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From wimp and silk to smile

From wimp and silk to smile. Exploring emerging interaction technologies. Today’s topics. Understanding the rapid change of technology Engaging in the Jurassic Park Test Exploring some of the many new (=current) ways to interact with technology. The world changes fast.

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From wimp and silk to smile

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  1. From wimp and silk to smile Exploring emerging interaction technologies

  2. Today’s topics • Understanding the rapid change of technology • Engaging in the Jurassic Park Test • Exploring some of the many new (=current) ways to interact with technology

  3. The world changes fast • Creative destruction (Schumpeter) • One economic development arises out of the destruction of an older • This goes for technology too • How many buy music? (CDs) • How many rent a video? (in a store) • We are moving from “hardware” (CD) to “software” (iTunes) to “services” (Spotify for music, Netflix for movies) • My first USB 2.0 memory stick was 128 MB • You can barely store more than the sound of “air” in good quality there

  4. The web changes fast • From being • World Wide Web • You sit by a home computer/laptop and browse web pages, using your keyboard and a mouse – or through your mobile • …we now have • A Web-Wired World • Where you always are connected • Where you interact in many new ways • Where you (and your phone) constantly transmit information • Fine, there are changes… • How can we exploit then for building better/more modern systems?

  5. Before we SMILE • Let us have a look at some technology changes • From “fatscreen” to “flatscreen” (change h/w <-> h/w) • From “local storage” to “cloud storage” (change h/w <-> service) • From “applications” (office, email) to “services (s/w <-> services) • Office 365, Google Docs, Dropbox • Changes come fast, and old technology is forgotten • READY TO DO THE JURASSIC PARK TEST?

  6. Jurassic Park test • Whichofyouknowwhathappenswhenpressingthis? • Whichofyouknowwhatthis symbol represents? • Thoseofyouwithyour hands up, kindly pick upyour SENIOR CITIZEN CARD whenyouleavethisroom... • ”John”, 13 ”...and thenyouhavethis symbol for saving. I don’treallyknowwhat it is but it is sort ofsquare, with a somewhat biggerwhite area in the upperhalf...”

  7. Morepredictions • Rememberthis! • (Dialogue in 15 years) • Daddy, haveyoueverused a keyboard? • Sure I have! • Whydidyou do that...? • This is the next generation, afteryou (watchout): • Anna, 2 yearsfinds a glossymagazine. Sheimmediatelytriesto ”change page” by swiping…withoutsuccess. • She hands over the magazinetohermother, witheyessaying ”thisdevice is not working…”

  8. Changes in paradigms • The 1980’s: WIMP • Windows – Icons – Menus – Pointers (or point-and-click) • We have lived by this paradigm for 35 YEARS!!! • The mid 1990’s: SILK (Reddy) • Envisioning what would lie ahead • Speech – Image – Language – Knowledge • We have, in part, seen S-I-L, but don’t see K (back-end) • Now: we must include all the new ways of interaction which are possible with mobile phones, tablets, consoles • You should start to SMILE

  9. SMILE • In an effort to cover most of the “modern” – and by all means, also traditional – modes of interaction we coined • Speech • Speaking to technology, and be spoken to by it • Movement • Mouse…ok, now swiping but also hands (gestures) • Image • Not only “photos”: “live” avatars, QR codes, face recognition • Language • Translations, and also “emotional” language • Environment • You, and your devices, interact…constantly

  10. SPEECH • Speech recognition: speaktoyourphone (SIRI;not very new) • Speech generation: TTS – text to speech – unitsspeaktoyou • Emotions arealso a language (MIT – Kismet – 1997) • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KRZX5KL4fA • WAMI – speakto the Internet • http://groups.csail.mit.edu/sls/research/vehicle.shtml • Kinect – SpeechRecognitionEngine • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lePgTpjRto • Experiments (Spring 2013): Stroopeffect (WAMI och Kinect) • Classic psychology experiment: say the COLOR of the TEXT • BLACK BLUERED BLUE RED GREEN BLACK BLUE BLUE BLACK

  11. Motion/movement • Catch movements in 2D, 3D • Move a mouse pointer, swipe a tablet • New waystocommunicate (mostly 3D) • Sensor fixed, objectmoving (Kinect) • Sensor moving, objectfixed (”scanning”, e.g. with Kinect) • Major movements (as GPS in mobile) is dealtwith later • Experiments (2013) • Connect the dots • Kinect Fusion

  12. Image • Basicly: image analysis (detectpatterns) • Image filtering (blue-screen) • Combinewith scanning (interpret ”the surrounding”) • Beyond ”flat” image: 3D/holograms, as here (but not really…) • DVE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wl9og1O3onQ • Miku Hatsune: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhYaX01NOfA • Experiment (2013/14) • ”The fakepostcard”

  13. Language • Audio analysis • As speech, but for a different purpose • Also covers intonation and ”bodylanguage” • http://www.nextup.com/acapela.html • Tomorrow’s Google translate • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFL0_LsZiYQ • For all youprogrammers: Google API (set language/text) • http://translate.google.com/translate_tts?tl=en&q=hello+computer+experts • Experiments (2013/2014) • ”Oh dear” – measurepulse, comfort

  14. Environment • Whichmeans”everythingaroundus...” • In the new WWW weare transponders whichconstantly and withoutrealisingit (?) interactwithoursurrounding • Mobiles/GPS/Geo-location is onlyone, amongmany, exemples • http://www.pathintelligence.com/ • ”Smart” clothes is another • Smartphoneshave geo-location, but not Kinect • ConnectingtoWiFibrings the node’s position Experiment (2013/2014) Live battlegrounds (3-5 meters accuracyindoors, 20 m outdoors) http://www.navizon.com/indoors-solutions http://www.pacmanhattan.com/

  15. WHAT? Not the end? • Beyond SMILE wealsohave AH (as in AH, SMILE!) • Data forms alsochange (morethane.g. audio) • Weareusedtographics, sounds, printouts • A as in ARTIFACT (”things”) • 3D printers are as lowpriced as 400 EUR (and up) • http://www.creativetools.se/hardvara/3d-skrivare?sort=p.price&order=ASC • Areyoucold my son? Letme print you a sweater... • Wehavebeendating for threemonths. I printedtheseflowerstoyoubuttheyhadto be blue; I ranoutof red ink… • H as in HAPTIC (touch) • Anyonewhoremembers FORCE FEEDBACK games? • Mobile phonesthat VIBRATES arealso feedback

  16. Why is this important? • Ask yourselves: • In all the time you spend using the Internet during an average day and night, how much is spent in front of a computer screen (as compared to using mobile phones/tablets)? • So, how do you think “tomorrow’s consumers” (you and younger generations) will interact with the WWW? • Then why concentrate on developing traditional websites?

  17. Class discussion • Form groups of 3-5 students • Discuss a new idea (“mental prototype”) which will build on one or more of the SMILE technologies • Who is if for? • Where and how will it be used? • What is the value for the user? • You have 15 minutes

  18. Summary • New technology is pushing, our demand pulling • WIMP and SILK will still be around, but we (YOU!) must also be ready to AH, SMILE as means for interaction • The WWW is turning into WWW • Many applications will (should) be Mobile first

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