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Practice & Application SIOP Component #6. Before we begin….Let’s do a quick review from last time. That’s right! The SIOP model is comprised of 8 components and 30 features. In regards to SIOP, what does the clock symbolize?.
Practice & Application SIOP Component #6
Before we begin….Let’s do a quick review from last time That’s right! The SIOP model is comprised of 8 components and 30 features. In regards to SIOP, what does the clock symbolize?
Sheltered Instructional Observation ProtocolS.I.O.P. – 8 Components, 30 Features • Lesson Preparation • Building Background • Comprehensible Input • Strategies • Interaction • Practice & Application • Lesson Delivery • Review/Assessment
TPR Review Stephen Krashen’s 5-pronged theory of Language Aquisition • 1. Language acquisition is a subconscious and intuitive process much like how children pick up their first language. • 2. The monitor: If students learn language through rules rather than naturally fluency will be delayed. • 3. The natural order of acquisition: ELs will first acquire that which has the most meaning, form comes later. • 4. Providing comprehensible input – to acquire language. • 5. The affective filter: a cognitive shut-down if anxious.
TPR Three Features of Practice & Application • Feature 20: Hands-On Practice with New Knowledge • Feature 21: Application of Content and Language Knowledge in New Ways • Feature 22: Integration of All Language Skills
Practice & Application • After reading, discussing, and engaging in activities related to Practice and Application, you will be able to meet the following Objectives:
Our Objectives for today: Content Objectives: • I can identify the sixth component of SIOP and the three features of this component. • I can Identify a variety of ways for students to enhance their learning through hands-on practice. • I can create application activities that extend the learning in new ways and relate to language or content objectives. Language Objectives: • I can name and describe the three features of this component. • I can discuss activities that integrate different language skills as students practice new content knowledge. • I can discuss the importance of linking practice and application activities to specific learning objectives.
Three Features of Practice & Application • Feature 20: Hands-On Practice with New Knowledge • Feature 21: Application of Content and Language Knowledge in New Ways • Feature 22: Integration of All Language Skills
TPR #20 – Hands-On Practice withNew Knowledge • Students have a greater chance of mastering content concepts and skills when they are given multiple opportunities to practice in relevant, meaningful ways. Chapter 7: #1
TPR #22 – Activities Integrate All Language Skills • Reading, writing listening, and speaking are complex, cognitive language processes that are interrelated and integrated. • The language processes – reading, writing, listening, and speaking – are mutually supportive. Although the relationships among the processes are complex, practice in any one domain promotes development in the others. Elem. SIOP p. 149
#20 – Hands-On Practice withNew Knowledge • Madeline Hunter (1982) suggests four questions when planning hands-on practice: • How much material should be practiced at one time? A short meaningful amount. Always use meaning to divide your content into parts. 2. How long in time should a practice period be? A short time so the student exerts intense effort and has intent to learn. 3.How often should students practice? New learning, massed practice. Older learning, distributed practice. 4.How will students know how well they have done? Give specific knowledge of results (i.e., specific feedback).
Practice & ApplicationGallery Walk • Work with your grade level to brainstorm and write on a piece of chart paper ideas for hands on activities you could use to practice and apply concepts in the content areas. (3-5 minutes) • Walk around with your group to view other grade levels ideas for hands on practice.
TPR #21 – Activities Provided for Students to Apply Content and Language Knowledge • Madeline Hunter (1982) said: “The difference between knowing how something should be done and being able to do it is the quantum leap in learning…new learning is like wet cement, it can be easily damaged. A mistake at the beginning of learning can have long-lasting consequences that are hard to eradicate (p.71).
TPR #21 – Activities Provided for Students to Apply Content and Language Knowledge • “For students acquiring a new language, the need to apply new information is critically important because discussing and “doing” make abstract concepts concrete. Application can occur in a number of ways, such as clustering, using graphic organizers, solving problems in cooperative learning groups, writing a journal, engaging in discussion circles, or a variety of other meaningful activities (Peregoy & Boyle, 2005). p.147 ELEM. SIOP
Con Cummin’s Model of Academic Language Cummin’s Model of Academic Language Cognitively Undemanding (Easy) Cognitively Undemanding • A. • Art, music, physical education • Following simple directions • Face-to-face discussions • C. • Phone conversations • Notes on refrigerator • Written directions Context-Embedded (Many Clues) Context-Reduced (Few Clues) • B. • Demonstrations • Audio-visual assisted lesson • Science experiments • Social studies project • D. • Reading a textbook • Explaining new, abstract concepts • Lecturing with few illustrations • Math concepts and applications Cognitively Demanding A Cognitively Demanding (Difficult)
TPR #22 – Activities Integrate All Language Skills • Reading, writing listening, and speaking are complex, cognitive language processes that are interrelated and integrated. • The language processes – reading, writing, listening, and speaking – are mutually supportive. Although the relationships among the processes are complex, practice in any one domain promotes development in the others. Elem. SIOP p. 149
Practice & ApplicationTalk with a partner: • 1. Think about a college or graduate school course. What is one activity you remember well? What made it memorable? Did it involve different learning styles or senses? • 2. Now, think about a recent lesson you taught or observed. Was there an activity that would be memorable for the students? If not how could the activity have been more engaging and unforgettable? Did you incorporate all four language domains? • 3. Explain to a partner why it is important to link practice & application activities to the learning objectives. • • Do a Beach Ball share out of ideas for engaging activities!
TPR Three Features of Practice & Application • Feature 20: Hands-On Practice with New Knowledge • Feature 21: Application of Content and Language Knowledge in New Ways • Feature 22: Integration of All Language Skills
TPR Review I’ll do the gestures and then you turn and tell your neighbor which feature I am representing and give a brief description of that feature. I will then randomly select someone to share out their answer. A
Our Objectives for today: Content Objectives: • I can identify the sixth component of SIOP and the three features of this component. • I can Identify a variety of ways for students to enhance their learning through hands-on practice. • I can create application activities that extend the learning in new ways and relate to language or content objectives. Language Objectives: • I can name and describe the three features of this component. • I can discuss activities that integrate different language skills as students practice new content knowledge. • I can discuss the importance of linking practice and application activities to specific learning objectives.