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Assignment 1 - Requirements Elicitation and Documentation

Practical session for eliciting and documenting software requirements. Discuss design decisions, documentation, and efficiency improvements.

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Assignment 1 - Requirements Elicitation and Documentation

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  1. Assignment 1 - Requirements Elicitation andDocumentation ShuaiWang shuai.wang@inf.ethz.ch

  2. Schedule • Threehourssession(tentativelydecideinthisway): • SometutorialandQ&Aonthefirstassignment • Q&A(ifneeded)forthesecondassignment • Q&A(ifneeded)forthegroupproject. • Canweputalltheteammembersintooneexercisesession? • Notpossibleforthewholeclass,sorry. • ContactTAsincaseyouhaveanyquestionsorwanttomakeanychangestothegroupingandexercisesessionASAP. • Wearecollectingandmaintaininganinternallistofallthegroupinginfo.Andwillupdateonlinelatethisweek,afterfinishingalltheexercisesessions. • Anyoneknowsthefollowingstudents? • Manuela Fischer • HaoWu

  3. Exercise 1 - Design and Documentation publicclass Node{ public Node () {...} ... } publicclassEdge{ ... } publicclassSTGraph{ List <Edge> edges; Node source;Node target; publicSTGraph(Node source, Node target){ this.source = source; this.target = target; this.edges = newArrayList <Edge>(); } publicvoidsetST(Node source , Node target){ this.source = source; this.target = target; } publicvoidaddEdge(Edge e){ edges.add(e); } publicList <Node> shortestPath () {...} } Passing the sourceand the target as arguments Question:whythisdesigndecisionmakessense? Using a settermethod for modifying them afterwards • Butnofreelunch! • Isthisthread-safe? Answer:onlyifwewould rarely modifysource and the target

  4. Exercise 1 - Design and Documentation publicclass Node{ public Node () {...} ... } publicclassEdge{ ... } publicclassSTGraph{ List <Edge> edges; Node source;Node target; publicSTGraph(Node source, Node target){ this.source = source; this.target = target; this.edges = newArrayList <Edge>(); } publicvoidsetST(Node source , Node target){ this.source = source; this.target = target; } publicvoidaddEdge(Edge e){ edges.add(e); } publicList <Node> shortestPath () {...} } Answer:ofcourseno;onlyifthesourceandtargetareconnected. Question:doestheshortest path always exist? • Answer:specifyreturnvaluesregardingdifferentcases. • Whatiftheyarenotconnected? • Whatifsourceisidenticaltotarget? • Exceptionornull? • Algorithm? • ... Question:whatinformationshouldbedocumentedforthisfunction?

  5. Exercise 1 - Design and Documentation publicclass Node{ public Node () {...} ... } publicclassEdge{ ... } publicclassSTGraph{ List <Edge> edges; Node source;Node target; publicSTGraph(Node source, Node target){ this.source = source; this.target = target; this.edges = newArrayList <Edge>(); } publicvoidsetST(Node source , Node target){ this.source = source; this.target = target; } publicvoidaddEdge(Edge e){ edges.add(e); } publicList <Node> shortestPath () {...} } Question:howtomakethisfunctionmoreefficient? Answer:cachetheresults. List <Node> shortestPath (){ if(sp == null && areConnectedST()){ sp = computeShortestPath(); } returnsp; } areConnectedST:BFS shortestPath:muchmorecomplicated?Dijkstraalgo.?

  6. Exercise 1 - Design and Documentation publicclass Node{ public Node () {...} ... } publicclassEdge{ ... } publicclassSTGraph{ List <Edge> edges; Node source;Node target; publicSTGraph(Node source, Node target){ this.source = source; this.target = target; this.edges = newArrayList <Edge>(); } publicvoidsetST(Node source , Node target){ this.source = source; this.target = target; } publicvoidaddEdge(Edge e){ edges.add(e); } publicList <Node> shortestPath () {...} } Question:How does this design influence the client-visible documentation? Answer:no,OOdesignusuallytreatsmethodsasblackboxs. • Answer:amore“eager”wayofdoingso. • Anyfundamentaldifference? Question:Are there alternative designs that achieve comparable results? Extension:cachetheintermediatecomputationresults?

  7. Exercise 2 - Design classList <E>{ E[] elems; intlen; boolean shared; List(int l){ elems = (E[]) new Object[l]; len = l; shared = false; } void set(int index , E e){ if(shared){ elems = elems.clone(); shared = false; } elems[index] = e; } List <E> take (){ shared = true; List<E>t=newList <E>(elems, len-1); t.shared=true; returnt; } } Question:a scenario in which this implementation performs unnecessary cloning operations, when the set method is called. Answer: List <Integer > A = new List <Integer>(3); List <Integer > B = A.take(); b.set(0,-5); a.set(1, 40); AandBarenot“synchronized”.

  8. Exercise 2 - Design classList <E>{ E[] elems; intlen; boolean shared; List(int l){ elems = (E[]) new Object[l]; len = l; shared = false; } void set(int index , E e){ if(shared){ elems = elems.clone(); shared = false; } elems[index] = e; } List <E> take (){ shared = true; List<E>t=newList <E>(elems, len-1); t.shared=true; returnt; } } Question:How could you modify the implementation to eliminate this inefficiency? Answer:syncAandBwithanobjectonheap. Extension:learnhow“smart-pointer”worksinC++11g.

  9. Exercise 2 - Design Question:Is your proposed solution efficient in the case in which unused objectsareremoved by the garbage collector? Answer:thepreviousimplementationcannot“decrease”thecounter.

  10. Exercise 2 – Design:ASimpleImplementationofModernC++SmartPointers https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/159804/c-smart-pointer-implementation

  11. Exercise 3 - Requirements Elicitation No authoritative solution to this exercise,buthopeithelpsforyoutogetsomesensesandthinkfurtheronhowtoeffectivelygatherrequirements.  role playing Scenarios

  12. Exercise 3 - Requirements Elicitation:CornerCases • Q:is an online customer logged out from the system automatically wheninactive? If so, after what time? • A:Yes. When the customer is inactive for 5 minutes, he/she is logged outautomatically. • Q:When a new customer creates an online account, can he place his firstorder to a different address than to which the credit card he is payingwith is registered? • A:No. This is a security measure placed in order to prevent frauds. • A:However,after the first order was placed and the flowers were delivered, the customercan change the delivery address in subsequent orders. • Q:Is there any limit on the number of orders that can be taken per day? • A:Yes. This number depends on the number of messengers the owner currently has. • Q:Is it possible to cancel an order once it has been placed? • What’syouridea?

  13. Letusknowifyouhaveanyquestionsorwouldliketodiscuss • ContactTAsincaseyouhaveanyquestionsorwanttomakeanychangestothegroupingandexercisesessionASAP. • Wearecollectingandmaintaininganinternallistofallthegroupinginfo.Andwillupdateonlinelatethisweek,afterfinishingalltheexercisesessions.

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