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CHRISTIANITY. RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD. INTRODUCTION. Founded in the Middle East Rooted in Judaism Jesus is the founder, a Jew by birth Many different denominations. THE CHURCH. Church Can refer to the community of Christians or to an actual meeting place. International fellowship

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  2. INTRODUCTION • Founded in the Middle East • Rooted in Judaism • Jesus is the founder, a Jew by birth • Many different denominations

  3. THE CHURCH • Church • Can refer to the community of Christians or to an actual meeting place. • International fellowship • What happens at church? • Are different ways or styles of worship?

  4. COMMUNITY • Ministers, Priests, Clergy • Laity, members • Monks and Nuns

  5. BAPTISM • Two main forms • Infant • adult

  6. SACRED WRITINGSThe Bible • Old Testament • 39 Books • Written in Hebrew • Both were written over a 1000 year perido • New Testament • 27 Books • Written in Greek

  7. KEY FIGURES • Jesus Christ, founder and focal point • Abraham, Moses, David • Peter, Paul, John • Deborah, Mary, Mary(Mother of Jesus)

  8. COMMUNION • Has many different references • Eucharist • Communion • Mass • Celebration of Jesus death, burial and resurrection • Forgiveness of sins • Bread represents the body • Wine (Juice) represents the blood

  9. LENT, STAINED GLASS • 40 days leading up to Easter • Celebrates time Jesus was tempted in the desert (Matthew 4:1-11) • Stained glass-symbols of the church, that usually tell a story.

  10. ARTEFACTS AND ICONS • Rosary Beads • Stations of the Cross • Jesus, Mary • Saints

  11. LAY ASPECTS • Groups that help or do charity work. • Salvation Army, founded by William Booth • Modern, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King

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