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What’s New in IBM BPM 7.5.1?

What’s New in IBM BPM 7.5.1?. October 10, 2011. IBM BPM - the most comprehensive BPM platform available. Simplicity for deep business user engagement. Process Designer Coaches Playbacks. Power to scale with transactional integrity. Process Server BPEL Orchestration Integration Adapters.

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What’s New in IBM BPM 7.5.1?

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  1. What’s New in IBM BPM 7.5.1? October 10, 2011

  2. IBM BPM - the most comprehensive BPM platform available Simplicityfor deep business user engagement Process Designer Coaches Playbacks Powerto scale with transactional integrity Process Server BPEL OrchestrationIntegration Adapters Governanceto manage process change Enables faster, business-led process change … Process Center SnapshotsToolkits Visibilityto empower business users to optimize processes Performance Data Warehouse Real-Time Scoreboards

  3. Improve processes for better business outcomes IBM Business Process Manager v7.5.1 What’s New? IBM BPM v7.5.1 includes: • Expanded adoption of BPMN 2.0 standard • Simplify application implementation with powerful new modeling constructs • Import / export BPMN models with other tools … Easily tap into IBM’s rich industry models • New integration with IBM Case Manager • Manage IBM BPM & ICM tasks in one place with unified inbox • Link IBM BPM processes into ICM case solutions, and interact with ICM cases from IBM BPM processes • Improved asset management, performance, and manageability • “Refactor” assets into toolkits … Generate process documentation … Compare versions side-by-side • Experience simpler cluster installation, easier management of Process Server & process instances 3

  4. IBM BPM 7.5.1 Improves BPMN 2.0 Modeling Adds more BPMN 2.0 modeling capability with less modeling effort More BPMN 2.0 constructs … … from simplified BPMN palette 4

  5. IBM BPM 7.5.1 Adds New BPMN 2.0 Constructs Increase power, simplicity of executable process models using advanced constructs • Full Set of Message Events • More explicit modeling & simplified implementation of event operations • Event Gateways • Wait for one or more message or timeout events to determine subsequent flow • Event Sub-processes • Simplifies implementation of asynchronous workflow driven by message, timer, or error events 5

  6. IBM BPM 7.5.1 Adds New BPMN 2.0 Constructs Increase power, simplicity of executable process models using advanced constructs … simplify modeling of complex event-driven workflow Example: Event-driven sub-processes 6

  7. BPMN 2.0 Import: “Aware” of Banking Industry Model (IFW) Easily leverage rich industry content through intelligent import • Select a scoped process application based upon IFW Banking Value Chains: • Import scoped process application into IBM BPM Process Center Industry Models Banking Value Chains Sales & Relationship Management KYC/Account Opening Lending Card Products Administration Commercial / Syndicated Lending Mortgages Trade Finance Savings, Investments & Term Deposits Transfer Services Payments Cash Management Wealth Management Product & Marketing Management Regulatory & Compliance Best Execution/MiFID Trade Processing Corporate Actions Asset & Liability Management Human Resource Administration Scoped Process Application: “Accept Payments” IBM BPM Process Center Rational System Development Platform 7

  8. BPMN 2.0 Import: “Aware” of Banking Industry Model (IFW) Easily leverage rich industry content through intelligent import • Specify import preferences (including use of toolkits, type of services to generate) • Playback Process Application and begin reviewing with Business • View / Manage imported artifacts based upon source model, version, value chain, etc. • Review validation summary (including errors, warnings, and changes made) Tags and Smart Folders created upon Import (Preserve traceability to source model and provider) 8

  9. IBM BPM 7.5.1 Integrates with IBM Case ManagerCreate rich solutions that combine powerful BPM and case management capabilities • Common inbox across IBM BPM and IBM Case Manager IBM BPM Tasks New Task Reuse FileNet P8 Workflow Reuse IBM BPM Process • Create IBM Case Manager case solutions that invoke IBM BPM processes IBM Case Manager Work Items • Create IBM BPM processes that interact with IBM Case Manager cases 9

  10. IBM BPM 7.5.1 Enhances Overall Usage Experience More powerful asset sharing & management, easier installation, faster performance 10

  11. Process Artifact Refactoring Simplifies the job of “promoting” reusable components into program-wide Toolkits • Out of the box refactoring of process models to leverage IBM BPM 7.5 Toolkits • Move process artifacts from Process Apps to Toolkits • Able to refactor Advanced Integration Services 11

  12. Process Documentation Generation Enables sharing of process implementation details with business stakeholders • Document and share Process Application for business users • Save document as HTML or print 12

  13. Side-by-Side Comparison of Versions Provides greater visibility and governance during change management • Component-level difference lists compare tracks & snapshots of a Process Application 13

  14. Web-based Process Inspector for Administrators Improves process visibility & management capabilities for easier operations • View process instance status, details • Act on failed Instances • Fix instance data 14

  15. QUESTIONS? 15


  17. “Coach Toolbar” Technology Preview in IBM BPM 7.5.1 TECHNOLOGYPREVIEW Connect to other Experts and Participants to get help with this task – via Coach Toolbar or Diagram Interact with other Participants via Stream of comments and attachments for process instance • “Coach Toolbar” makes task completion a Social experience • These sample end user UI enhancements are included for early customer feedback • “As is” technology preview not supported for production use – must be explicitly enabled

  18. Process Server BPMN Process Rules Monitoring BPEL ESB IBM Business Process Manager IBM Business Process Manager Management Process Center Versioned Assets Server Registry Shared Assets Process Center Console Repository Design Define Update Governance Visibility Deploy Measure Process Designer Optional Microsoft Add-ons Out-of-box Process Portal Configurable Business Space Widgets Integration Designer End User Interfaces

  19. IBM Integration Designer(s) IBM Process Designer(s) IBM Process Designer(s) IBM Process Designer(s) IBM BPM for SharePoint Add-on IBM BPM for Office Add-on IBM Process Server Advanced IBM Process Center Advanced IBM Business Process ManagerProduct Packaging IBM BPM Advanced IBM BPM Standard IBM BPM Express IBM Process Center Express IBM Process Center Standard IBM Process Server Express IBM Process Server Standard • Limits: • 4 cores Process Server • 2 cores Process Center • 3 Process Designers • 200 end users • No clustering Now Available on z/OS! Includes WAS ND v7 & DB2 Enterprise V9.7 Includes WAS ND v7 & DB2 Enterprise V9.7 Optional Add-ons:

  20. How Are Existing Models Imported into IBM BPM? • Process Designer and Integration Designer directly provide modeling for execution in IBM BPM • Import BPMN models from Blueworks Live directly into Process Center • Import models from WebSphere Business Modeler & Compass and Rational Tools into Process Center using BPMN 2.0 • Import models from 3rd-party modeling and analysis tools into Process Center using BPMN 2.0 • Continue to import BPEL models into Integration Designer from Modeler Blueworks Live BPMN WebSphere Business Modeler BPMN 2.0, BPEL WebSphere Business Compass BPMN 2.0 Rational Tools BPMN 2.0 BPMN 2.0 3rd-Party BPA Tools 20

  21. Backup IBM BPM Conforms to “Common Executable” Spec for BPMN 2.0 Process ModelingConformance • Levels of BPMN 2.0 Conformance: • Descriptive – basic process modeling suitable for business users • Analytic – full process modeling for detailed documentation and analysis • Common Executable – full process modeling for execution All Analytic Exposed Concepts Common Executable IBM BPM’s focus Descriptive Few Minimal Full Implementation Detail IBM BPM carefully keeps things simple for business users

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