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The Correlation Between Diabetes and Dental Health

Abstract. Diabetes is a disease that has been associated with an increased risk for a number of serious, sometimes life-threatening complications. Some of those risks include, poor dental health. Studies have shown that people with diabetes are more likely to have periodontal disease than people without diabetes, probably because diabetics are more susceptible to contracting infections. This study will show the correlation between diabetes and periodontal disease.[American Academy of Periodon32732

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The Correlation Between Diabetes and Dental Health

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    1. The Correlation Between Diabetes and Dental Health Presented By Stella Njenga & Jessica Bright June 5th, 2009

    2. Abstract Diabetes is a disease that has been associated with an increased risk for a number of serious, sometimes life-threatening complications. Some of those risks include, poor dental health. Studies have shown that people with diabetes are more likely to have periodontal disease than people without diabetes, probably because diabetics are more susceptible to contracting infections. This study will show the correlation between diabetes and periodontal disease. [American Academy of Periodontology]

    3. Who is at risk? Diabetes has a strong prevalence in minority and ethnic groups Native Americans Blacks/ African Americans Hispanics Cubans

    4. What is Diabetes? A condition characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from the body’s inability to use blood glucose for energy. Type 1 Type 2 Gestational Diabetes. Diabetes is a preventable disease National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse (NDIC)

    5. Current Statistics 24 Million individuals have diabetes in USA Increase of 3 million people in 2yrs 57 Million people are estimated to have pre diabetes Decrease in the number of people that did not know they had the disease: 30% -25%

    6. Its Effect on the Body Stroke Oral Health Heart Lungs Stomach Kidneys Reproductive health and Pregnancy

    7. Periodontal Disease Infection of the tissues that support your teeth. Attachment of the tooth and supporting tissues break down. Gum tissue not attached to the teeth as high as it may seem. Very shallow v-shaped crevice called a sulcus between the tooth and gums; develop into a pocket as tissue is damaged. [http://www.ada.org/public/topics/periodontal_diseases.asp]

    8. Classification of Periodontal disease According to the severity of the disease. Two major stages; Gingivitis Periodontitis

    9. Its Relation to Diabetes Considered the sixth complication of diabetes More likely to occur in diabetic patients Poorly controlled type 2 diabetics more likely to develop periodontal disease than well-controlled diabetics [Journal of Periodontology]

    10. Further relationship Increase in blood sugar Poorly controlled diabetics respond differently to bacterial plaque at the gum line than well-controlled diabetics and non-diabetics

    11. Reason Elevated serum triglycerides; Poorly controlled diabetics have more harmful proteins (cytokines) in their gingival tissue, causing destructive inflammation of the gums. In turn, beneficial proteins (growth factors) are reduced, interfering with the healing response to infection.

    12. Preventative Measures Keep Blood Glucose under control Brush Often Floss Daily Get Regular Dental Care Diabetes Public Health Resources

    13. The Future Collaboration of Health Care Providers and Communities Further Research

    14. References Gum Disease and Diabetes (2008). American Academy of Periodontology. Oct 24, 2008. Retrieved from http://www.perio.org/consumer/mbc.diabetes.htm Hewitt images. Retrieved on Jun 3rd, 2009 from http://www.nycc.org/photos/04_mallorca/carbs.jpg Javed, et al. (2008). Periodontal conditions and oral symptoms in gutka-chewers with and without type 2 diabetes. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica; 66: 268273. Journal of Periodontology Online. November 1999, Vol. 70, No. 11, Pages 1313-1321. Retrieved on June 2nd, 2009 from http://www.joponline.org/doi/abs/10.1902/jop.1999.70.11.1313

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