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GRAPHS. Graphs are natural models that are used to represent arbitrary relationships among data objects Graphs are used to model problems in computer science, engineering, and many other disciplines The study of graphs as one of the basic data structures is important.

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  1. GRAPHS • Graphs are natural models that are used to represent arbitrary relationships among data objects • Graphs are used to model problems in computer science, engineering, and many other disciplines • The study of graphs as one of the basic data structures is important

  2. Basic Definitions and Terminology • A graph is a structure made of two components • a set of vertices V • a set of edges E • The graph may be directed or undirected • In a directed graph, every edge of the graph is an ordered pair of vertices connected by the edge • in an undirected graph, every edge is an unordered pair of vertices connected by the edge

  3. Applications • Cities and the highways connecting them form a graph • the components on a circuit board with the connections among them also forms a graph • An organic chemical compound can be considered as graph with the atoms as the vertices and the bonds between them as edges • The people living in a city can be regarded as the vertices of a graph with the relationship is acquainted with describing the edges • People working in a corporation form a directed graph with the relation “supervises” de-scribing the edges

  4. Udirected Graph G1 Directed Graph G2

  5. terminology • Incident edge: is the edge entering a given node which is given as an ordered pair (Vi, Vj) • Example: find the incident edges on vertex 1 on the previous graphs • Solution the incident edges on vertex 1 for G1 are V(1,2), V(1,3) and V(1,4) The incident edges on vertex 1 for G2 are V(1,2) • Degree of vertex is the number of edges incident onto the vertex • Example, in graph G1, the degree of vertex 1 is 3, because 3 edges are incident onto it

  6. Directed Graph • For a directed graph, the degree of vertex is described by indegree and outdegree keywords • The Indegree of a given vertex is the number of edges incident onto that vertex with the vertex as head • The Outdegree of a given vertex is the number of edges incident onto that vertex, with the vertex as the tail • Example: Find the indegree and out degree for vertex 2 in grapg G2 • Solution: The indegree of Vertex 2 is 1 while the outdegree is 2 Directed edge

  7. Terminology • Directed edge: A directed edge between two vertices vi and vj is an ordered pair denoted by <vi,vj> • Undirected edge: An undirected edge between the vertices vi and vj is an unordered denoted by (vi,vj) • Simple path: is a path given by a sequence of vertices in which all vertices are distinct except the first and the last vertices. If the first and the last vertices are same, the path will be a cycle • Maximum number of edges: The maximum number of edges in an undirected graph with n vertices is n(n−1)/2. In a directed graph, it is n(n−1)

  8. Connected graph: • A graph G is said to be connected if for every pair of distinct vertices (vi,vj), there is a path from vi to vj. A connected graph is shown Connected Grapgh

  9. Completely connected graph • A graph G is completely connected if, for every pair of distinct vertices (vi,vj), there exists an edge. A completely connected graph is shown Completely connected grapgh

  10. REPRESENTATIONS OF A GRAPH • A graph can be represented by one of the following ways • Array representation • Linked list representation

  11. Array Representation • One way of representing a graph with n vertices is to use an n2 matrix • If there is an edge from vi to vj then the entry in the matrix with row index as vi and column index as vj is set to 1 • If e is the total number of edges in the graph, then there will 2e entries which will be set to 1, as long as G is an undirected graph • if G were a directed graph, only e entries would have been set to 1 in the adjacency matrix

  12. Array Representation

  13. Notes on Adjacency matrix for directed graph • The indegree of a given vertex in a directed graph can be found by counting the number 1s in the column below that vertex • The out degree can be found by counting the number of ones in the row corresponds to a given vertex

  14. Linked List Representation • Another way of representing a graph G is to maintain a list for every vertex containing all vertices adjacent to that vertex, as shown in

  15. Examples • Write a function to build the adjacency matrix for the following graph #include <iostream.h> #define MAX 10 /* a function to build an adjacency matrix of the graph*/ void buildadjm(int adj[][MAX], int n) { int i,j; for(i=0;i<n;i++) for(j=0;j<n;j++) { cout<<"Enter 1 if there is an edge from”<<i<<“,”<<j<<“ otherwise enter 0 “<<endl; cin<<adj[i][j]); } }

  16. Write a function to compute the outdegree and another to compute the indegree of an adjacent matrix /* a function to compute outdegree of a given vertex*/ int outdegree(int adj[][MAX],int x,int n) { int i, count =0; for(i=0;i<n;i++) if( adj[x][i] ==1) count++; return count; } /* a function to compute indegree of a node*/ int indegree(int adj[][MAX],int x,int n) { int i, count =0; for(i=0;i<n;i++) if( adj[i][x] ==1) count++; return count; } Examples

  17. Examples void main() { int adj[MAX][MAX], node,n,i; cout<<"Enter the number of nodes in graph maximum =“<<MAX<<endl; cin>>n; buildadjm(adj,n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cout<<"The indegree of the node “<<i<<“ is” <<indegree(adj,i,n)<<endl; cout<<"The outdegree of the node “<<i<<“is”<<outdegree(adj,i,n)<<endl; } }

  18. DEPTH-FIRST TRAVERSAL • A graph can be traversed either by using the depth-first traversal or breadth-first traversal • In depth-first traversal, the nodes are visited in forward direction as long as possible • For example the depth first traversing for the graph shown results in one of the following sequences • 0 1 2 6 7 8 5 3 4 • 0 4 3 5 8 6 7 2 1

  19. Example • Write a function to implement the depth first traversal /* a function to visit the nodes in a depth-first order */ void dfs(int x,int visited[],int adj[][max],int n) { int j; visited[x] = 1; cout<<"The node visited id"<<x<<endl; for(j=0;j<n;j++) if(adj[x][j] ==1 && visited[j] ==0) dfs(j,visited,adj,n); }

  20. BREADTH-FIRST TRAVERSAL • In this algorithm a graph is traversed by visiting all the adjacent nodes/vertices of a node/vertex first • For example if the graph G is traversed using the breadth first the nodes visited will be V1, V2, V5, V4, V3, V6, V7, V8, V9

  21. void bfs(int adj[][MAX], int x,int visited[], int n, struct node **p) { int y,j,k; *p = addqueue(*p,x); do{ *p = deleteq(*p,&y); if(visited[y] == 0) { printf("\nnode visited = %d\t",y); visited[y] = 1; for(j=0;j<n;j++) if((adj[y][j] ==1) && (visited[j] == 0)) *p = addqueue(*p,j); } }while((*p) != NULL); } void main() { int adj[MAX][MAX]; int n; struct node *start=NULL; int i, visited[MAX]; printf("enter the number of nodes in graph maximum = %d\n",MAX); scanf("%d",&n); buildadjm(adj,n); for(i=0; i<n; i++) visited[i] =0; for(i=0; i<n; i++) if(visited[i] ==0) bfs(adj,i,visited,n,&start); } Sample program

  22. CONNECTED COMPONENT OF A GRAPH • The connected component of a graph is a maximal subgraph of a given graph, which is connected • As an example the maximal subgraph of G1 is shown to the right

  23. Strongly Connected Component • a strongly connected component is that component of the graph in which, for every pair of distinct vertices vi and vj, there is a directed path from vi to vj

  24. Example

  25. DEPTH-FIRST SPANNING TREE AND BREADTH-FIRST SPANNING TREE • If graph G is connected, the edges of G can be partitioned into two disjointed sets • One is a set of tree edges, which we denote by set T • The other is a set of back edges, which we denote by B • The tree edges are precisely those edges that are followed during the depth-first traversal or during the breadth-first traversal of graph G • If we consider only the tree edges, we get a subgraph of G containing all the vertices of G, and this subgraph is a tree called spanning tree of the graph G

  26. Example 1 spanning usind depth first algorithm • Consider the subgraph shown on the top graph • One of the possible depth-first traversal orders for this tree is 1-2-3-4 • The tree edges are (1,2), (2,3) and (3,4) • The resulting spanning tree is the one shown in the bottom graph

  27. Example 1using depth first algorithm • One of the breadth-first traversal orders for the graph shown in the top left is 1-2-4-3 • Tree edges are (1,2), (1,4) and (4,3) • One of the possible spanning trees obtained using breadth-first traversal is the one shown in the bottom

  28. The algorithm for obtaining the depth-first spanning tree (dfst) appears T = f; {initially set of tree nodes is empty} dfst( v : node); { if (visited[v] = false) { visited[v] = true; for every adjacent i of v do { T = T È {(v,i)} dfst(i); } } }

  29. Notes about spanning • If a graph G is not connected, the tree edges, which are precisely those edges followed during the depth-first, traversal of the graph G, constitute the depth-first spanning forest • The depth-first spanning forest will be made of trees, each of which is one of the connected components of graph G • When a graph G is directed, the tree edges, which are precisely those edges followed during the depth-first traversal of the graph G, form a depth-first spanning forest for G • In addition to this, there are three other types of edges. These are called back edges, forward edges, and cross edges

  30. An edge A →B is called a back edge, if B is an ancestor of A in the spanning forest • A non-tree edge that goes from a vertex to a proper descendant is called a forward edge

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