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The IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society

The IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society. Overview NPSS Membership Development 2011 Vernon G. Price. NPSS 2011 Conferences. Particle Accelerator Conference----------------------------------PAC Pulsed Power Conference------------------------------------------PPC

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The IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society Overview NPSS Membership Development 2011 Vernon G. Price

  2. NPSS 2011 Conferences Particle Accelerator Conference----------------------------------PAC Pulsed Power Conference------------------------------------------PPC Symposium on Fusion Engineering-----------------------------SOFE International Conference on Plasma Science----------------ICOPS Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference-----------NSREC Nuclear Science Symposium-------------------------------------NSS Medical Imaging Conference-------------------------------------MIC Advancement Nucl Instrument Meas Methods & Apps-- ANIMMA Real Temperature Semiconductor Detectors-----------------RTSD Int Conf Accelerator Lrg Exp Physics Control Sys------ICALEPCS Int Conf Inorganic Scintillators & Applications-------------SCINT Radiation Effects ---------------------------------------------RADECS Beijing Workshop-------------------

  3. NPSS Recruiting Results

  4. Comments on Recruiting Results • Even though 13 conferences were conducted in 2011, the recruiting efforts fell far behind hoped-for results. The end-of-year NPSS population lagged the previous year by 107 individuals or 2.1%. As seen, one conference, PPC, conducted no recruiting at all. • Concerted efforts will be needed to make up for this loss in 2012. • The following ‘Hockey Stick’ plot illustrates the results.

  5. January-February Pre-Arrears • During January and February, those IEEE members who have not renewed, enter the “Pre-Arrears” state. Some have simply over-looked their renewal. • If they do not renew by 28 February, they will be dropped off. • As of this this date some 564 NPSS have failed to renew. The following chart shows the grade distribution of these members. Hopefully, some will recover.


  7. Comparing NPSS to IEEE“Lifers”

  8. IEEE Factoids End of December 2011 • Total Membership ……………………….415,989 • Annual increase………………………..... 2.1% • Society Memberships (at least one)…..49.9% • Five years or less service…………..…....48.5% • Average age regular members…………....46.3 • Average age students members………..…25.5 • Non-US members…………………………...49.8% • Women members…………………………...10.7% • Area with largest IEEE growth………......India

  9. NPSS Conferences 2012

  10. Thank you for your attention. Any Questions? Contact Vernon G. Price v.price@ieee.org

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