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INTERNATIONAL GEOGEBRA INSTITUT. Institut Català de GeoGebra. Cambridge may 7-8 2008. Consortium among different educational entities: Department of Education of Catalonia, Universitat Aut ònoma de Barcelona , Associations of teachers…. Institut Català de GeoGebra. Cambridge May 7-8 2008.

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  1. INTERNATIONAL GEOGEBRA INSTITUT Institut Català de GeoGebra Cambridge may 7-8 2008

  2. Consortium among different educational entities: Department of Education of Catalonia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Associations of teachers… Institut Català de GeoGebra Cambridge May 7-8 2008

  3. Institut Català de GeoGebra The goals that the ICG proposes in its fundamental goal, that is to promote the use of the GGB as a tool for the learning in mathematics education, are the following ones:   • Promotion of research projects about the educational use of the GGB in different educational levels, follow-up of experiences and divulging of the obtained results. • Creation of didactic materials with the use of the GGB, compilation of existing materials and adaptation of, if it’s necessary, in our educational and linguistic environment.

  4. Institut Català de GeoGebra • Development of a structure with the promotion of courses of training for teachers and certification. • Development of a support structure to the teaching staff with divulging of experiences, of materials and of research through local meetings, lectures, conference and congresses. • Analyses of the GGB design for the proposal of improvements in its running and the increase of its capacities and in the comfort of its use.

  5. Institut Català de GeoGebra Web http://antalya.uab.es/edumat/icg

  6. Institut Català de GeoGebra Formation 2006/07 · Wiris and GeoGebra, two complementary resources ICE de la UPC Teachers: Antoni Gomà i Pep Bujosa. 2007/08 · Matemàtiques and Geogebra (telematic course) Departament d’Educació Teachers : Jaume Bartrolí, Antoni Gomà, Pep Bujosa. Three groups. 90 pupils http://www.xtec.cat/formaciotic/dvdformacio/materials/td55/index.html · Wiris and GeoGebra, two complementary resources ICE de la UPC Teachers: Antoni Gomà Sessions of Geogebra in Postgraduate Course of the UPF:Mathematics in Secundaria. Teacher: Pep Bujosa Sessions of Geogebra in the Official Master of the UAB. Teacher: José Manuel Yábar

  7. Institut Català de GeoGebra Materials

  8. Institut Català del GeoGebra Research Research in Geogebra (Department of Mathematic and Experimental Sciences Didactics / Autonomous University of Barcelona) * INFLUENCIA DEL SGD EN LAS ESTRATEGIAS DE RESOLUCION DE PROBLEMAS DE GEOMETRÍA Nuria Iranzo, Josep M Fortuny (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) * HISTORIA Y NUEVAS TECNOLOGÍAS, DOS ENFOQUES PARA LA ENSEÑANZA Y EL APRENDIZAJE DE LAS MATEMÁTICAS Philippe R. Richard (Université de Montréal), Vicente Meavilla (Universidad de Zaragoza), Josep M. Fortuny * GEOGEBRATUTOR : UNA NOVA APROXIMACIÓ A LA RECERCA SOBRE L'APRENENTATGE COMPETENCIAL I INTERACTIU DE LA GEOMETRIA A NIVELL SECUNDARI ARIE 2007, Eloi Puertas * TRAINING TEACHERS TO MANAGE PROBLEM-SOLVING CLASSES WITH COMPUTER SUPPORT Philippe R. Richard, Pedro Cobo, Josep M. Fortuny, Markus Hohenwarter (Florida Atlantic University)

  9. Institut Català de GeoGebra Meetings • Meeting Geogebra • November 2008 • General conference • Course GGB initial and advanced • Presentation of educational experiences

  10. Institut Català de GeoGebra thank you very much josemanuel.yabar@uab.es

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