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The United States Supreme Court

The United States Supreme Court. Chapter 12 Section 3. A little about it…. Highest Court in the land Last and final court anyone can appeal to Around 6,000/year are appealed to the S.C., but fewer than 150 are chosen for full hearing and review.

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The United States Supreme Court

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  1. The United States Supreme Court Chapter 12 Section 3

  2. A little about it… • Highest Court in the land • Last and final court anyone can appeal to • Around 6,000/year are appealed to the S.C., but fewer than 150 are chosen for full hearing and review. • Generally, the cases it hears pose SIGNIFICANT legal or constitutional questions or are of great public concern.

  3. Power of the Supreme Court • Power to interpret the Constitution. • Judicial Review • This is the courts power to review ANY federal or state law to see if it is in agreement with the Constitution. • This makes the Supreme Court the final Authority on the Constitution and the laws of the United States.

  4. Judicial Review • Not mentioned in the Constitution. • Established in the court case Marbury v. Madison (1803)

  5. Limited Power • Can only interpret the Constitution. • Congress can change laws and adopt amendments that don’t conflict with the Constitution. • Responsibility of the Executive Branch to enforce the laws.

  6. Supreme Court Justices • Made up of 8 associate judges and 1 chief justice. • Sandra Day O’Connor = 1st woman • Thurgood Marshall = 1st African American • Serve for life • Associate justice - $213,900 • Chief Justice - $223,500 • Appointed by the President and Confirmed by the Senate.

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