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Explore the theorems of Perron and Frobenius, focusing on nonnegative matrices and digraphs, including imprimitivity, circuits, cycles, and spectral indices. Learn about cyclic indices and r-cyclic matrices.
Theorem 2.2.1 p.1 (Perron’s Thm)1907 (a) (b) (c)
(d) (e) A has no nonnegative eigenvector other than (multiples of) u. (f) (g)
Theorem 2.3.5 (Perron-Frobenius Thm) If , then and
Frobenius Thm (1912) Part I (Corollary 2.4.7) Let If A is irreducible, then the conclusions (a),(b),(c),(d) and (f) of Perron Thm all hold.
Frobenius Thm Part II p.1 Concerning the peripheral spectrum of P (表面譜) i.e.
Frobenius Thm Part II p.2 The usual proof of Part II of Frobenius Thm relies on Wielandt’s Lemma. Provide a different approach
Index of Imprimitivity D: strongly connected digraph : vertex set k=k(D): = g.c.d. of the length of the closed directed walks of D. k is called the index of inprimitivity of D.
Circuit and Cycle Circuit is a simple closed directed walk. Cycle is a simple closed walk . (usually used in graph not diagraph)
Note k(D) = g.c.d. of the circuit lengths of D Any strongly connected digraph has a circuit except for a single vertex.
Primitive or Imprimitive A digraph D is called primitive if k(D)=1 , and imprimitive if K(D)>1
Theorem 2.4.13 p.1 Let D be a strongly connected digraph of order n and k=k(D). Then can not write circuits (i) For any vertex k=g.c.d of lengths of closed directed walks containing a.
Theorem 2.4.13 p.2 (ii) For each pair of vertices a and b, the lengths of the directed walks from a to b are congruent modulo k. (iii) We can write such that
V2 V3 Vk V1 D is cyclically k-partite Vk+1 ≡V1 V1,V2 ,…,Vk are called the sets of imprimitivity of D
Theorem 2.4.13 p.4 (iv) For the length of a directed walk from is congruent to j-i mod k.
Exercise 2.4.14 Let D be a strongly connected digraph of order n and k=k(D). Then Show that for any vertex k=g.c.d of differences of lengths of directed walk from a to b .
V2 V3 V6 V1 D is cyclically 6-partite D is cyclically 2-partite and cyclically 3-partite
V1∪V3∪ V5 V2∪V4∪ V6 D is cyclically 2-partite
V1∪V4 V2∪V5 V3∪ V6 D is cyclically 3-partite
Remark If D is cyclically r-partite, then D is cyclically s-partite if
Cyclic Index of a digraph Cyclic index of a digraph : = the largest integer r s.t. the digraph is cyclically r-partite
Theorem 2.4.15 Let D be a strongly connected digraph. Then cyclic index of D = index of imprimitivity of D Furthermore, D is cyclically r-partite iff r is a divisor of k(D).
Remark 2.4.16 If D is a diagraph which is not strongly connected and if k is the g.c.d of circuit lengths of D, then D need not be cyclically k-partite. Given counterexample in next page
1 2 3 4 k=2 D is not cyclically r-partite for any r≧2
r-cyclic matrix in the superdiagonal block form r-cyclic A square matrix A is r-cyclic if G(A) is cyclically r-partite or equivalently permutation similar
G(A) 1 6 3 5 2 4 see next page
Cyclic Index of a Matrix Let A be a square matrix. Define cyclic index of A= cyclic index of G(A)
Remark 2.4.17 If A is r-cyclic, then A is diagonally similar to
Spectral Index If Denote is called the spectral index of A.
Exercise 2.4.18 p.1 It is stronger than “set” see above page Let be a positive integer. Prove that the following conditions are equivalent: (a) (b) A and have the same char. poly.
Exercise 2.4.18 p.2 (c) The characteristic polynomial of A is of the form for some nonnegative p and some monic polynomial f with nonzero constant term.
Exercise 2.4.18 p.3 (d) Let where are different from zero and Then m divides the differences (or, equivalently, the differences
Exercise 2.4.18 p.4 (d)´ m is a divisor of those indices i such that