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Global Citizenship. Yuyus kardiman. Five Common Categoris of Citizenship Attributes. 1. A sense of identity ( Rasa memiliki identitas ) 2. The enjoyement of certain rights ( menyenangi terhadap hak-hak tertentu ) 3. The fulfilment of corresponding obligations,
Global Citizenship Yuyuskardiman
Five Common Categoris of Citizenship Attributes 1. A sense of identity (Rasa memilikiidentitas) 2. The enjoyement of certain rights (menyenangiterhadaphak-haktertentu) 3. The fulfilment of corresponding obligations, (Pemenuhanterhadapkewajiban) 4. A degree of interest and involvement in public affairs, and (memilikiminatdanketerlibatandalammasalahpublik) 5. An acceptance of basic societal values (Penerimaanterhadapnilai-nilaidasar) (Cogan and Derricott, 1998)
Eight Consensus Citizenship Characteristics 1. Ability to look at & approach problems as member of global society (Kemampuan untuk melihat & mendekatiterhadapmasalah sebagai anggota masyarakat global) 2. Ability to work with other in a cooperative way & take responsibility for one’s roles/duties in society (Kemampuan untuk bekerjasamasecarakooperatif & bertanggung jawab atas peran / tugasnya dalam masyarakat) 3. Ability to understand, accept, & tolerate cultural differences (Kemampuan untuk memahami, menerima, & mentolerir perbedaan budaya) 4. Capacity to tink in a critical and systemic way (Kemampuanberpikirsecarakritisdansistemik)
Lanjutan… Willingness to resolve conflict in a nonviolent manner (kesediaanuntukmenyelesaikankonplikdengancaradamai) Willingness to change one’s lifestyle & consumption habits to protect the environment (kesediaanuntukmerubahgayahidupdankebiasaankonsumtifuntukmelindungilingkungan) Ability to be sensitive toward & to defend human right (e.g., right of women, ethnic minorities, etc) (memilikikepekaanuntukmembelahakasasimanusiamisalnya, hak perempuan, minoritas etnis, dll) Willingness and ability to participate in politics at local, national, & international levels. (kemampuandankesediaanuntukberpartisipasididalampolitikbaiktingkatlokal, national maupuninternasional) ( Cogan danDerricott, 1998)
Personal Dimension A personal capacity for and commitment to a civic ethic characterized by responsible habits of mind, heart, and action Kapasitas seseoranguntukkomitmenterhadapetika sipil ditandai oleh kebiasaan bertanggung jawab pikiran, hati, dan tindakan
Social Dimension Capacity to live and work together for civic purposes Kapasitasuntukhidupdanbekerjasamauntuktujuanbersama
Spatial Dimension Capacity to see oneself as a member of several overlapping communities local, national, and international Kapasitas untuk melihat diri sendiri sebagai anggota masyarakat baik lokal, nasional, dan internasional
Temporal Dimension Capacity to locate present challenges in the context of both past and future in order to focus on long-term solutions to the difficult challenges we face Kapasitas untuk menhadirkan tantangan dalam konteks baik masa lalu dan masa depan untukfokus dalammembuat solusi jangka panjang terhadap tantangan yang sulit kita hadapi