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Discover the top 10 benefits of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in mobile app development! From delivering personalized experiences to cost optimization, AI is revolutionizing the way developers plan and build digital products. Learn how you can leverage this powerful technology to create apps that are efficient, immersive, and user-focused.
The Best 10 Benefits of UtilizingAI inMobileAppDevelopment Mobile apps have gained a special place in business transformation. You will note that most businesses have started their digital journey with mobile applications. It is the safest route as it canconnect, attractand engage theusers enoughto make themdecide. However,withtime,mobileappshavebecomemoreindispensableforusers.Withalmost everything at their fingertips, it was a solution that businesses or their users couldn’t resist. For instance, intelligent solutions help businesses access their reports and gain insights into the data available. 142.6billionappsweredownloadedin2022(BusinessofApps).Thisdataalsoindicateshow importantapps are for their users. You couldn’t develop an app without incorporating the latest technologies such as AI, Cloud, ML, IoT, or Blockchain. Artificial Intelligence is the app’s best friend, which you cannot deny including inyour application. It has helped many businesses improve their conversions, add to their loyal customer base and improvesales.This guidewill discussthe benefitsof addingAI toyour mobileapp. Top10BenefitsofAI(ArtificialIntelligence)in MobileApp Development Are you planning to consider incorporating AI in your next mobile application? The revenue from theAIsoftwaremarkethasgonefrom$10.1billionin2018 to$70.94billionin2023(Statista).
HereareafewreasonsAIistheperfecttechnologyformobileappdevelopment.HereareafewreasonsAIistheperfecttechnologyformobileappdevelopment. #1ImprovesAuthentication The cyber world is full of prowlers waiting to hack your website or application. You need to enhanceauthenticationsto ensuredata securityand keepit privatelymanaged. Regular passwords can be easily hacked. Cybercriminals can easily hack into the applications withrole-based security orOTP methods after apoint. However, if you were to use biometrics to keep your data safe, that’s an altogether different story. Thiscanhelpyou maintain high-security standards and enhance the authentication formulas. You will notice that the biometrics are specific to the user. No cybercriminal can hack into such systems.
IncorporatingAIintoyourmobileappcanimprovesecurityandensurestricterverifications.IncorporatingAIintoyourmobileappcanimprovesecurityandensurestricterverifications. #2BoostsProductivity When you use Artificial Intelligence in place of your resources to complete most of the tasks, you enhance business productivity. For instance, people use Chatbots to converse with customers instead of actual help. The bots will resolve the issues and get the agents into the conversations whenneeded for the particularproblem. This is just one example of how bots or AI can help enhance productivity. You will notice that the NLPinAIcanstudythroughdocumentsandpointoutmistakes,thusfixingpossibleerrors.AI canhelp you managewith fewer resourcesand get tasksdone faster. Itisaproductivity-inducingtoolthatcankeeporganizationsmovingtowardgrowth. #3AutomateTediousTasks There are a lot of tedious and repetitive tasks that take up a lot of your resource time. It can hamperyour innovations and even curb your productivity. ArtificialIntelligenceinmobileappscanhelpyouautomateyourrepetitivetasks. Forinstance,movingaleadinto different clustersistediousandrepetitive.Youcanset workflows andconditions to get this done. Similarly, collecting the data and building reports can be tedious. It can take your team’s time and effort. However, when you induce automation, you tend to improve the data collection and insight building. You need to determine the tasks that can be automated and present them in the workflows. You willsave a lot of your team’s timeeventually. #4Real-timeConversations Most people have issues or queries with the business and wish to communicate in real-time. Marketing and sales are based on the outcome of these conversations. However, if you are unavailable when your customer is talking, and someone else is, you might lose your business to them. Bots and other forms of AI foster real-time conversations. This can help enhance your business's abilities and give them more time to connect with the customers. Real-time conversations can enablecustomerstowardsdecisionmaking.Itenhancestheirabilitytochoosetherightproduct orservice. #5PersonalizedExperiences You can carve personalized experiences when you have AI technology by your side. You would know what is stopping the customer from making a decision. For instance, you would know whether a discount coupon would help them convert or not. Youcan decide what you should sendin the Email tomaximize the clickthrough rate.
You can also create personalized dashboards with their chosen products, browsing history, and other details. The more personalized the solution is, the longer they stay with your business. Personalizationisthekeyto retention,andyoushouldadopt AItofactorinthis experience. #6KnowyourCustomers Getting to know your customers is like winning a lottery worth millions. It gives you a lot of data points. You can use that can be used to convert and retain every lead that visits your website or application. WhenyouhaveAIinyourmobileapp,youhaveallthedatarequiredtobuildasolidpersona. Youwouldknow ifthey havebeen loyalto yourbusinessor areconsidering movingaway. Youwill get a 360-degree view of the customer’s purchase habits, normal routines, spending history, and even their favourite items. These can help you plan your loyalty program, discounts andmarketing messages. This is an entire world’s data at your doorstep that you don’t want to miss. It will help you build personalizedand converting strategiesfor the business. PeopleAlsoLike:-HowtobuildScalableAIApplicationswithCross-PlatformFrameworks? #7GetRecommendations Instantrecommendationsoneverythingyourcustomerdoesorwantscanhelp boost your businessefforts. For example, after studying your customer’s browsing history, you are well awareofeverythingimportanttothem.Youcansuggestwhattheyshouldpurchaseor recommendthe stores they shouldvisit. For example, if you are a streaming channel, you can use AI to suggest shows your customer should watch. Similarly,you can talk to your customer about the purchases they should make andthe ones they have made. Ifyouareaspendmanagementapp,youcanalsorecommendtheexpensestheyshouldstop. #8Problem-SolvingAbilities Artificial intelligence is an advanced technology because it can extend a number of solutions to your existing problems. Solutions like NLP and Deep Learning can enable you to find solutions. They will help resolve issues like fraud within a practice, accuracy in diagnosis and other related things. You will notice that AI technology can help you in multiple ways tackling a basic problem. When combinedwithMachineLearningpatterns,deeplearning helps develop algorithms to solve issuesaroundyourbusiness.Itwill reducethebottlenecksandstreamline theprocesses. #9OffersSmoothUserExperience One of the main ways in which your user is likely to stay longer and engaged is the experience youoffer.Ifyourexperienceistoogood,yourusermayspendtheirentiredayinyourapplication.
Artificial Intelligence extends a smooth and interactive experience to the users. It helps connect withtheuserviaa conversational interface and a more accessible unit. Your user will feel comfortableaccessing the application. #10BetterSearchResults When users are in motion or mobile, they may want to avoid typing and searching for things within the application. Incorporating AI allows your app to offer voice searches to the customer. Thiswouldhelp thecustomersearch fasterandget theresults soonerthanexpected. Your mobile app engagement will increase with image and voice recognition, as it helps the customers get relevant results. You might notice that this increase in assistance can also get you betterconversion rates. TopAIApplicationswithApproximateCost Let’s lookatallthetopAImobileand web applicationsthat have managed to further this technologyin the business domain. #1PersonalizedShoppingineCommerce This is one of the most popular AI apps. It can cost anywhere between $40k and $100k to incorporatethis into your eCommerceapplication. With the right solutions, you can make your eCommerce solutiona personal assistant to your customer. It will enhance their shopping experiences. AI will use technologies such as NLP to help look into the customer’s queries. You can also take note of their profile (purchases and everythingincluded). This would help your mobile app know which customer requires which level of assistance. You can also showcase the products/services that best match their needs with the help of NLP in the shoppingapplication. #2VoiceAssistants This is one of the finest AI applications incorporated in most applications. It will make searches easy and efficient. With voice assistants, the user can easily make notes and create to-do lists. Youcan also seekthe assistant's help inplanning your day. The voice assistants are like your personal assistants living virtually. They will remind you of your personaltasksaswell as your professional ones. They can help you manage the work-life balancemost efficiently. Itwillcost around$40kand $55kto buildavoice assistantapplicationto bolsterproductivity. #3FilteringSpam Emailphishingisrealand can become a big scam. Moreover, spam can affect your inbox managementtoo. You mightwant to preventboth issues in ago. That’s why you need AI solutions in your mobile app. It can become the smart engine that helps filterspam from your email.
The spam filters that are intelligent will ensure that the spam content doesn’t reach your inbox. This will enable better productivity and allow your users to stay at the top of their emails. You will alsoensure fewer email frauds as a result. Hire AI development services to implement this solution. #4RecommendationSystems Manybusinesses have implemented recommendation systems with AI to enhance customer experiences.NetflixandAmazonhavebeenrulingthenichewiththisrecommendationsystem. When you have AI, you can study the customer and understand their needs in-depth. You would know what they like. You can also check how they use the application, and what are some of the thingsthey use on the application. You can automatically incorporate the recommendation system to tell them what they can use in the application. For example, you can show them products they might be interested in. Show themall the otherways in whichthey can winmore customers. Recommendations use insights that the business has developed to create a more personalized experiencefor the user. This AI system can be created with as less than $15k. Depending on the complexities, the cost willincrease. #5AutomationwithWorkflows Mostbusinesses spend a lot of time ensuring the work is done on time. Youwill note that companiesmust workaround tedioustasks to findtime foressential jobs. AI can reduce the stress induced by tedious jobs with automation. You can create workflows using conditions and automate repetitive jobs. This will automatically impact resource efficiency andenhance the outcomes ofyour business app. HowtoChoosethePerfectAIAppsDevelopment Company? PartneringwiththerightAIappdevelopmentpartnerisimportanttohelpimplementaptsolutions. Theywill strategizewell, planthe processesand enjoystreamlined outcomes.
#1PastAIDevelopmentExperience Check their portfolio to see if they have experience developing AI app solutions for businesses. The experience will help you know if they can create a similar or experiential solution for your business. Thedevelopmentexperiencewillhelpyourealizehow effective theirsolutionwas.Youwill know if they have handled complexities. On digging deeper, you would know how they handled the workflowsand enhanced the solution. #2TheirCommunicationProcess It is very important to take note of how they communicate with you while working on the project. The communication process will help ensure you both are on the same page with regard to the project.Incase ofbottlenecks orqueries, thecommunication protocolcan help. When you are not communicating, you would not know if they have understood your idea and produced it effectively. Check how they keep the processes transparent and maintain constant communication. #3LookfortheirQuestions Theappdevelopmentcompanymustasktherightquestions.Theyshouldhavetherightmindset andask the appropriate questionsto you. You might want to look for someone else if they aren’t asking enough or the right questions. They shouldhave complete clarityof the projectbefore getting started. Conclusion Artificial Intelligence is gaining momentum in 2023. You will notice more businesses embracing thetechnology to boostconversions and enhanceexperiences.
There are several benefits of incorporating AI in the application, including boosting conversions andenhancingautomation.Itwill givethebusinessdesired efficiency andcustomerretention. We have discussed the top three things to consider when choosing an AI development company. NewYorkMobileTechis a leading mobile app development company in the USA. We are proficient with AI technology and have developed comprehensive solutions. Connect with our teamto discuss your idea.