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0mu analysis by Chant. O.Sato Jun.2004 @ Rome. Selection for short flight decay. Define a Netscan main vertex (at least one TT match) All stopping tracks at the same plate with main vertex tracks . number of segment > one plate Track validate by chi 2 Confirmed by TTHit Weight
0mu analysis by Chant O.Sato Jun.2004 @ Rome
Selection for short flight decay • Define a Netscan main vertex (at least one TT match) • All stopping tracks at the same plate with main vertex tracks . number of segment > one plate Track validate by chi2 Confirmed by TTHit Weight If one satisfy , Impact Paremater in : 7.2 μm ~100μm Selection Flag=1;
Selection for long flight decay • Define a Netscan main vertex (at least one TT match) • All stopping tracks number of segment > one plate Track validate by chi2 Confirmed by TTHit Weight if one satisfy one of following conditions. [1] Kink vertex was reconstructed (6μm). Parent candidate attached to main vertex (3μm) Parent candidate : 0<nseg<5 plate Selection Flag=2; [2] 2nd vertex was reconstructed (at least one TT match) Selection Flag=3;
Selection for long flight decay • If no main vertex was detected by ECVTXA. • And if at least two Good tracks exist Try to reconstruct a primary vertex and kink vertex. • Good track number of segment > one plate Track validate by chi2 Confirmed by TTHit Weight if one satisfy one of following conditions One good TTHit track should be daughter candidate. Impact Parameter cut of both vertex :6 μm Selection Flag=4;
Event sample All Chant TT based 0mu events . All Chant Tracks Impact parameter to Netscan volume center < 5mm. • For Judgment of Number of Muon in the event Track selection ver-04 Option “Physics Target” for Calo muon Set to 1: Oscillation :Flg_Mu>3 Chi2/ndf<30. Best Spectrometer muon was selected after Impact parameter cut 5mm.
Analysis by Sato-0mu.Chant • Selection was done by • With .. • Data sample :: Map-03-04-15 • Emulsion to TT alignment • Chant track based analysis. • ALL Chant SFT 0mu events Number of Vertex reconstructed. Total=24184 ev (37844 ev processed.)
Vertex@Emulsion Angle2:: measured at SP Angle1:: given by Vertex to SP entrance Sato SPEC muon reconstruction. Pick up all SP muons from SPB bank Angle matching parameterization given by MC
Angular tolerance vertex to SP Angle difference (1)Angle given by Vertex to SP entrance (2)measured in Spectrometer σ= 0.251/P(GeV/c@1ry)+0.0005 (rad) Well described as gaussian for a projection Explained just by scattering in Calo
Track existence check by TT Hit Check TT cluster along the ‘track’ , Then count number of hits TT Hit ‘weight’ (Komatsu routine) Imaginary track:: Vertex to SP Open window 20mrad+500μm
Sato SPEC Muon definition Upgrade Imaginary Muon track was given by connecting Netscan volume center with entrance of Spectrometer where muon reconstructed . [1] Imaginary Muon track should be good consistency with Spectrometer Angle . Chi2/ndf <3.0 (90%CL) 4.61(99%CL) [2] The Imaginary Muon track should be confirmed by TT cluster . Maximum Weight around 30mrad circle TT Hit weight>2.0 .
Search maximum TTHit weight TTHit Pμ(Gev/c)
Conatmination SatoSPB in the data Sample Why ?:: It seems larger SatoSPB contamination for downstream. Event sample reduced 24184 to 19865 by rejecting SatoSPB ev. Surviving Rate =82.1%
Analysis by Sato-0mu.Chant All 0mu events by Chant SFT was re-processed again by New program library (ver-2003-09-02). Totally 781 ev was selected . Manual check was finished ! Sato SPB muon check was done !
Manual Check Result (Sato-0mu.Chant) 781 selected data sets . Event Sample Surviving Rate::19865/24184= 82.1%
For referenceManual Check Result (Sato-0mu.Choral) 802 ev was selected (from 18815ev) 2 double charm candidates 185 Charm candidates Choral/Chant display eye check 2ry int. 112
Momentum measurement Out of 115 Kink data sets 73 sets survive as 0mu by Sato SPB rej. Already 41 sets have measured before (When Choral selection done). So MCS measurement was applied for rest 25 data sets. Now . 6 :: Too few plate 12 :: Have been finished 7 :: Will be done in few days Some events :: 11 need stack to stack connection. Soon after Data taking for Electron ID will start.
Monte Carlo Status Dump from Chant DST • Emulsion segment data • TTHit data • MC truth • SPB bank data for Muon rejection (New!!) Netscan MC • using empty Netscan data. • mixing MC segments. • Same code of Sato_selection (a few sentence is different !). • Sato SPB rejection functions ready !
Monte Carlo Status First look of MC Chain DST GBEAM-02-00-12 JETTA-02-01-01 EFFICAS-02-08-08 CHANT-02-01-09 Tau CC dis 3001 event Mu CC dis 2903 event Mu NC dis 2400 event
Monte Carlo Status (Tau CC dis) Location is not simulated well
Monte Carlo Status (Tau CC dis) • Difference :: Selected and Found “Selected” Contain BG tracks from Netscan Empty Box. “Found” was labeled if selected flag and MC truth was consistent. • Additional information on Tau CC dis Selection Flag Tau CC dis Data (0mu) • :: short flight :: 287 ev (250) 276 ev • :: Long flight kink reconst. :: 369 ev (323) 208 ev • :: Long flight vertex reconst. :: 48 ev(34) 165 ev • :: Long flight kink reconst (No Main vtx) . :: 40 ev (39) 27 ev This sample contains tau->trident . This study is just for first look on MC process chain !
Monte Carlo Status (Mu CC dis) Location is not simulated well . Chant 0mu/ All= 7.7%
Monte Carlo Status (Mu NC dis) Location is not simulated well . Chant 0mu/ All= 92.6% Chant 0mu but Sato SPB exist =2 event in this MC sample.
A NC event :: Sato SPB was detected . (MC) Location is not simulated well . Chant 0mu/ All= 7.7%
Monte Carlo Status Sammary MC chain work well . All information on Sato Selection can be touched by MC sample too. Selection code is same as Data version and “Sato SPB lib” ready ! ! • What is missing, Detailed on Scan Back Location. => Think about . Treatment on Another years track rejection => This is matter of time. Producion and Debug . Monte Carlo NC sample (Charm detection efficiency)
Summary All Chant 0mu events have been processed . Rejection of Sato SPB performed. Event sample 19865 ev :: reconstructed Vertex at least composed of one track matching TT. Manual scanning was finished . Monte Carlo tools are ready for efficiency estimation. Momentum measurement on Kink Daughters (73 data sets ) is going on, It will be finished soon. Electron ID will be processed for these Kink daughters