states in response to a clock and other control inputs.

  3. State Machine Basics • State Variable: The variable held in the SM (FF) that determines its present state. • A basic Finite State Machine(FSM) has a memory section that holds the present state of the machine (stored in FF) and a control section that controls the next state of the machine (by clocks, inputs, and present state).

  4. Moore-Type State Machine Moore Machine: A FSM whose outputs are determined only by the Sequential Logic (FF) of the FSM.

  5. Mealy-Type State Machine Mealy Machine: An FSM whose outputs are determined by both the sequential logic and combinational logic of the FSM

  6. Classical Design Approach(Moore-Type) • Define the actual problem. • Draw a state diagram (bubble) to implement the problem. • Make a state table. Define all present states and inputs in a binary sequence. Then define the next states and outputs from the state diagram. • Use FF excitation tables to determine in what states the FF inputs must be to cause a present state to next state transition. • Find the output values for each present state/input combination. • Simplify Boolean logic for each FF input and output equations and design logic.

  7. Moore State Machine Example • Define the problem: Design a counter whose output progress is a 4-bit Gray code sequence. A Gray Code is a binary code that progresses such that only one bit changes between two successive codes.

  8. How to build a 4-bit Gray Code Table

  9. 4-bit Gray Code Table

  10. State Machine Example 2. Draw a State Diagram

  11. State Machine Example 3. Make a State Table

  12. State Machine Example • Use Flip-flop excitation tables to determine at what state the flip-flop synchronous input must be to make the circuit go from each state to its next state. • This is not necessary if we use “D flip-flops”, since output Q follows input D. The D inputs are the same as next state outputs. • For JK or T flip-flops, we would follow the same procedure as for a synchronous counters as outlined in Chapter 9

  13. State Machine Example 5. Simply the Boolean expression for each synchronous input

  14. State Machine Example 6. Draw the logic circuit for the state machine

  15. FSM with Control Inputs(Mealy-Type) • Same design approach used for FSM such as counters. • Uses the control inputs and clock to control the sequencing from state to state. • Inputs can also cause output changes not just FF outputs.

  16. FSM with Control Inputs

  17. SM Diagram Notation • Bubbles contain the state name and value (State Name/Value), such as Start/0. • Transitions between states are designated with arrows from one bubble to another. • Each transition has an ordered Input/Output, such as in1/out1, out2.

  18. SM Diagram Notation • For example, if SM is at State = Start and if in1 = 0, it then transitions to State = Continue and out1 = 1, out2 = 0. • The arrow is drawn from start bubble to continue bubble. • On the arrow the value 0/10 is given to represent the in1/out1,out2.

  19. Analyzing the State Diagram • There are two sates called start and continue. • The machine begins in the start state waits for a Low in1. As long as in1 is High, the machine waits and out1 and out2 are both Low. • When in1 goes Low, the machine makes a transition to continue in one clock pulse. Output out1 goes High. • On the next clock pulse, the machine goes back to start. Output out2 goes High and out1 goes back Low. • If in1 is High, the machine waits for a new Low on in1. Both outs are Low again. If in1 goes Low. The cycle repeats.

  20. SM Design

  21. SM Design

  22. SM Design

  23. SM Design

  24. SM Design

  25. SM Design

  26. Unused States • Some modulus counters, such as MOD-10, have states that are not used in the counter sequence. • The MOD-10 Counter would have 6 unused states (1010, 1011….1111) based on 4-bits.

  27. Unused States • An FSM can also have unused states, such as an SM, with only 5 bubbles in the state diagram (5-states). This FSM still requires 3 bits to represent these states so there will be 3 unused states. • These unused states can be treated as don’t cares (X) or assigned to a specific initial state.

  28. Unused States

  29. State Diagram

  30. State Table

  31. State Table

  32. State Table

  33. State Table

  34. State Table

  35. State Table

  36. State Table

  37. State Table

  38. State Table

  39. State Table

  40. State Table

  41. State Table

  42. State Table

  43. State Table

  44. K-Maps

  45. Simplified Equations

  46. Circuit

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