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Revised FCE and CAE exams 2015 … and above all, I shall do no harm.

Revised FCE and CAE exams 2015 … and above all, I shall do no harm. Belgrade April 2014 Bob Obee Professional Support Leader. Lesson Paths. http://bit.ly/QcCH55. Performance - CAE. Serbia performance vs top 10 countries – 2012. * June session only. Serbia Results 2013. Findings.

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Revised FCE and CAE exams 2015 … and above all, I shall do no harm.

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  1. Revised FCE and CAE exams 2015 … and above all, I shall do no harm. Belgrade April 2014 Bob Obee Professional Support Leader

  2. Lesson Paths http://bit.ly/QcCH55

  3. Performance - CAE Serbiaperformance vs top 10 countries – 2012 *June session only

  4. Serbia Results 2013

  5. Findings • FCE and CAE in future • over 70% of respondents wanted shorter exams • a majority favoured a four paper format • combined Reading and Use of English most favoured • content should be suitable for study purposes, work/career advancement, as well as for general purposes

  6. Summary of new FCE(fS) format

  7. Summary of new CAE format

  8. FCE(fS) and CAE Reading and Use of English • Summary of main changes • all current FCE(fS), and most current CAE R and UE tasks retained in shortened formats (current CAE R short texts and CAE UE gapped sentences tasks dropped) • new cross-text multiple matching task developed for CAE, enhancing the academic coverage of the test • UE tasks before R tasks in the new format • progression from FCE to CPE clearer

  9. New CAE Reading task • Four reviews of a book. • A • B • C • C • Which reviewer • has a different view from the others on the confidence with which Botton discusses architecture • shares reviewer B’s opinion of the significance of Botton’s book

  10. FCE(fS) and CAE Writing • Summary of main changes • both FCE(fS) and CAE to include new compulsory essay in Part 1 • FCEfS to include a modified ‘story’ task in Part 2, while the ‘report’ as an output text type has been dropped. There will be a single set text included, rather than the current two. • FCE will retain the ‘report’ text type, but will not include the story. There will be no set text option. • CAE Part 2 will no longer include ‘article’ or ‘information sheet’ as output text types. There will be no set text option. • the output word ranges have been increased for both exams

  11. Writing Part 1 question

  12. FCE Part 1 Writing question • In your English class you have been talking about education. Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay for homework. • Write your essay using all the notes and giving your point of view. • Some parents teach their children at home rather than sending them to school. Is this a good or a bad thing for the children ? • Write about • - Having a teacher as a parent • - making friends • - ___________ your own ideas.

  13. Modified Speaking Part 3 Task

  14. FCE(fS) and CAE Speaking • Summary of main changes • FCE(fS) and CAE Part 1 Phase 2 modified to reduce the number of follow up questions. FCE(fS) includes 12 questions grouped in three categories. CAE includes eight discrete questions. Part 1 timing reduced by one minute • FCE(fS) Part 2 the ‘listening candidate question’ (LCQ) has been extended slightly to allow for a more meaningful contribution from the listening candidate (similar to CAE) • FCE(fS) and CAE Part 3 visuals replaced with written prompts. Task now split into two to include a discussion phase and a decision-making phase • FCE(fS) and CAE Part 4 timing extended by one minute

  15. Modified Speaking Part 3 Task

  16. CAE Part 3 extract

  17. CAE Part 3

  18. Impact on teaching • Writing : [discursivity] • we will probably want to emphasise paragaph shape and paragraph developmentmore

  19. Paragraph Development

  20. Coherence : putting it together

  21. Impact on teaching • Speaking [discursivity] • we will probably want to emphasise turn shape and turn development more

  22. CAE Part 3

  23. Turn shape • Focusing : • Extending : • Rounding Off :

  24. Focusing • My parents would say.. • Most school-leavers… • ..I think this one is very different for men and women… • In the past … • For me, personally.. • What’s crucial here …

  25. CAE Part 3

  26. A good Part 3 candidate will.. • actively listen … • support and comment …. • seek and help to clarify • initiate and respond … • probe and question …. • help navigate ….. • …….. agreeing / disagreeing …. tend to seek closure

  27. Encourage simple ‘across turn’ strategies for development in Parts 3 and 4 • Across turn • …And ….But ….That’s

  28. Exam teacher roles

  29. Doctors in a sense …..… • I, the exam teacher,shall do my utmost to engage you with languagethrough and around the exam and to train you in all its aspects, shedding light into its darker corners ... and thereby enhancing your accuracy, dexterity and fluency in English..and above all I shall do no harm

  30. ….and above all I shall do no harm • Slavish ‘exam practice’ can potentially do harm in terms of .. • - demotivation • - not optimising opportunities for language • development • - potential re-enforcement of poor strategies

  31. Exam Teaching Mix • Exam practice [full specification, comprehensive ] • Exam Training [ modified tasks , task platform ] • Exam awareness-raising • [familiarisation , post-task review and reflection ]

  32. Genuine Exam Practiceand above all I shall do no harm Authentic looks like the test no modification of test feature e.g. text length full range of test item difficulty requires total strategy engagement is just there looks like some of the test some modification of test feature e.g. text length part range of test item difficulty can prioritise/delimit strategy engagement can be used within a progressive cycle

  33. Authentic v Genuine 1 You only get depressed because you worry. 0 1 2 3 If you _______ not get so depressed NOT 2 You’re always blaming me for things that go wrong. 0 1 2 3 Whenever _____________ me ANYTHING 3 I didn’t phone because I didn’t know you were back 0 1 2 3 I _____________ I’d known you were back. IF FCE Reading and USE

  34. poss- access- comprehens- afford- sustain- flex- biodegrad- fashion- valu- respons- suit- profit- exhaust- vis- renew- feas- revers- desir- compat- reus- -able -ible One day : One focus CAE Reading and Use

  35. poss- access- comprehens- afford- sustain- flex- biodegrad- fashion- valu- respons- suit- profit- exhaust- vis- renew- feas- revers- desir- compat- reus- un – im – ir – non- in- One day : One focus [or maybe 2] CAE Reading and Use

  36. Exam Practice CAE Reading and Use Tidal Energy Based in Sheffield [UK] Pulse Tidal is a company that has developed an 1 ______ machine that AFFORD generates electrical power from the ocean tides; providing electricity that is clean and 2 ______ VISION and unlike other 3 ______ energy sources totally NEW 4 _________. PREDICT Our power comes from the current created as the tides ebb and flow, a motion as 5 _______ as the RELY rising and setting of the sun

  37. Exam Training • provide a task and interactive class platform ..that allows you to explore with students the discreet target skills implied by the different test tasks ... ..that allows you to meaningfully explore student current skills and strategies and engage them cognitively and affectively with the content. ...train you in all its aspects

  38. Multiple-choice elimination • I shifted uncomfortably inside my best suit and eased a finger inside the tight white collar. It was hot in the little bus and I had taken a seat on the wrong side where the summer sun beat on the windows. It was a strange outfit for the weather, but a few miles ahead my future employer might be waiting for me and I had to make a good impression. There was a lot depending on this interview. Many friends who had qualified with me were unemployed or working in shops or as labourers in the shipyards. So many that I had almost given up hope of any future for myself as a veterinary surgeon. • 1 As he travelled, the writer regretted his choice of • A • B clothes. • C career. • D means of transport. FCE Reading and Use

  39. FCE Writing [communicative achievement register]

  40. Exam awareness : deeper familiarity with test Completing mark sheets Using/allocating time Assessment and weighting Awareness of question shape Awareness of question focus Effective test strategies for question shedding light into its darker corners....

  41. Lack of test awareness may lead a candidate to … • overlook required and/or possible feature of an answer • use an ineffective or less effective strategy • wander off-task • spend too long on one part of a paper or not make effective use of time shedding light into its darker corners....

  42. Familiarisation 44 Do you think you could help me to fill in this application form? WONDERING + I ………………..……………….. me a hand filling in this application form. 48 Unless the weather improves, they will have to stop the tennis match. +MEAN+ If the weather doesn’t get …………………….. ……… the tennis match.

  43. Answer Awareness • 44 was wondering if/_____ ][ you could/____/might ___/give • 48 (___) better ][ it will mean stopping • ][ shows where the answer is • split into two parts for marking • purposes.

  44. Cambridge English on YouTube Speakingtests

  45. Cambridge English on FB likeus on Facebook www.facebook.com/CambridgeEnglishPL

  46. Teacher Support websitefreeresources for the classroom • www.teachers.cambridgeenglish.org

  47. FCE, FCE for Schools and CAE from 2015

  48. Thank you

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