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Dive into the life and controversies of Thomas Becket, from loyal chancellor to defiant archbishop, and his ultimate martyrdom. Explore the conflicting perspectives on his actions and fate.
Thomas Becket: Hero or Villain?Dr John JenkinsUniversity of York
The Life (and death) of Thomas Becket • 1120: Born in London • 1145-54: Becomes an administrator for the Archbishop of Canterbury, promoted through the ranks • 1154-62: Lord Chancellor, friend of King Henry II • 1162: Appointed Archbishop of Canterbury, resigns Lord Chancellorship, quarrels with King Henry • 1164: Sentenced to trial for disobeying the King, flees to France • 1164-70: In exile in France • 1170: Reconciled with King Henry, returns to England; excommunicates his enemies; murdered in Canterbury Cathedral
Thomas Becket’s birth, British Library Royal MS B.viifo. 290r (c. 1310)
Thomas Becket as Chancellor to King Henry II British Library Royal MS B.viifo. 290v (c. 1310)
Becket is consecrated as Archbishop of Canterbury British Library Royal MS B.viifo. 291r (c. 1310)
What happens when Becket becomes Archbishop? Pro-Becket: • Refuses the Archbishopric, as he doesn’t feel worthy • Tells Henry he cannot do both, eventually agrees under pressure • Resigns Chancellorship as he cannot serve King and God • Becomes very pious and holy, defending the Church as a man of God • The King is furious, and persecutes him Anti-Becket • Quickly takes up the King’s offer • Resigns the Chancellorship to Henry’s surprise • Tries to strengthen the Church to make himself more powerful • Continues to be proud and live luxuriously • Thinks he is no longer bound to obey the King, so actively taunts him
Becket argues with King Henry,British Library Royal MS B.viifo. 291v (c. 1310)
Why does Becket fall out with the King and other Bishops? Pro-Becket • He was protecting the Church • Other bishops jealous or cowardly • Flees from trial because he has so many enemies, could never be fair Anti-Becket • Protecting the Church’s power for his own benefit • His arrogance and indecision alienated the other bishops • So proud that he would rather run away than apologise
Becket goes to France, British Library Royal MS B.viifo. 292r (c. 1310)
Pope Alexander III and Thomas Becket, British Library Loan MS 88 fo. 1v (c.1230)
Becket is reconciled with King Henry, British Library Royal MS B.viifo. 296v (c. 1310)
Becket returns to England, British Library Loan MS 88 fo. 4v (c.1230)
Becket excommunicates his enemies British Library Loan MS 88 fo. 2r (c.1230)
Did Becket deserve to die? • Spent 8 years in dispute with the King • King was formerly his close friend • Fled rather than submit to trial • Continues to attack King while sheltering in France – England’s enemy • On his return, excommunicates the King’s supporters
Becket is killed, British Library Royal MS B.viifo. 298r (c. 1310)
Becket’s murder Pro-Becket • Knights came with murderous intent • Becket was a man of peace and of God • He was prepared to die for his beliefs • He was killed while praying • Last words: ‘For the Name of Jesus and the protection of the Church I am ready to embrace death’ Anti-Becket • Knights only came to arrest him • Becket resisted arrest and taunted the knights • Ran away to the safety of the Cathedral, and physically resisted the knights • Thought he was too important for them to murder • Last words: ‘Get off me, you pimp, if you’re going to kill me, kill me’
Murder of Thomas Becket Walters Art Gallery W.34.15V (c. 1250)
The Becket Story • Pro-Becket • He stood up for the rights of the Church, heroically believing in his duty to God. He was prepared to die, knowing he would be a martyr in heaven. • Anti-Becket • He resisted his King out of personal pride and lust for power. He never thought he would be murdered, as previous Archbishops had behaved similarly.
The Aftermath A woman is healed at Thomas Becket’s tomb, Canterbury Cathedral Trinity Chapel Window, Canterbury Cathedral (c.1200)
Thomas Becket: Hero or Villain?Dr John JenkinsUniversity of York