The African penguins originate in South Africa and are found in costal habitats. Other habitats include the coastline on Namibia (South Africa) or on small islands. This corresponds with the cold, nutrient rich currents; however some African penguins can adapt to warmer climates. Penguins of this species don’t migrate and have a life span of 20 years. These birds are carnivores because they eat mainly fish (particularly anchovies an sardines), celeopods (squid), and cephalopods. Danger that occur to these penguins are oil spills and global warming which puts them in risk for being endangered. Predators are sharks, cape fur seals, and killer whales. A unique factor about these penguins are that they are able to reduce their heart rate so that they can dive in deep depths in order to get prey. Symbiotic relationships that occur are parasitic ; this is when the penguins straiten and clean its feathers with its beak. Preening and removes all the ticks from the birds feathers. All, in all, we need to protect these animals from being endangered. Did you know that the African penguin is also named the cape penguin and the black-footed penguin? African Penguin
http://www.biologicaldiversity.org/species/birds/penguins/African_penguin.htmlhttp://www.biologicaldiversity.org/species/birds/penguins/African_penguin.html • http://www.theanimalfiles.com/birds/penguins/african_penguin.html • http://www.penguins.cl/african-penguins.htm • http://www.penguinworld.com/types/african.html • http://www.aza.org/Education/KidsAndFamilies/detail.aspx?id=14431 • http://marinebio.org/species.asp?id=646 Sources (African Penguins)
The kangaroo is a marsupial that is native to Australia and the island of New Guinea. These marsupials live in biomes such as deserts, dry forests, and grasslands. Kangaroos are omnivores because not only do they eat grass, seeds, and flowers; they eat insects too. Defenses that these animals have are their long, flat feet. This is how the kangaroo is able to jump so high and to run from danger. Natural predators are dingos' and humans. Humans are predators mainly because of hunting for sport, meat, and fur. This is why their conservation status is threatened. Symbiotic relationships that the kangaroo has is mutual to bees; the bees pollinate plants that the kangaroo eats. Also, while doing this, the bees can make the honey by the pollen. Did you know that kangaroos can swim by kicking their hind legs in water? Kangaroos
http://a-z-animals.com/animals/kangaroo/ • http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081106170707AAH3iQL • http://www.outback-australia-travel-secrets.com/kangaroo-facts.html Sources (kangaroo)
Elephant are found in west and central Africa and in some parts of Asia. These parts consists of the savannah and dense rain forests; also found in zones of the savannah in 37 countries; south of the Sahara. They have a herbivorous diet that consists of grasses, bark, leaves, bamboo, and roots. Also they’re known to eat crops such as bananas and sugarcane. Natural predators are poachers, lions, and hyenas. Poachers and habitat loss are the main reasons why they are on the list for endangered species. Special defenses that the elephants has are its long tusks to tear down trees or to fight. Symbiotic relationships that the elephant has is between birds, and many other animals. Birds ride on the back of elephants and eat the bugs and ticks. This is an advantage to the bids because they get a free ride and a meal. This is also an advantage to the elephant because their able to get the bugs and ticks off of them. Therefore, it’s a mutual relationship. We must protect these animals from being endangered, there so important to the ecosystems for other animals. Do you know that the elephant show emotion for grief, joy, anger, and playful? Elephants
http://elephant.elehost.com/About_Elephants/about_elephants.htmhttp://elephant.elehost.com/About_Elephants/about_elephants.htm • http://www.defenders.org/elephant/basic-facts • http://www.outtoafrica.nl/animals/engelephant.html • http://animals.about.com/od/elephants/p/african-elephant.htm Sources (elephant)
Lions come in second to the most powerful, strongest, and largest cats in the world; and are found in sub-Saharan Africa. However years ago they lived all over Africa and some parts of Asia and Europe. Habitats they can be found in are open woodland, grassland, and heavy bush areas. Natural predators that these large felines have are humans, hyenas, giraffes, and elephants. Humans cause a large effect on lions because of habitat loss and hunting. Diets that lions have are carnivorous and consists of gazelle, zebra, warthogs, and antelope. Larger prey are caught by lionesses working in teams; these animals include buffalo, wildebeest, and giraffes. Symbiotic relationship includes predation as a result of a predator and prey relationship. Defenses that lions have are their sharp claws and large teeth which they use for fighting and defending themselves. Did you know that the lion can go for 4 - 5 days without water? Lion Lions claws can easily retract in sheaths to prevent them from being dull.
http://www.outtoafrica.nl/animals/englion.html • http://a-z-animals.com/animals/lion/ • http://www.bio.miami.edu/ecosummer/lectures/lec_symbiosis.html • http://www.zsl.org/zsl-whipsnade-zoo/exhibits/lions-of-the-serengeti/african-lion-facts,640,AR.html Sources (lion)
The Peregrine falcon mostly live in tundra and coastal habitats. Also in different sub-tropical and tropical habitats. Terrestrial biomes include tundra, taiga, desert/dune, savanna, grassland, chaparral, forest, scrub forest, and in the mountains. Other habitats include urban areas because of the tall buildings are suitable for nesting sites and for the abundance of pigeons. Predators include great horned owls, eagles, gyrfalcons, and other peregrines. Other predators include humans because some have been known to take eggs to raise the falcons for hunting purposes. The diets that these falcons have are carnivorous because they normally eat shorebirds, ptarman, ducks, grebes, gulls, storm petrels, pigeons, and songbirds. Special characteristics that these falcons have are flying to a very high speed. There able to keep speed up to 24 to 33mph when cruising and able to increase speed to 67 mph when hunting. Symbiotic relationships that include the peregrine are parasitic and communalistic. Parasitic relationships includes tapeworms that gets nutrients from eating digested food that passes through the falcon’s digestive system. This can result in molting. Did you know that the peregrine falcon can fly up to a speed to 238mph? Peregrine Falcon
http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/peregrine_falcon/id • http://www.nps.gov/cuva/peregrine-falcons.htm • http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/Falco_peregrinus/ • http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/eco/taxalab/2005/falcop/falcop.htm • http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/animals/creaturefeature/peregrine-falcon/ • http://apesperegrinefalcon.weebly.com/1/post/2012/11/blog-one.html Sources (Peregrine Falcon)
California Sea lions live in a oceanic biome; specifically facing west along the rocky Pacific Ocean coastline. They’re also found near Ecuador's Galapagos islands. Natural predators that these sea lions have are killer whales, sharks and humans. These carnivores eat mainly fish, squid, and octopus; however, they’re not picky about what they eat as a result of their size. Which has to do with how much they eat over a course of a day. Some of these foods include herring, hake, squid, octopus, rock fish, smelt, and lampreys. Likewise to the Cape Penguin, the California sea lion slows its heart rate so it can remain underwater. This only lasts for 10 minutes, before coming to the surface to breathe. That ability gives them the advantage to search for fish, squid, and shellfish; that is there basic diet. Symbiotic relationships include parasitism. As a result of catching over large schools of fish, other animals and sea lions will join in. Eventually it will become a feeding frenzy, which leads to social parasitism. This relationship is similar to different species of dolphins. Do you know that the California Sea Lion hunt constantly hunt up to 30 hours with each dive lasting for 3 to 5 minutes? California Sea Lions
http://www.sealion-world.com/california-sea-lion.html • http://www.seaworld.org/animal-info/animal-bytes/animalia/eumetazoa/coelomates/deuterostomes/chordata/craniata/mammalia/pinnipedia/california-sea-lion.htm • http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/california-sea-lion/ • http://www.marinemammalcenter.org/education/marine-mammal-information/pinnipeds/california-sea-lion/?gclid=CPSKrq25z7YCFYZlOgodo1sAxA • Book: The Pinnipeds: Seals, Sea Lions and Walruses By Marianne Riedman (pg.168) • http://books.google.com/books?id=McNEUgU8Q58C&pg=PA168&lpg=PA168&dq=california+sea+lion+symbiotic+relationships&source=bl&ots=ho1yxQq_nQ&sig=FqcRKhxNBROg5xerjf90dCX6ei0&hl=en&sa=X&ei=pLduUZjOD-bl4APL9YDYCg&ved=0CDUQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=california%20sea%20lion%20symbiotic%20relationships&f=false Sources (CA Sea Lion)
There are three species of zebra, including the plains, mountain, and Gravy's. Plain zebras live in a savanna biome; from treeless grasslands to open woodlands. Whereas the Gravy's zebra mainly live in the northern parts of Kenya. In addition to Gravy's zebra; mountain zebras however, live in southwestern Africa. The diets of zebras are known to be herbivorous, because they eat many grasses. They’re also known to eat shrubs, herbs, twigs, leaves, and bark. Natural predators include lions, hyenas, hunting dogs, leopards and cheetahs. Threats that face zebras are habitat loss as a result of farming and ranching. Competing for water with livestock is another big factor. Also, zebras are hunted because of their skins. Special characteristics about zebras are their stripes. At a first glance zebras in a herd look very similar; however each zebras stripe pattern is very unique. It puts you in the idea of fingerprints. Symbiotic relationships are mutual between ostriches and zebras. This is a result of zebras having poor eyesight and ostriches having poor hearing. They communicate by warning each other from danger from lions. Do you know that scientists can identify zebras by comparing their patterns, stripes, widths, colors and scars? Zebra
http://www.outtoafrica.nl/animals/engzebra.html • http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/zebra/ • http://animalsymbiosis.weebly.com/zebra-and-ostrich.html Sources (zebra)
A long time ago in the savanna, there lived a group of zebras. All of the zebras have black and white stripes – except one, that was polka – dotted. In his heard he was an outcast, and was treated differently. “You’re not a zebra!” the others would say. This continued day after day, with the other zebras making fun of him. Until one day, when the polka- dotted zebra was walking by, and heard a lion. Faster than lightning, the zebra dashed so that the lion can’t eat him. “Stop! Stop!” said the lion as he ran after him, “I don’t want to eat you!” However the zebra couldn’t run any longer, and tripped. “I don’t want to eat you!” said the lion as he halted to a stop. “Every time I come around, someone always say “Ahhhh! A Lion!!!!!” continued the lion. “It’s like everyone judges you before you get to say – hey, why are you polka-dotted?” “I don’t know”, said the zebra. “I’m just like this, go ahead and laugh if you want!” At first the lion laughed, but then he began to understand the zebra’s feelings. “Well...” the lion began, “What’s so bad about being polka-dotted?” “You stand out more than the other zebras”. The zebra thought about this and said, “You’re right! It’s okay that I’m different”. “You see!” said the lion. “Be yourself”. “Thanks!” said the zebra. When the zebra went back to its herd, some zebras began to laugh. However the polka - dotted zebra ignored them. A few days later the other zebras forgot about it, and the polka – dotted zebra was never made fun of again. Weeks later, other zebras began to notice their differences in their stripes; such as size, colors, and even shapes! This is how zebras began to realize that everyone was different. The Polka-Dotted Zebra
The jaguar is third of the world’s most biggest cats behind the lion and tiger. Also known for its immeasurable power and agility. This cat can be found in Central and South America; habitats are found in the rainforest biome, swamp, and floodplains. These cats have a carnivorous diet of deer, capybara, peccaries and tapirs. All of these medium animals make up most of the jaguar's diet. They also prey on animals in the water; including turtles, fish, and small caiman. As a result of settlements growing, farmers blame them for stealing their livestock. Natural predators of the jaguar are humans because of hunting for their fur, habitat loss and deforestation as a result of agriculture. As a result, their numbers are declining. Special characteristics of these cats are their rosetted spot pattern on their fur. The jaguar is an animal that is solitary, however it does have a predation relationship because it’s the dominate predator in its habitat. Do you know that the jaguar’s fur can be in the colors of brown, black, and white? Jaguar
http://a-z-animals.com/animals/jaguar/ • http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/jaguar/ • http://www.rainforest-path.com/relationships.html Sources (Jaguar)
Mountain gorillas are a species of gorilla that’s the most endangered. They’re only 820 of them in 3 remaining countries in Central Africa: Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda. Biomes that mountain gorillas inhabit are tropical forest. Diets are mainly omnivorous, however, they mainly eat leaves, shoots, and stems. They also eat flowers, fruit, ants, snails, and grubs. Natural predators are leopards, crocodiles, and humans. Special characteristics about gorillas is that their eyes are positioned forward rather than on the side. This provides a binocular vision, which leads to each eye’s field of vision to lap over the other. As a result, it creates a three-dimensional image, and it helps them to move around their complex environment. Symbiotic relationships include parasitism. This is because of gorillas can die from the common cold. We need to protect gorillas front habitat loss, poaching, and disease. Do you know that mountain gorillas have learned how to do sign language? Mountain Gorillas
http://www.defenders.org/gorilla/basic-facts • http://worldwildlife.org/species/mountain-gorilla • http://www.outtoafrica.nl/animals/enggorilla.html Sources (Gorillas)
The orangutan can be found in tropical forest biomes and can be found in Sumatra and Borneo. Orangutan’s diets are omnivorous, however still consists of a lot of fruits. Other food include leaves, nuts, bark, insects, and sometimes meat. Natural predators include tigers , other big cats, pythons, and humans. Special adaptions are their dark eyes. This protects the orangutan's eyes from sunlight. Their black eyes absorb sunlight before the UV light can damage and penetrate to the back of the eyes. Orangutan’s are mainly solitary animals that live on their own. Young leave their mothers typically in 6 to 7 years. However orangutans are becoming endanger because of deforestation and hunting. This is why we need to do all we can to protect them. Orangutan Do you know that the Malay word for orangutan means “person of the forest” ?
http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/orangutan/http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/orangutan/ • http://www.seaworld.org/animal-info/info-books/orangutan/diet.htm • http://www.orangutan.com/orangutans/orangutan-facts/ • http://www.orangutan-world.com/orangutan-predators.html Sources (Orangutan)
Camels are found in hot dessert biomes in Northern Africa and in the Middle East. They can also be found in the center of Australia and Asia. Thorny; salty plants, grass, and grain is the herbivorous diet that the camel has. Natural predators are lions, leopards, and humans. Instead of circle-shaped red blood cells, camel’s red blood cells are shaped like an oval. This helps the blood to flow even though the animals gets dehydrated. As a result; the blood thickens. Symbiotic relationships include parasitism because of ticks that are in the fur and it doesn’t benefit the camel. Do you know that the camel can survive up to 10 months without any water? Camel Camels are known as ships of the desert.
http://a-z-animals.com/animals/camel/ • http://www.environmentalgraffiti.com/news-expressive-faces-camels?image=2 Sources (Camel)
The tarantula is found in south America. Biomes that their typically found in are tropical and subtropical regions. This spider is a carnivore eats insects, frogs, toads, and mice. Natural predators are parasitic pepsis wasps . Tarantulas don’t catch their prey by using a web. Instead they use a trip wire. This signals an alert when something is near its burrow. Symbiotic relationships that tarantulas have are with some species of frog. This is known to be a communalistic or mutual relationship. Do you know that the tarantula is about the size of a teacup? Tarantula If the tarantula have a large meal, it won’t have to eat for a month.
https://journals.tulane.edu/index.php/TSZB/article/view/3 • http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/bugs/tarantula/ • http://scienceblogs.com/tetrapodzoology/2009/07/03/tiny-frogs-and-giant-spiders/ Sources (tarantula)
The red eye tree frog is found in southern Mexico, Central America, and northern South America. Biomes that these frogs are fond in are in the tropical lowlands. Diets are carnivorous, because they eat crickets, flies, and moths. Natural predators are bats, snakes, and birds. Special characteristics are the tree frog’s bright, red eyes. They are used to scare off predators. Symbiotic relationships are mutualistic of communalistic. This is a result of the red eye tree frogs spending most of the time in the trees. However they are at risk for being endangered because of deforestation. Do you know that the red-eyed tree frog can grow from 4 to 7 cm? Red Eyed Tree Frog
http://allaboutfrogs.org/info/species/redeye.html • http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/amphibians/red-eyed-tree-frog/ • http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/amphibians/redeyedtreefrog.shtml • http://www.squidoo.com/red-eyed-tree-frog-facts Sources (Red Eyed Tree Frog)