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Llythrennedd a Rhifedd Literacy and Numeracy. Fframweithiau Llythrennedd a Rhifedd National Literacy and Numeracy Framework.
FframweithiauLlythrennedd a RhifeddNational Literacy and Numeracy Framework • The LNF will replace the communication and number elements of the skills framework and will be a statutory common requirement. The thinking and ICT components remain in place. • The LNF is a curriculum planning tool that provides a continuum of development with annual expected outcomes, from Reception to Year 9. • Bydd y Fframweithiaustatudolhynyndisodlielfennaucyfathrebua rhif y fframwaithsgiliau. Byddyrelfennaumeddwl a TGChynsefyll. • Mae’rFframweithiauynarfcynlluniocwricwlaiddsy’ndarparucontiniwm o gynnydd, gydadisgwyliadauoedbenodolo’rDerbynhyd at Flwyddyn 9.
FframweithiauLlythrennedd a RhifeddNational Literacy and Numeracy Framework • Developing literacy and numeracy skills needs to be truly cross curricular rather than focused on English, Welsh and Mathematics • The LNF focuses on the learners’ acquisition of and ability to apply the skills and concepts they have learned to complete realistic tasks • Mae angeniddatblygusgiliauLlythrennedd a Rhifeddwirddigwyddyn draws gwricwlaidd, ynhytrachnacyn y gwersiCymraeg, Saesneg a Mathemateg • Mae’rFframweithiauynffocysuar y modd y maedisgyblionyncaffaelsgiliau ac yna’ndefnyddio’rsgiliauhynnyigyflawnitasgaupwrpasol
Dysgwyrag ADY / Learners with ALN Mae’rfframweithiau ‘Ardrywydd ‘ yncwmpasu’rmodd y maesgiliaudysgwyr ADY yndatblygutuag at y disgwyliadauoedberthnasolblwyddynDerbyn. The Routes for Learning framework sets out how learners’ skills are refined and augmented as they progress towards the expected standards for Reception year.
Asesu / Assessment • While the LNF is primarily a planning tool, it is also intended to be used for assessment • Assessment against the LNF is intended to be used formatively to support learner progress • Assessment will be narrative – not a “best-fit” approach • Arfcynllunioywprif nod y Fframweithiau, ondfe’ifwriedirhefydfelarfasesu. • Asesuffurfiannoliadnabodcamaunesafdatblygiaddisgybl • Asesumewn dull naratif, - dim “gwedduorau”
Asesu / Assessment “ Formal assessment against the LNF will become a statutory requirement from September 2014. This means that schools will have a full academic year to focus on embedding the LNF into their curriculum planning and their teaching and learning before being required to assess learners progress against it.” WG, Curriculum Planning Guidance “ O fisMedi 2014 byddynofynnoliysgoliongynnalasesiadffurfiolynerbyn y FframwaithLlythrennedd a Rhifedd. Mae hynyngolygu y byddganddyntflwyddynacademaiddllawniganolbwyntioarymgorffori’rFframwaithLlythrenndd a Rhifeddimewni’wgwaithcynlluniocwricwlwma’ihaddysgua’udysgucyneibodynofynnoliddyntasesucynnydddysgwyryneierbyn. ”
Adrodd / Reporting • Summer 2014 Reporting on pupil standards in Literacy and Numeracy as part of annual report (not against Frameworks) • Summer 2015 Reporting on standards in Literacy and Numeracy against the expectations of the LNF • Haf 2014 Adroddarsafonaullythrennedd a rhifedddisgyblionynrhano’radroddiadblynyddol (ondddimynerbyn y Fframweithiau) • Haf 2015 Adroddarsafonaullythrennedd a rhifedddisgyblionynerbyndisgwyliadau’rFframweithiau.
Elfennau’rFframweithiauThe components of the Frameworks Mae dwy ran i’rFframweithiau: • Llythrennedd • llafareddar draws y cwricwlwm • darllenar draws y cwricwlwm • ysgrifennuar draws y cwricwlwm Rhannau’rfframwaithrhifedd • datblyguymresymurhifyddol • defnyddiosgiliaurhif • defnyddiosgiliaumesur • defnyddiosgliau data There are two parts to the frameworks • Literacy: • oracy across the curriculum • reading across the curriculum • writing across the curriculum. Within the numeracy framework the strands are: • developing numerical reasoning • using number skills • using measuring skills • using data skills.
Elfennau’rFframweithiauThe components of the Frameworks Both the literacy and numeracy strands are further divided intoelements. The literacy elements are further sub-divided into aspects for ease of use Mae’rrhannauhynwedi’utrefnuielfennau. Mae’rLlythrenneddmae’relfennauhynnywedi’utrefnu’nogystaliagweddau.
elfen agwedd element aspect Llwybrcynnydd Progression
Strands Elements
Numerical ReasoningYmresymuRhifyddol • Developing numerical reasoning underpins the three procedural strands. It is vital that numeracy is not viewed as four discrete strands, which are developed in isolation from each other. Development in numerical reasoning is the key to learner independence, confidence and ability in using numerical processing. • Mae datblyguymresymurhifyddolwrthwraidd y tri maesgweithdrefnol. Mae’nhanfodolnadystyrir bod rhifeddynbedwarmaesgwahanol, a ddatblygirarwahâni’wgilydd. Mae datblyguymresymurhifyddolynallweddoliannibyniaeth, hyder a galludysgwyriddefnyddioprosesaurhifyddol.
YstyriedEgwyddorion y FframweithiauConsidering the Principles of the Frameworks • A continuum – not a series of discrete skills • Cumulative – each element/aspect must be achieved and consolidated in the previous section • Inherent – the skill is assimilated, used until embedded, not just shown once. • Continiwm – nidcyfres o sgiliausy’nannibynnolareigilydd • Yngronnus – mae’nrhaidi bob elfen ac agweddgaeleigyflawnia’igadarnhau • Cyson – mae’rsgilynddatblygiadolnesiddowreiddio, nidyncaeleiddangosunwaith
Egwyddorion y FframweithiauConsidering the Principles of the Frameworks • The expectations are essentially concerned with developing and recognising a learner’s ability to select and apply literacy and numeracy skills in ways that are appropriate to each context. • Learners are required to develop and then select and apply skills appropriately. • Mae’rdisgwyliad bod disgyblionynmedrudewis a defnyddiosgiliaullythrennedd a rhifeddaddasi’rcyd-destun • Mae angeniddysgwyrddatblygu ac ynadewis a defnyddiosgiliauynbriodol.
Mapio’rFframweithiau / Mapping the LNF Cyflawni / CoverageDefnyddio / Application • Opportunities for pupils to apply the framework skills • Rich tasks that allow reading, oracy, writing and numeracy to be practised by the pupils Opportunities to apply the skills Cross-referencing teaching and applying skills • Skills in the LNF • Skills in the National Curriculum PoS • Skills diagnosed by the class teacher that require attention How well do pupils use these skills independently?
Useful documents for self evaluation Atodiadaudefnyddiolargyferhunanarfarnu
Literacy and Numeracy are always lines of inquiryByddLlythrennedd a Rhifedd bob tro’ndrywyddymholi 1.1.4 % disgyblionsyddwediparhauiwneudcynnyddwediraglenniymrraetha’r % sy’nmyndymlaeniennilllefel 5 a Gradd C Dadansoddiad o alludarllen/rhifeddgrwpiaupenodol Dadansoddiad o brofioneraille.e CATs 1.1.4 • % on Catch Up who maintain gains and the % who go on to maintain level 5 and Grade C • Analysis of reading / numeracy ability of different groups • Analysis of other tests eg CATs
2.1.2 Olrhaincynnyddynsystematig ac effeithiolrwyddrhaglenniymyrraeth. Ydy’rcynnyddynparhauhyd at ddiweddpobcyfnodallweddol? Ymagweddstrategoltuag at ddarpariaeth a chynnyddsgiliauar draws y cwricwlwm Cynlluniaugwaithynmyndi’rafaelgydaganghenionpobdisgybl Datblygusgiliaullythrennedddeuol a chysylltiadau gydaieithoedderaill • Systematic tracking progress and the effectiveness of Numeracy and Literacy intervention programmes. Is progress sustained at the end of each key stage? • The strategic approach to skills provision and progression across the curriculum • Schemes of work address all learners needs • Developing dual literacy skills and links with other languages
Main messages / Prifnegeseuon Oesgor-ddibyniaethargymorthsy’nataldysgwyrrhagdatblygusgiliau’nannibynnol? E.efframiauysgrifennu, taflennigwaith, cyfrifianellau Ydy’r CDY ynrhoiblaenoriaethucheliddatblygusgiliau? OespolisiautrylwyrargyferdatblyguLlythrennedd a Rhifedd? • Is there over reliance on support that prevents learners from developing their independent skills? e.g. writing frameworks, worksheets, calculators • Is the development of skills a high priority in the SIP? • Are there robust Literacy and Numeracy policies?
Main messages / Prifnegeseuon Ydycynlluniaugwaithynsicrhau bod llythrennedd a rhifeddwedi’ugwreiddio? YdysgiliauCymraeg, Saesneg a Mathemategyncaeleucadarnhaumewnpynciaueraill? Ydycynlluniau’nsicrhaucyfleoddiddatblygusgiliaumeddwl, cynllunio, creadigol a datrysproblemau’rdisgyblion? • Do schemes of work embed literacy and numeracy skills? • Are Welsh, English and Maths skills reinforced in other subjects? • Do plans cater for pupils’ thinking, planning, creative and problem solving skills?
Making judgements on the teaching of NumeracyDodifarnaransawddaddysguRhifedd “Dylechfodyneffroiddulliausy’nataldatblygiadmedraurhifaudisgyblion, eeaddysguystodgyfyngedig o strategaethauynunigiddatrysgweithgareddaurhif a datrysproblemau, dibynnugormodolargofclywedoldisgyblion, cadw’ngaeth at gynlluniaucyhoeddedig a gorddefnydd o daflennigwaithsy’ncyfynguargyfleoedddisgyblioni weld bodystyrifathemategmewncyd-destunaubywyd go iawn.” • “You should be alert to approaches which inhibit the development of pupils’ numeracy skills, such as only teaching a limited range of strategies to solve number and problem solving activities, an over reliance on pupils’ auditory memory, a rigid adherence to published schemes and the over use of work sheets, which limits pupils’ opportunities to make mathematics as meaningful to real life contexts.”
EstynMedi / September 2013 “Estyn does not expect schools to have completed building the Literacy and Numeracy Framework into all their curriculum and lesson planning and delivery from September 2013. However, Inspectors will expect schools to have robust plans in place and to be making good progress towards that end.” “Estyn has no preferred model for the way schools implement the LNF. Inspectors will judge the effectiveness of provision and leadership on their contribution to outcomes and not on the basis of any preferences for particular methods.”
CfBT (Centre for British Teachers) • National Training Programme • National Support Partners • Cluster Meetings – Phase 1 • Progress map and Action Plan – school visit • Headteacher contact mainly • RhaglenHyfforddiGenedlaethol • Partneriaidi’rRhaglenHyfforddi • Cyfarfodyddclwstwr- Rhan 1 • Map Cynnydd a ChynllunGweithredu – ymweliadysgol • Cyswlltgyda’rPennaethynbennaf
DadansoddiProfionCenedlaetholNational Test Analysis • New data packs to provide analysis of the national Reading and Numeracy tests for performance for schools to use for self evaluation are under development • Expected to be available during the Autumn Term • Pecynnau data argyfer y profionDarllen a Rhifeddwrthi’ncaeleudatblygu, ynbenodolermwyniysgolioneudefnyddioargyferperwylhunanarfarnu • DisgwyliriddyntfodargaelynystodTymoryrHydref
National Reading and Numeracy Test ResultsCanlyniadauProfionDarllen a Rhifedd • Results are presented in three bands of standardised scores: Less than 85 Between 85 and 115 More than 115 • Byddcanlyniadauyncaeleucyhoeddimewnbandiau o sgorausafonedig: Llaina 85 Rhwng 85 a 115 Mwyna 115
DadansoddiadRhanbartholRegional analysis of tests < 85 85-94 95 -114 115+ 85+ < 85 85-94 95 -114 115+ 85+ < 85 85-94 95 -114 115+ 85+