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This article provides an overview of the process for becoming a candidate and filing requirements for different offices, including campaign finance reporting. It also clarifies where candidates should file their paperwork and highlights important considerations to avoid filing mistakes.
Candidate and Filing IssuesNovember 30, 2017 Brad King Co-Director, Indiana Election Division 2018 Election Administrators’ Conference
When Do You Become a Candidate? • Generally speaking: • When taking action to qualify for ballot or as declared write-in candidate (such as filing a CAN-2 declaration of candidacy) • Publicly announces candidacy • Otherwise seeks nomination or election to office (IC 3-5-2-6(a))
Of course, an Exception:Campaign Finance Reporting • For campaign finance law, person becomes “candidate” when person or candidate’s committee, or authorized agent: • Receives more than $100 in contributions; or • Spends more than $100 in expenditures (IC 3-5-2-6(b)) NOTES: If candidate for office which pays less than $5000 per year, or for school board, different threshold ($500) for reporting requirement Precinct committeemen and convention delegate candidates exempt from reporting.
Campaign Finance Filings • EXAMPLE: Everyone wants to be county sheriff. They raised or spent money in 2017. Even though person couldn’t file for ballot yet, still required to file CFA-1 statement of organization and CFA-4 campaign finance report for 2017 by noon, January 17, 2018.
Where Do You File as a Candidate? • Candidates for certain offices file at state level (or are certified by party conventions) • Federal offices (US Senator, US Representative) • Statewide offices (Secretary of State, Auditor of State, Treasurer of State) • Judges (Appellate retention; Circuit, Superior, Marion County Small Claims) • Prosecuting Attorney
Candidate Filing Quiz • EXAMPLE: Attorney wants to run for judge or prosecuting attorney. Where must candidate file forms? • A. File everything with the state. • B. File everything with the county. • C. File some things with county (campaign finance reports), and some things with state (CAN-2 with SOS/IED, economic interest statement with State Court Administration.)
County Candidate Filings • Candidates for certain offices file at county level (or are certified by party conventions) • Circuit Court Clerk • County Constitutional offices (Sheriff, Auditor, Coroner, Recorder, Surveyor, Treasurer) • Other county offices (Commissioners, Council, County Assessor) • Township trustee, board member, twp assessor. • School board member
Small Town Candidates • Some small town candidates will file at county for 2018: • Small town has switched ALL elections to general election year • Small town has staggered terms for town council
Political Party Offices • State Convention Delegate • Both D and R • File CAN-37 Declaration of Candidacy • Precinct Committeeman • Ds only in 2018; Rs run in 2020 • File CAN-37 Declaration of Candidacy • TIP: If running for both State Convention Delegate and Precinct Committeeman, file separate CAN-37 forms for each office.
When Does “Filing” happen? • IC 3-5-2-24.5(2): Election filing happens “when all of the following have occurred”: • (A) The presentation of document to an individual required to receive document under election law. • (B) The receipt of the document by the individual. • (C) The recording of the date and time the document was received by the individual.
Check that address! • Presentation must be to correct office: • County election board, circuit court clerk, or town election board may not accept candidate declaration on behalf of state • If local office does accept filing in wrong location: • Local office may not act as agent for the state • Local office not required to transmit to state • Filing is void; Candidate’s name does not appear on ballot unless document filed with state IC 3-5-4-1.2.
Postmark or POA Not Good Enough • Document must be received by correct office: • Presentation and receipt may occur in person, but candidate not required to personally appear • Final step is handwritten or machine file stamp by office that records day (and on final day, time) of receipt. • Power of attorney CANNOT sign declaration of candidacy for candidate.
“Not the Candidate Police.” • A candidate filing cannot be rejected upon presentation to filing office except in 4 cases specified by statute: • State filing presented incorrectly to county. IC 3-5-4-1.2 • Not presented by [noon local time] deadline. IC 3-5-4-1.9 • Not on state-approved form. IC 3-5-4-8 • Not accompanied by any required statement of economic interest (CAN-12). IC 3-8-2-11; 3-8-9-6
Candidates Must Beat the Clock • Missing noon local time deadline fatal error. • Have a procedure to determine when deadline occurs. Whose clock rules? State coordinates with U.S. Naval Observatory Master Clock (DC) (202) 762-1401
State Approved Forms • CAN-2 Declaration of Candidacy for Primary Nomination in 2018
DON’T FORGET THE CAN-12! • Candidate for local office must include completed CAN-12 with filing or filing must be rejected • TIP: Have blank CAN-12 forms on office counter for local candidates
Clerk’s Employee as Candidate • Clerk or voter registration employee can run as candidate. • Restrictions: • No electioneering in office or absentee voting area (3-14-3-16) • Cannot serve as absentee board member (IC 3-11-10-36). • Cannot assist on election day with “canvassing” (IC 3-12-4-4(c).
Party Problem Quiz • EXAMPLE 1: May 2016 was the last primary that a candidate voted in. Candidate asked for “Party A” ballot. Now candidate wants to run in “Party B” primary in May 2018. • A. Candidate can do so. No questions asked. • B. Candidate can never do so. Should have thought of that in May 2016. • C. Candidate can run if county chair of Party B gives written consent in some form.
State and county levels • Challenges to candidates who file declaration with state are heard by Indiana Election Commission (separate administrative body from Election Division). • Challenges to candidates who file declaration with county are heard by county election board.
Party Problems • EXAMPLE 2: Voter is disappointed with result of primary election, and decides to run in general election as a “Write-In Democratic (or Republican)” candidate. • A. Candidate can run as write-in D or R candidate; no problem • B. Candidate cannot run as write-in D or R – clerk must reject filing. • C. Candidate cannot run as write-in D or R, but must be challenged to be kept off ballot. • Defeated primary candidate CAN run if chosen to fill later vacancy on general election ballot.
Small Town Candidates • What if small town has not adopted ordinance to conduct May 2018 primary for town offices? • Filing period for these town offices runs through August 1, 2018. • Small towns which DO NOT have a primary for town offices in 2018 may instead have town party convention in August if competition in same party for same office.
Deceased primary candidate • Deceased candidate filed with state: • If state certification to county has not yet occurred, election division omits name of candidate. • If state certification has been sent, election division notifies county of deceased candidate. • Deceased candidate filed with county: • County election board decides unanimously that good cause to believe candidate has died, then candidate name not printed on ballot.
Deceased primary candidate on ballot • If primary ballot not yet printed, name of deceased candidate omitted from printing. • If primary ballot already printed when candidate death certified, then ballot is NOT reprinted. (IC 3-11-3-29.3(c)) • Voter can ask for replacement absentee ballot (ABS-5) if deceased candidate was on ballot.
Candidate Challenges • Most common reasons are: • Residence requirements • Political party affiliation • Any previous Felony conviction NOTE: “Expungement” may occur.
“Put Up or Shut Up Law” • Registered voter of election district may challenge candidate for primary or general election • Challenge must be sworn statement on CAN-1 • February 16 challenge filing deadline after February 9, 2018 filing period ends. • Later deadlines for other candidate filings.
CEB Candidate Challenge Hearing Same deadline as state for determination regarding primary candidates: March 1, 2018. • Hearing informal, CEB can adopt procedures • Hearing subject to Open Door Law (IC 5-14-1.5) • Appeal deadline set by statute: must be filed with circuit court not later than 30 days after CEB decision. (IC 3-6-5-34; 3-6-5.2-9 [Lake]; 3-6-5.4-10 [Tippecanoe]
Precinct Committeeman Lists • Any elected official may require party county chair to provide name and address of precinct committeeman and vice committeeman of party (IC 3-6-2-10.5)
Questions? Brad King Co-Director, Indiana Election Division