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Alec Calhoun, Eric Eiermann, Patrick Neely, Brett Burleigh Group 5

__ ____ __. Alec Calhoun, Eric Eiermann, Patrick Neely, Brett Burleigh Group 5. Introduction. Let’s Make Green Power More Practical Hurricane / Natural Disasters Emergency Power Portable Power / Remote Power Ultimately: Ease of Use to bring Green Power to the masses!.

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Alec Calhoun, Eric Eiermann, Patrick Neely, Brett Burleigh Group 5

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  1. __ ____ __ Alec Calhoun, Eric Eiermann, Patrick Neely, Brett Burleigh Group 5

  2. Introduction • Let’s Make Green Power More Practical • Hurricane / Natural Disasters • Emergency Power • Portable Power / Remote Power • Ultimately: • Ease of Use to bring Green Power to the masses!

  3. Project Overview

  4. Goals / Objectives • Flexibility / Portability: • Multiple Input Types, Multiple Output Types • Inputs are interchangeable • Portability for Remote Power applications • Familiarity: • Common interfaces that the public has seen before • Provide the most commonly used output voltages • Efficiency: • Small amounts of power being generated • Indication to user. Not efficient to keep charging a full battery.

  5. Critical Specifications • Store a total of 100Ah of energy that may come from 1, 2, or 3 12V DC power generation devices at any one time • 12V DC, 5A output receptacle • 120V AC, 60Hz, 5A output receptacle • The Green Box shall be less than 60 cubic feet in size, and weigh less than 170 lbs • Wheels and handles shall be incorporated

  6. Power Generation Devices • Solar, Wind and Human Power • Interchangeable • User selects desired method(s) of power generation • Adaptable for various locations, climates and seasons • Portable • Lightweight • Small footprint

  7. Solar Panel Model: SUN-100 (M) • Advantages: • Monocrystalline Silicon construction • Size (L x W x D): 42-1/2” x 31-3/8” x 1-3/8” • Weight: 30 lbs. • Cost: $2.78 per Watt • Image courtesy of Sunelec.com

  8. Solar Panel Model: SUN-100 (M) • Electrical Characteristics: • VOC = 23.60 V • ISC = 6.30 A • VMP = 18.10 V • IMP = 5.53 A • 100 Watts of Maximum Power

  9. Wind Turbine Southwest Windpower Air-X Turbine • Advantages • Size (L x W x H): 27” x 15” x 9” • Weight: 17 lbs. • Durability: 110 mph survival wind speed • Fully Integrated Regulator Included • Provides automatic shutdown when battery is fully charged • Image courtesy of • SunForceProducts.com

  10. Wind Turbine Southwest Windpower Air-X Turbine • Electrical Characteristics • 12 VDC output • 8 mph start-up wind speed • Rated for 400 watts at 28 mph

  11. Human Power AMETEK PMDC Motor • Advantages: • Low RPM for desired voltage • Weight: 7 lbs. • Cost: $170 Human Power Mechanism • Fabricated from an old bicycle • Final build to be compact and portable

  12. Human Power AMETEK PMDC Motor • Electrical Characteristics: • Rated for 38 V at 1100 rpm • 14.5 V at approximately 420 rpm* • Current rating: 12 Amps (*)Note: rpmnew = Vdesired * rpmrated/Vrated

  13. Input Testing • Testing of each input to be performed using a digital multimeter • Testing to be performed on site • Voltage and current • Inputs to then be used as part of testing plan for the charging system

  14. Battery • Power Storage Requirements • Store all the power generated in a single day • Full Charge & Discharge Cycle = Maximum Efficiency • Able to be charged quickly • To harness all available power • Need to calculate the size of battery • Reduce cost • Maximize Efficiency

  15. Battery • Maximum Power Production • Realistic/Average Power Production

  16. Battery • Depth of Discharge • 50% a common standard to extend battery life • 1500 Watts / 12 Volts • = 125 Amps for battery • Lead Acid Batteries store a great • deal of energy, but which one?

  17. Lead Acid • 3 Types of Lead Acid Batteries • Starting • Large Current, but only for Short Duration • Would only last 30 days in our application • - Marine • Thicker Plates • Durable, but still inferior • - Deep Cycle • Thickest Plates • Most durable of all Lead Acid Batteries

  18. Deep Cycle • 3 Types of Deep Cycle Batteries • Flooded, “Wet” • Battery Acid / Fumes can escape into consumers home • Cannot be shipped UPS, USPS, and others • - Gel Cell • Heaviest • Most Expensive • - Absorbed Glass Mat • Fast Recharge • Will not spill acid, even if cracked • Slow Self-Discharge Rate • Most popular Choice in Alternative Energy

  19. AGM Battery • Specifications: • Voltage: 12 Volts • Rating: 100 AmpHours • Dimensions: 14 x 10 x 8 inches • Weight: 74 Pounds • Cost (New): $280

  20. Charging • The AGM battery must be charged by a strict algorithm • A sophisticated charge controller must be used • To prevent damage • To prolong life

  21. Charge Controller • Model: Xantrex C-35 • Voltage: 12V or 24V • Max Current: 35 amps • Weight: 2.5 Pounds • Size: 8 x 5 x 2 Inches • Cost: $100 Each (*Need 3) • Features: • Microprocessor Control • Pulse Width Modulation • AGM Compatible • Solar & Load Diversion Modes

  22. Square Wave Inverter • Hard to Find (Basically Obsolete) • Inefficient • 1st Harmonic results in high Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) • Inductive Loads shouldn’t be operated with Square Wave Supply because of Abrupt Changes in waveform. • Can damage load, therefore damaging inverter

  23. Modified Sine Wave Inverter • Next Step in Efficiency • Reduces Total Harmonic Distortion • Clearer Signals from Inverter • Building this type will require more and costlier parts • Still not best choice for desired loads.

  24. Pure Sine Wave Inverter • Produces an Identical output to a Home’s Electrical Output • Can be used with any device or load • Most Complex and costly to build

  25. Inverter • 120V AC, 60Hz, 5A Inverter • 2 HEX Inverters • 4 Resistors • 1 Variable Resistor (Set to 1.24kΩ) • 1 NPN Transistor • 1 P-Channel MOSFET • 1 N-Channel MOSFET

  26. Regulator • 12 V Regulator • Up to 5A current • 3 TIP 2599 Power Transistors • 15A Bridge • Capacitors as Filters

  27. Microcontroller • Model: Atmel Atmega168 • -AVR enhanced RISC architecture • -20 MIPS @ 20 MHz • 16 KB Flash Memory • 10,000 Write/Erase Cycles • 23 Programmable I/O lines • 32 8-Bit Registers

  28. Display • Batron 2-Line Alphanumeric LCD • 16 x 2 Character Display • Operating range: 0 -> 50° C • 84mm x 44mm

  29. Budget

  30. Progress To Date Research and Design 90% Parts Acquisition 50% Prototyping and Construction 10% Testing 0% Overall 40%

  31. Schedule for Project Completion

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