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DO NOW: . WELCOME BACK! Please take out your notebook and answer the following questions: What were your favorite holiday gifts? What good things did you eat over the break? What did you do in the SNOW?! Did you do anything else that was fun over break? If so, what did you do?
DO NOW: WELCOME BACK! Please take out your notebook and answer the following questions: • What were your favorite holiday gifts? • What good things did you eat over the break? • What did you do in the SNOW?! • Did you do anything else that was fun over break? If so, what did you do? • Are you excited to be back at school? If not, are you excited for Martin Luther King, Jr. day next week?
Our Big Goal • How much content do we need to master for our big goal? • How many years do we need to grow in reading in order to reach our big goal? • What do you need to get on a BCR in order to reach our big goal?
Timed Writing • What types of things do YOU need to do in order to reach our big goal for the year? • What types of things does your teacher need to do in order to help you reach your big goal for the year? • What setbacks have you had in meeting your big goal so far? • What can we do to change those things?
As a team, we need rules and procedures • Be respectful • Be responsive • Be responsible • What do these rules mean?
What if I break the rules? • Verbal Warning • Documented warning (green or pink discipline card) • Action consequence, depending on the level of the violation – Ms. Welsh can give whichever consequence she thinks fits the crime/any combination of consequences: • A phone call home • A lunch detention • An after school detention • An extra assignment • Asked to exit the classroom with an independent study packet • Any other consequence
Classwork Grade • Remember, Ms. Welsh’s policy is that if you are not doing your work or if you are preventing others from doing their work, she cannot give you a perfect classwork grade. Points will be deducted from your grade if you are off-task or talking while you are supposed to be working. This is IN ADDITION TO the other consequences.
What if I am doing the right thing? • Raffle ticket (Ms. Welsh’s New Year’s resolution is to keep the basket stocked and to have a raffle every week!) • Cookie letter if the entire class is on task. • Perfect classwork grades! • Positive phone calls or e-mails home. • Homework passes
Procedure Practice: How We Enter • Silently walk into the classroom • Pick up any papers you need from the pick up station • Pick up your scholar book • Sit down, take out your notebook, and copy down the homework into your agenda book. • Complete the DO NOW on the projector, and then read independently. Answer any scholar questions as you read.
Procedure Practice: How We Exit • Once classroom jobs are established, the timekeeper will remind Ms. Welsh when it is time to begin clean up. • Librarians will collect books • If exit slips are being collected, each table will make a neat pile of papers and Ms. Welsh will ask two students to collect the papers from each table. • All students will make sure that they have the homework copied down and will silently pay attention as Ms. Welsh wraps up the lesson.
Procedure Practice • Pencil • Tissue • Bathoom
Classroom Jobs • Ms. Welsh’s Apprentice (1 per mod) • Come during lunch once per week to help Ms. Welsh with grading and organizing. • Timekeeper (1 per mod) • Help keep our class on track by letting Ms. Welsh know when there are 5 minutes left in the period. • Librarian (4 per mod) • Help make sure no scholar books get lost by collecting the books at the end of the period and making sure they go back to where they belong. • More jobs may come!
To Apply For a Job • Write a half-page essay explaining why you would be the best person to handle the job you are applying for (due on Thursday, January 7th). • Include your name, mod, and the date on your application.
Compensation • You will be given a 100% quiz grade to replace your lowest quiz grade per quarter. Apprentices will get a 100% quiz grade and 5 bonus points to be added to an assignment of their choice. • You will be given one homework pass per quarter.
Wrap Up • What is our big goal (all three parts)? • Why do we have rules and procedures? • Explain how to enter the classroom.
Do Now PART ONE: In your notebook, complete a Frayer Model for the following word: ADEQUATE (adjective) Meaning: Sufficient, enough, able to meet a need satisfactorily. PART TWO: BEGIN SCHOLAR READING!
Main Idea • Equation: Main idea = topic + message • The main idea is the most important idea in the text. It is what the author wants you to know.
Supporting Details • The main idea is supported by supporting details. • Supporting details give us more specific information about the main idea.
Finding the main idea • Sometimes the main idea is written into a text, other times we have to write it ourselves using the supporting details we see. • Ask yourself, what is the subject of this piece of writing? Then, write it down. This is the topic. • Ask yourself, what does the author want me to know about the topic? Write it down! You have found the main idea! • Look for supporting details that give us specific information about the main idea, and write them down. This will let you know all of the important facts about the article.
Assessment "The War of the Worlds" a radio story, once started a panic. Because many people didn't hear that it was just a story about monsters from space, they thought the fake news bulletins were true. People were frantic. It took hours to calm them down and convince them that it was only a radio play. This excerpt mainly tells • What people thought about news stories • Why people were afraid of monsters • How a radio fooled many people. • Where the monsters came from
Do Now: Write down today’s objective and answer the following questions in your notebook. • What does adequate mean? • What is the equation for main idea? • What are the steps for identifying main idea? • What does a supporting detail give us? • Complete a Frayer Model of the following word: CONNOISSEUR Noun An expert in a field, a specialist, a person who has a great deal of knowledge about a topic.
Reviewing Main Idea What is a topic? What is a message? What is the main idea? What is a supporting detail? What does a supporting detail do?
Homework Write a paragraph at least five sentences long (include a topic sentence stating the main idea, three sentences containing supporting details, and a wrap-up sentence) explaining your thoughts on violence in DC. You may use the internet, newspaper articles, or something you heard on the radio or in the news to support your opinion. This is due tomorrow and will be collected. Also, write two sentences using our new vocabulary word, connoisseur.
Do Now: Please complete the following in your notebook: • What does adequate mean? • What does connoisseur mean? • What is the equation for main idea? • What is a supporting detail? • Complete a Frayer Model for the following word: Provincial Adjective Definition: Plain, simple, unsophisticated or narrowminded.
The BCR ROCKSTAR RUBRIC A3means you COMPLETELY understood what you read and it shows! You included important information from the text AND good ideas from your brain to answer the BCR. You are a BCR ROCKSTAR!
Bcrrockstar rubric A2means you MOSTLY understood what you read. You might have used good ideas from your brain to answer the question but you did not include enough text details to back it up. It is also possible that your ideas were limited or didn’t quite make sense.
BCR Rockstar Rubric A1means you SOMEWHAT understood what you read. You only answered the question with ideas from your brain or you only answered question with ideas from the text.
BCR Rockstar Rubric A0means you DID NOT understand what you read. Your response was completely incorrect, not related to the question, or it was missing.
Be a BCR ROCKSTAR! After you write, re-read your response and ask yourself… • Can you tell that I read the passage. • Did I answer the question that was asked? • Did I include text details in my response to support my answer? • Did I make an independent inference or interpretation when answering the question?
Homework • Write two sentences using the word provincial. 2. On the same sheet, write each vocabulary word, correctly spelled, 10 times each (adequate, connoisseur, provincial) 3. You have a quiz on vocabulary and main idea tomorrow!
Do Now (QUIZ REVIEW!): Please complete the following questions in your notebook. • What does adequate mean? • What does connoisseur mean? • What does provincial mean? • What is a topic? • What is a supporting detail? • What is the main idea? • What are the steps for finding main idea?