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BIG data: EO innovation Europe LSI-VC#2, 20-22 Jul 2016, LA

BIG data: EO innovation Europe LSI-VC#2, 20-22 Jul 2016, LA. Bianca Hoersch Sentinel-2 and Contributing Missions Manager ESA. The “ big ” questions: how will EO data be used in 5 years and 10 years from now ?

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BIG data: EO innovation Europe LSI-VC#2, 20-22 Jul 2016, LA

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  1. BIG data: EO innovation EuropeLSI-VC#2, 20-22 Jul 2016, LA Bianca Hoersch Sentinel-2 and Contributing Missions Manager ESA

  2. The “big” questions: • how will EO data be used in 5 years and 10 years from now ? • how can Europe maximise the benefits on its public investments with EO satellites (e.g. in terms of knowledge/information creation, of socio-economic benefits) ? • How can ESA address the above questions within the ground segment(s) with the other EO stakeholders in Europe: • European Commission, in particular through a partnership with DG GROW • Public agencies in Europe (national space agencies, Eumetsat, others…) • Industry in Europe ESA EO Ground Segment evolution strategy[September 2015]

  3. The ESA EO Ground Segment evolution strategy EO Ground Segment evolution strategy[ESA/PB-EO(2015)34, Sept. 2015] EO-Innovation Europe data valorisation & discoverability Heritage missions EO enabling element = Technical & economical interoperability EO stimulating element = Remote sensing expertise EO outreach element = Thematic value-adding ESA missions ESA Core Ground Segment Copernicus Core Ground Segment Sentinel missions Core Ground SegmentsASI, CNES, DLR, UKSA, CSA National missions Industry missions Core Ground Segmentindustry Meteo missions Core Ground Segment Eumetsat

  4. What is an Exploitation Platform ? An innovative operations concept: users access a work environment containing the data and resources required, as opposed to downloading and replicating the data ‘at home’.  A scenario for data intensive exploitation gradually complementing the traditional operations concept for the ground segment “Move User activities to the Data” Exploitation platforms EO software ICT resources EO data non-EO data • Exploitation platform (or community platform) • = • Virtual open and collaborative environment • bringing together: • data centre (EO and non-EO data) • computing resources and hosted processing • collaborative tools (processing tools, data mining tools, user tools, …) • concurrent design and test bench functions • application shops and market place functionalities • communication tools (social network) and documentation • accounting tools to manage resource utilisation Community Collaboration

  5. Examples of Exploitation Platforms Thematic Exploitation Platform (TEP)  For scientific missions (e.g. Earth Explorers), a similar approach would allow a faster maturity of the mission processing algorithms (Mission Exploitation Platform - MEP)  For commercial missions, a similar approach would allow an enlargement of their user base https://tep.eo.esa.int

  6. EO Innovation Europe a network of exploitation platforms Europe EO Operational publicEO data (Sentinel, Meteo) 5 interconnected user groups Users public services Users R&D remote sensing Heritage EO data (e.g. Spot-1, Envisat) Network of exploitation platforms “EO Innovation Europe” Users profit-making services R&D EO data (e.g. Earth Explorers, SWOT) • Objectives of the network concept: • Enabling large scale exploitation of EO data • Stimulating the innovation with EO data • Maximising impact of European EO assets and preserving European independence • How: • Interoperable/interconnected platforms around a core enabling element • Open to multi-source funding initiatives • Common governance rules Users geosciences Commercial EO data (e.g. Pleiades, TerraSAR-X) “Big Data” General public, education, media Airborne & in-situ data

  7. EO Innovation Europe three elements EuropeanEO data asset Traditional data access: Data pull Data push New paradigm: data hosted processing “Users (activities) to the Data ” ESAmissions data EO-Innovation Europe Copernicus missions data EO outreach element = Thematic expertise EO stimulating element = Remote sensing expertise Meteo missions data EO enabling element = Technical & economic interoperability National missions data Commercial missions data Heritage missions data Airborne & in-situ data

  8. EO Innovation Europe the components of an exploitation platform EuropeanEO data asset Data hosted processing EO-Innovation Europe Data pull Data push ESAmissions data EO enabling element = “commodity layer”acting as a back office Copernicus missions data EO stimulating & outreach elements = “value-adding layers”acting as a front office Meteo missions data National missions data Commercial missions data The typical components of an exploitation platform Heritage missions data Co-location of processing power & data is an asset Airborne & in-situ data exploitation platform front end EO data tools common enabling elements Processing power Data

  9. EO Innovation Europe an architectural framework Data hosted processing EuropeanEO data asset EO-Innovation Europe EO enabling element = “commodity layer”acting as a back office Data pull Data push ESAmissions data EO stimulating & outreach elements = “value-adding layers”acting as a front office Copernicus missions data Mutualisation of efforts and investments Stimulation of science & business Meteo missions data National missions data Commercial missions data Interoperability & re-use Heritage missions data Network of (few) enabling infrastructures Airborne & in-situ data The mutualisation in the enabling element will stimulate the existence of many platforms funded by different public and private entities in the outreach element common enabling elements Processing power Processing power Processing power Data Data Data marketplaces

  10. EO Innovation Europe some current prototyping activities at ESA EuropeanEO data asset EO-Innovation Europe EO enabling element = “commodity layer” ESAmissions data Data pull Data push Federated identity management Sentinel toolboxes EO stimulating & outreach elements = “value-adding layers” Thematic Exp. Platforms (TEPs) Copernicus missions data Review of data licenses approach EO Librarian (GSTP fund) Meteo missions data Technology Atm. Platform (GSTP fund) Standardisation planning with OGC VIRES Data visualisation (TRP fund) Research & Service Support (G-POD) National missions data ICT Testbed pathfinder (Poland) Proba-V Mission Exp. Platform Architecture study Marketplace study (EARSC) Commercial missions data Heritage missions data Airborne & in-situ data platform common elements Processing power Processing power Processing power Data Data Data

  11. The licence challenge • Platforms bring together EO data from different missions/ data providers • Licences should be interoperable • Users should not be bothered with various licence documents • Hosted processing allows technical control of data usage and results download • Licences need to define clearly: • Allowed usage (view/ processing) • Ownership of processing results • Allowed download of processing results • Access to processing results for third parties (e.g. users’ customers)

  12. Working on it • ESA, together with the European Commission (DG GROW), organises a one-day workshop on the potential harmonization of EO Data-as-a-Service licenses in Europe (October 2016). • Attendance planned by commercial and institutional EO data providers • Process: • Questionnaire to evaluate positions before workshop • Workshop to discuss use-cases and potential licence solutions • Follow-up workshop may be proposed to conclude on principles or licence “tool kit”

  13. EO Innovation Europe  coordinated programming lines EOEP-5 (EO Exploitation Platforms) Heritage Data (LTDP+), Earthnet National/commercial missions data access Common concept & partnership, for synchronised programming, cooperative funding Sentinel Collaborative Ground Segment Copernicus Data and Information Access Services Open Science Cloud GEOSS Common Infrastructure EU …. Open to additional actors “EO Market Place”

  14. Consequences for CEOS ARD definition document? • ARD as defined today in the document is one way of ‘easing’ access to data • …but not the only one • In Copernicus alone, there is a variety of what could be defined as ARD e.g. • atmospherically corrected products/tiles • Selection of best cloud-free orbits/orbit segments to compose a cloud-free coverage with the least number of products possible in any given time • Spatially and temporally resampled mono-mission products, e.g. monthly or seasonal mosaics • Spatially and temporally resampled multi-mission products, e.g. monthly or seasonal mosaics • Derived information e.g. leaf area index, water occurrence etc. etc. • …not all of those ‘ARD’ are necessarily produced by Space Agencies, also by Copernicus Services •  Platforms and hosted processing will allow a large variety and tailor-made use of EO data and derived information, at any ‘level’ required by the user community Approach is explained in FDA document…

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