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Explore mathematical semantics for the visually impaired at ICCHP Summer University in Prague. Workshops on LoggerPro, R Project, and scientific document reading offer valuable insights and tools. Join us for a transformative experience!
ICCHP Summer University 2011Praguehttp://icchp-su.net/?q=node/91 There is no reason that Mathematical semantics can not be understood because of blindness. The biggest barrier is in the access to Mathematical content using non visual modalities International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs Carol Howieson, ATANET 2012, University of Strathclyde
ICCHP SummerUniversity The first Summer University was a two day event in Vienna within the pre-conference of ICCHP 2010. The idea was to bring together students, teachers, and researchers/developers in the area of access to maths and science for people who were blind or visually impaired. The event was attended by 19 students from 10 countries. 12 experts from 8 countries presented a rich collection of workshops both on a technological and a pedagogical level.
ICCHP SummerUniversity 2011 • Prague (Telc): 6 days • arrive Fri 29th July Installation Party! • 4 day programme of Workshops - Sat 30th - Tues 2nd Aug 08:30 - 18:30 • Wed 3rd Aug - discussion panel, leaving lunch and depart • Students track • Teachers track • Around 30 students with VI and Blind, centre provided guides, support, food and accommodation for Eu100. • Around 10 teachers and 30 presenters. • An audio transcriptions of each workshop is now available. • Will be annual and will team up with bi-annual conference.
Workshop: LoggerProhttp://icchp-su.net/?q=node/107 Workshop leader: Cary Supalo (Purdue University, USA) Post Doctoral Fellow at Purdue University, President at Independence Science http://www.independencescience.com/accesstechnology.php We did experiments! The workshop demonstrated how to use LoggerPro data collection software with JAWS screenreader to allow students who are blind or have low vision to collect scientific data independently. Participants received JAWS script files that allowed their JAWS application to speak scientific probe readings and sound out charts. We tried temperature, pH, and conductivity probes. standard Vernier probes, standard LoggerPro software, with ISci voice access software (JAWS scripts)
Independence Sciencewww.independencescience.com Cary Supalo USA Worth a look: • ILAB: Independent Laboratory Access for the Blind(YouTube) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1wLIE_Jp7Q&feature=relmfu • LoggerPro and Probes with ISci (YouTube) Temperature http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9CuOXneQ_s&feature=relmfu Weight http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtNcwkPhj4Q pH measurementhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h47dK66qfIo&feature=endscreen&NR=1 • Seeing the Possibilities (article) - Blind chemistry students get a taste of independence in the labIncludes submersible audible light sensor (SALS)http://pubs.acs.org/cen/education/85/8530education1.html Talking LabQuest
Workshop: R Workshop leader: Jonathan Godfreyhttp://icchp-su.net/?q=node/108 R is : • one of the fastest developing open-source projects in the world today. • statistical software that is widely used in academic institutions, industry, and research facilities. • free, and so it has become an important resource for many statisticians in the developing world in particular. A Brief Personal Overview - Accessibility of Statistical Software (article) J Godfrey http://www.access2science.com/statistics/PersonalOverviewStatisticsSoftware.html R functions include: • data manipulation, • calculation and graphical display; • linear and nonlinear modelling, • statistical tests, • time series analysis, • classification, clustering
The R Project for Statistical Computinghttp://www.r-project.org/ Progress since ICCHP 2011: BrailleR project http://r-resources.massey.ac.nz/BrailleR/
Infty Grouphttp://www.inftyproject.org/en/index.html • Infty Reader – OCR application that recognizes and translates scientific documents (including math symbols) into LaTeX, MathML and XHTML • Infty Editor - an authoring tool of mathematical documents, very easy and smooth to input mathematical expressions. • ChattyInfty - InftyEditorwith screenreading
Workshop: Reading scientific papers and PDFs http://icchp-su.net/?q=node/84 Workshop leader: Masakazu Suzuki (Infty group, Japan) assisted by Neil Soiffer (Design Science, USA) We used Infty Reader to OCR mathimage files into readable electronic form. The output was opened in Infty Editor or ChattyInfty to correct OCR errors. An exported document can be read by a blind person in ChattyInfty, MS Word, in Internet Explorer with MathPlayer, or it can be embossed in Braille. YouTube - InftyGroup • InftyReader How to convert a BMP Math image to MathML • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXPdugnzkow I • InftyReader automatically converting a a BMP Math image to LaTeX • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDKjGu_qNKc
Workshop: Reading and Authoring scientific documents http://icchp-su.net/?q=node/83 Workshop leaders: Katsuhito Yamaguchi; Masakazu Suzuki JAPAN (Infty group, Japan) assisted by Neil Soiffer (Design Science, USA) Hands-on workshop using ChattyInfty scientific word processor and MS Word withMathType to read and author scientific documents. Word and MathType equations were read and authored in Latex. Resulting documents can be converted into DAISY books or XHTML. Speech driven Infty Editor – free (YouTube - InftyGroup) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pov9K24k3bI • InftyReader – an OCR System for Math Documents(article)http://www.access2science.com/infty/InftyReader.html
DAISY files can be read with DAISY players, but DAISY reading was not part of the workshop. Software provided as part of workshop MathType; Math DAISY; Save-As-DAISY Plugin MathType -http://www.dessci.com/en/products/mathtype/?utm_source MathML example -http://www.dessci.com/en/products/mathplayer/tech/accessibility.htm Workshop: Converting electronic formats to web and DAISY and reading them http://icchp-su.net/?q=node/85 Workshop leader: Neil Soiffer (Design Science, USA) assisted by John Gardner (ViewPlus, USA) In this hands-on workshop we learned how to convert Word files to XHTML and DAISY using MathType and MathDaisy. We read web files with MathML in speech using a screen reader, Internet Explorer, and MathPlayer.
Access Issues http://www.dessci.com/en/solutions/access/techissues.htm YouTube videos Accessible Math With Word2010 and MathType http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltCeI7intig MathML_speech.mov http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcBnLvrwMqg&feature=related Using MathType with the Windows 7 Math Input Panel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFSGCRp0Dcg&feature=related Dr. Soiffer, a principal architect of MathML, remains active in the MathML working group. He led the DAISY committee that defined the math extension to DAISY, and is actively working on accessible PDF documents as a member of the PDF/UA working group. He was awarded NSF SBIR grant to make electronic documents that contain math accessible. Steve Noble is Director of Accessibility Policy for Design Science, Inc., where he is promoting math accessibility policy efforts. Workshop: Converting electronic formats to web and DAISY and reading them http://icchp-su.net/?q=node/85
Software IVEO Hands-on-Learning System Audio Graphing Calculator Workshop: Reading and writing graphics http://icchp-su.net/?q=node/86 ViewPlus products (http://www.viewplus.com ): • Braille printers • Ink and Braille printers – Braille and print on the same page John Gardner, ViewPlus, USA
Workshops: LaTeXMichael Whapples, UK, Nottingham Uni http://icchp-su.net/?q=node/102 • Workshop1: LaTeX with other software, wikis and blogs (Level: Introductory) • Workshop2: Using LaTeX to Create Documents containing Mathematics (Level: Introductory/intermediate) • Workshop3: Advanced LaTeX (Level: Intermediate/Advanced) Producing HTML and MathML from LaTeX by using TeX4ht http://www.access2science.com/latex/tutorial_txht.xhtml After ICCHP 2011: Technology in accessibility of mathematics and science for the visually impaired? • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5YPontfGjM Makes reference to John Gardner’s WinTriangle • http://www.wintriangle.com/ [Blindmath] Is the PDF format acceptable as an assistive technology • http://nfbnet.org/pipermail/blindmath_nfbnet.org/2012-January/004865.html
Workshop: Maths Content Accessibilityhttp://icchp-su.net/?q=node/89 • Workshop leaders: Dominique Archambault and Silvia Fajardo(UPMC-Paris 6, France) • Transcribers are often confronted to problems when transcribing Mathematical documents. The Mathematical expressions are not often correctly included in documents, sometimes they are split in several mathematical objects, sometimes they are mixed with text in some bigger maths object. Some small expressions are not even included in maths objects. • All these problems make it very hard to do some clean transcription, and often it is faster for the transcriber to make a new doc from scratch. However designing an accessible document is not so difficult. • This workshop will explain how to create a document that can be handed directly to the sighted students as well as provided to transcription centres to be easily embossed in Braille or handed to visually impaired students to be easily imported in their tools.
Access2Science http://www.access2science.com/ Accessible STEM Content Page • Accessibility of Statistical Software by Prof. Jonathan Godfrey, Massey University, New Zealand • A brief personal history of statistics software and its accessibility by a blind statistics professor. Accessibility-Specific Page • Introduction to the Infty Reader Math OCR Application, by Masakazu Suzuki, Katsuhito Yamaguchi, and John Gardner. • "Embossing Math" using MS Word, MathType, TSS by John Gardner. • "Embossing Tables" using MS Word, Excel, TSS by John Gardner. • "Accessible Math Authoring Applications" by John Gardner • "Authoring/Reading Web Math" by John Gardner • "Authoring Math" using MS Word, MathTypeby John Gardner Math Languages Page • Latex Commands in Accessible Tables, Compilation by John Gardner. • Producing HTML and MathML from LaTeX by using tex4ht by Michael Whapples. • A Gentle Introduction to MathMLexcellent tutorial by Robert Miner and Jeff Schaeffer, Design Science • DAISY3: A Standard for Accessible Multimedia Books", by Dennis Leas, Emilia Persoon, Neil Soiffer, and Michael Zacherl a discussion of the DAISY3 format and MathML in particular. PDF format.
Good Practice on Inclusive Curricula in the Mathematical Sciences Emma Cliffe, University of Bath http://mathstore.ac.uk/node/2095 LinkedIn • http://uk.linkedin.com/pub/emma-cliffe/30/662/875
Contents: • Intro: good practice on inclusive curricula in the mathematical sciences • Experiences of students with visual impairments • Mathematics for visually impaired students at A-level and the transition to degree level • On the accessibility of mathematics to visually impaired students in higher education • Mathematics, dyslexia, and accessibility • Assisting mathematics students who have Asperger syndrome • Making online maths accessible to disabled students – issues and lessons from the Open University’s experience • MathML and speech text • Use of mindmaps to improve accessibility of the mathematics
References Methods to produce flexible and accessible learning resources in mathematics: overview document http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:0K0_uPPYPiwJ:www.bath.ac.uk/study/mash/maths-access/overview.tex+emma+cliffe+accessibility&cd=9&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk MSOR Student-centred Approaches http://mathstore.ac.uk/node/2052 Mathematical Sciences HE Curriculum Innovation http://mathshe.wordpress.com/tag/disability/ Visual impairment in Maths, Stats and OR (MSOR) http://www.ltsn.gla.ac.uk/index.php?pid=274 Supporting Students with Disabilities http://www.ltsn.gla.ac.uk/index.php?pid=26 NIMAS and National Centre on Accessible Instructional Material http://aim.cast.org/