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Explore the diverse cultures of Southwest Asia and learn about Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Discover the history and key beliefs of Islam, the third mystical religion of the Middle East.
Middle Eastern ReligionsIslam 7th Grade Social Studies Dr. Cummings
SS7G8 – I can describe the diverse cultures of the people who live in Southwest Asia • SS7G8c – Compare and contrast the prominent religions in Southwest Asia: • Judaism • Christianity • Islam
Islam • Islam is the name of the third “mystical” religion of the Middle East. • Mystical religions are based on faith in the unseen. • Islam has a number of key beliefs that are shared with the other two religions. • The word “Islam” means “Submit,” and implies “Submission to God as taught by Muhammad.”
Islamic Claims: History • Islam’s founder was named Muhammed, and he was born around AD 580. • He was orphaned and raised by his uncle. • He traveled with his uncle who was a merchant in the caravan trade. • He often visited Jerusalem as part of his work. • While in Jerusalem, he frequently spoke with Jews and Christians about religious beliefs.
Islamic Claims: History • Muhammed lived in Mecca, a center of pagan religions. • The Arabs worshiped thousands of gods which were kept in a stone building in Mecca called “The Ka’aba.” • According to later Islamic teachings, the Ka’aba was built by Abraham and Ismail. • Muhammed, putperest dinlerin merkezi olan Mekke'de yaşıyordu.Araplar, Mekke'de "Ka'aba" olarak adlandırılan bir taş binada saklanan binlerce tanrıya ibadet ettiler.Daha sonraki İslam öğretilerine göre, Ka'aba İbrahim ve İsmail tarafından yaptırılmıştır.
Islamic Claims: History • Sometime in the mid 610’s (615-618), Muhammad was meditating in a cave outside of Mecca when he was visited by the angel Jibriel. • Jibriel told Muhammad that God had chosen him to tell the people of Mecca that all their gods were false gods…that there was only one God. • Muhammad was afraid of the people so he said nothing. • 610'ların ortalarında (615-618) Muhammed, melek Cibriel tarafından ziyaret edildiğinde Mekke'nin dışında bir mağarada meditasyon yapıyordu.Jibriel Muhammed'e, Tanrı'nın Mekke halkına tüm tanrılarının sahte tanrılar olduğunu ... yalnızca bir tanrı olduğunu söylediğini söyledi.Muhammed halktan korktu, bu yüzden hiçbir şey söylemedi.
Islamic Claims: History • Muhammad preached that there is only one God to the people of Mecca for 3 or 4 years. • Most people were so devoted to their gods that they didn’t listen to Muhammad. • Muhammed, Mekkehalkına 3-4 seneboyuncasadecebirtanrıvaadindebulundu. • ÇoğuinsantanrılarınaçokbağlıydıkiMuhammed'idinlemediler. • Muhammad predicó que hay un solo Dios para la gente de la Meca por 3 o 4 años. • La mayoría de la gente estaba tan dedicada a sus dioses que no escucharon a Mahoma.
Sonunda, Muhammed'iöldürmekiçinbirarsakurduklarından o kadarçokyorulduki. • EnyakınarkadaşıEbûBekrtarafındanverilenarsakonusundauyarıdabulunulduveeşiKadı di vekızı Fatima ilebirlikteMedineşehrinekaçtı. • Finalmente, se cansaron tanto de él que formaron una conspiración para matar a Mahoma. • Fue advertido de la trama por su amigo más cercano Abu Bakr, y huyó con su esposa, Kadijah, y su hija Fátima a la ciudad de Medina. Eventually, they got so tired of him that they formed a plot to kill Muhammad. He was warned of the plot by his closest friend Abu Bakr, and fled with his wife, Kadijah, and his daughter Fatima to the city of Medina.
Islamic Claims: History • The flight of Muhammad to Medina is called the Hegira, and occurred in 622. This is the first year of the Islamic calendar, designated AH1. • Medine'yeMuhammed'inuçuşuna Hegira deniyorve 622'de meydanageldi. İslam takviminin ilk yılıolan AH1. • El vuelo de Muhammad a Medina se llama la Hegira, y ocurrió en 622. Este es el primer año del calendario islámico, designado AH1.
The people of Medina accepted Muhammad as a prophet and submitted to his teachings, called “Islam.” • The religion is Islam; a believer in Islam is a “Muslim.” • Medine halkı Muhammed'i peygamber olarak kabul etti ve "İslam" adlı öğretilerine sundu.Din İslam'tır; İslam'da bir mümin "Müslüman" dır. • El pueblo de Medina aceptó a Muhammad como un profeta y se sometió a sus enseñanzas, llamado "Islam".La religión es el Islam; Un creyente en el islam es un "musulmán". • الدين هو الإسلام. المؤمن في الإسلام هو "مسلم“.
Islamic Claims: History • In Medina, Muhammad raised an army of 80,000 to 100,000 warriors and in AD 627 (AH5) attacked and conquered Mecca. • Medine'de Muhammed, 80.000 ila 100.000 savaşçıya kadar bir ordu geliştirdi ve AD 627'de (AH5) Mekke'ye saldırdı ve fethedildi. • En Medina, Muhammad levantó un ejército de 80.000 a 100.000 guerreros y en el año 627 (AH5) atacó y conquistó La Meca.
He then destroyed all of the gods (idols) in the Ka’aba, leaving only “the Black Stone,” a meteorite that fell on the spot of the Ka’aba, and is considered a “sign from God.” A mosque, or Islamic place of worship was built around the Ka’aba and is considered the holiest place in Islam. DahasonraKa'aba'dakitümtanrıları (idoller) yok ettiveyalnızcaKa'aba'nınyerinedüşenbirgöktaşıolan "SiyahTaş" bıraktıve "Tanrı'danbirişaret" olarakkabuledildi. Ka'abaçevresindebircamiveyaİslamiibadetyeriinşaedildiveİslam'ınenkutsalyeriolarakkabuledildi. Luego destruyó a todos los dioses (ídolos) en la Ka'aba, dejando sólo "la Piedra Negra", un meteorito que cayó en el lugar de la Ka'aba, y es considerado un "signo de Dios".Una mezquita, o lugar de culto islámico fue construido alrededor de la Ka'aba y es considerado el lugar más sagrado en el Islam.
Islamic Claims: History • Muhammad died in 632 or 633. • He did not name a successor, or provide instructions for choosing a successor. • Muhammed 632'de veya 633'te öldü.Bir halefi atamamış veya bir halef seçme talimatı vermemişti. • Muhammad murió en 632 o 633.No nombró a un sucesor, ni proporcionó instrucciones para elegir un sucesor.
His closest disciples decided to choose one who had been with Muhammad from the beginning of his ministry. • They chose Abu Bakr, and gave him the title, “Rightly Guided Caliph. • En yakın öğrencileri bakanlığının başlangıcından itibaren Muhammed'le birlikte olan birini seçmeye karar verdiler.Ebu Bekir'i seçtiler ve ona "Haklı Olarak Rehberli Halifelik" unvanını verdiler. • Sus discípulos más cercanos decidieron elegir uno que había estado con Muhammad desde el principio de su ministerio.Ellos eligieron a Abu Bakr, y le dieron el título, "Calvo Directamente Guiado
Islamic Claims: History • After the death of Abu Bakr, two more Rightly Guided Caliphs were elected. • All three Caliphs were murdered between 633 and 658. • By 658 Muslim armies conquered all of Western Arabia, Egypt, Israel, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq. • Ebû Bekr'ın ölümünden sonra, İki Haklı Olarak Güdümlü Halife seçildi.Her üç Halife 633 ile 658 yılları arasında öldürüldü.658 Müslüman ordu, Batı Arabistan, Mısır, İsrail, Suriye, Ürdün ve Irak'ı fethediyor. • Después de la muerte de Abu Bakr, dos califas mejor guiados fueron elegidos.Los tres califas fueron asesinados entre 633 y 658.En 658 ejércitos musulmanes conquistaron toda Arabia occidental, Egipto, Israel, Siria, Jordania e Irak.
Islamic Claims: History • The next caliph elected was Ali, Muhammad’s grandson. • Muslims living in Baghdad wanted the Caliph to be chosen from one of the leaders in Baghdad. • The debate that started centered on whether the Caliph had to be related to Muhammad or not. • Seçilen sonraki halife, Muhammed'in torunu olan Ali idi.Bağdat'ta yaşayan Müslümanlar Halife'nin Bağdat'tan bir lider arasından seçilmesini istediler.Halifenin Muhammed'le ilgisi olup olmadığı tartışıldı. • El siguiente califa elegido fue Ali, el nieto de Muhammad.Los musulmanes que vivían en Bagdad querían que el califa fuera elegido de uno de los líderes en Bagdad.El debate que se inició se centró en si el califa tenía que estar relacionado con Mahoma o no.
Islamic Claims: History • A civil war broke out between the two sides, and in 662, at the Battle of Fallujah, Ali was killed and his head was cut off. • When Ali was killed, both sides stopped fighting. • The leader of the side that won became the leader of all Islam. • Seçilen sonraki halife, Muhammed'in torunu olan Ali idi.Bağdat'ta yaşayan Müslümanlar Halife'nin Bağdat'tan bir lider arasından seçilmesini istediler.Halifenin Muhammed'le ilgisi olup olmadığı tartışıldı. • El siguiente califa elegido fue Ali, el nieto de Muhammad.Los musulmanes que vivían en Bagdad querían que el califa fuera elegido de uno de los líderes en Bagdad.El debate que se inició se centró en si el califa tenía que estar relacionado con Mahoma o no.
Islamic Claims: History • Those who aligned with the Leader from Baghdad became known as “Sunni” Muslims, and believe that God can choose anyone to be leader. • Those who aligned with the party of Ali became known as “Shi’a” also known as “Shi’ites.” • Seçilen sonraki halife, Muhammed'in torunu olan Ali idi.Bağdat'ta yaşayan Müslümanlar Halife'nin Bağdat'tan bir lider arasından seçilmesini istediler.Halifenin Muhammed'le ilgisi olup olmadığı tartışıldı. • El siguiente califa elegido fue Ali, el nieto de Muhammad.Los musulmanes que vivían en Bagdad querían que el califa fuera elegido de uno de los líderes en Bagdad.El debate que se inició se centró en si el califa tenía que estar relacionado con Mahoma o no.
Islamic Religious Beliefs:The Five Pillars of Islamİslam'ın Beş SütunuLos Cinco Pilares del Islam • Islam believes that there are five things that all Muslims must do. • These five tasks are called the Five Pillars of Islam. • These tasks are mandatory, but. . . • Exceptions or excuses are given for certain circumstances.
Islamic Religious Beliefs:The Five Pillars of Islam • لَاإِلٰهَإِلَّااللهمُحَمَّدٌرَسُولُالله • lāʾilāhaʾillā-llāh, muhammadunrasūlu-llāh • The first pillar is the Statement of Faith. • All Muslims must accept the statement as their personal confession of faith. • In English, it says, “There is only one God and Muhammad is His prophet.” • İlk sütun İman Beyannamesi'dir.Bütün Müslümanlar ifadeyi kişisel iman itirafı olarak kabul etmelidir.İngilizce olarak, "Sadece bir tanrı vardır ve Muhammed peygamberidir" diyor. • El primer pilar es la Declaración de Fe.Todos los musulmanes deben aceptar la declaración como su confesión personal de fe.En inglés, dice: "Sólo hay un Dios y Muhammad es Su profeta".
Islamic Religious Beliefs:The Five Pillars of Islam • The next Pillar consists of five daily prayers. • Every Muslim is expected to recite prayers five times per day. • In reciting the prayers, they place a prayer rug on the ground, face Mecca, and recite the prayers. • The prayers are said at specific hours during the day. • That means that Muslims are praying at all hours of the day around the world. • In Islamic countries, the faithful are called to prayer by a Muezzin.
Islamic Religious Beliefs:The Five Pillars of Islam • The third Pillar is fasting during the month of Ramadan. • This means that you cannot eat between sunrise and sunset for one month. • The purpose is to deny physical needs in order to concentrate on spiritual needs. • Certain people are excused for physical reasons, such as pregnant women, and those who are too ill to go without food for that period.
Islamic Religious Beliefs:The Five Pillars of Islam • The fourth pillar of Islam is giving “Alms.” • Alms are gifts given to people in need as a sign of respect and thanksgiving for all that God has given. • Alms are similar in nature to Jewish and Christian “Tithes,” but are given to people instead of the Church. • Everyone, no matter how poor, is expected to give alms because there is always someone in more need than you.
Islamic Religious Beliefs:The Five Pillars of Islam • The fifth Pillar is called “The Hajj,” meaning “the Pilgrimage.” • A pilgrimage is a journey for religious purposes. In this case, each Muslim is expected to travel to Mecca at least once in their lifetime to complete certain religious tasks. • The Hajj is exceptionally difficult to complete, and those who do so are awarded the title “Hajji” • The Hajj ends with the ceremonial (symbolic) stoning of Satan at the Ka’aba.
Islamic Religious Beliefs: • Scriptures: The Muslim scripture, or Word of God, is called the Quran. It is also spelled Q’ran or Koran. • These writings are the teachings of Muhammad. • Other interpretations and teachings are contained in a collection of writings known as “Shari’a Law.”
Islam’s Holy Sites • 1. The Ka’aba – in Mecca • 2. The Dome of the Rock – in Jerusalem • 3. The Ali Mosque – in Fallujah, Iraq