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GOI Investigations. Identify/characterize areas from different formation epochs; role of water in tesserae. Noble gas elemental composition, isotopic ratios in atmosphere and solid samples. Composition, mineralogy, petrography of samples at key geologic sites, e.g. tesserae.
GOI Investigations Identify/characterize areas from different formation epochs; role of water in tesserae Noble gas elemental composition, isotopic ratios in atmosphere and solid samples Composition, mineralogy, petrography of samples at key geologic sites, e.g. tesserae Biologically-relevant cloud/gas chemistry, including 13C/12C and complex organics Stratigraphy and deformation of surface units via imaging, topography Structure, dynamics, history of interior and effects on surface geology Atmospheric radiative balance and temperature profile, surface to 140 km Greenhouse aerosols and gases: composition, production, loss Absolute rock ages at locations that constrain global resurfacing rates Relative abundances of Ne, O isotopes, bulk Xe, Kr, other noble gases Size and state of core and mantle structure Met/chem of middle cloud layer; aerosols, particles, vertical motion Characteristics of weathering rinds, composition of rock beneath Abundance/altitude profile reactive species, GH gases, condensibles Rock composition at regional scales through remote sensing Hydrous minerals and greenhouse gases trapped in surface rocks Isotopic D/H in atmosphere, and key isotope ratios of N, O, S, C Radiogenic element content of crust Rates of volcanic and tectonic activity Subsurface layering and geologic contacts to depths of several km Isotopes of noble gases, D/H, 15N/14N, O and H escape rates Atmospheric super-rotation and global circulation Lightning/discharge strength, frequency, variation Radiogenic 4HE, 40AR, Xe isotopic mixing ratios Roadmap Missions Structure of crust and spatial/depth variation Small-scale atmospheric vertical motion Relative abundance Ne, O, Xe, Kr, noble gases Goal 1: Atmospheric Processes and Climate History Goal 2: Evolution of the Surface and Interior Goal 3: Interior-surface-atmosphere interactions = Mission should fully address investigation Table 2: Roadmap Mission Implementation of GOI Investigations = Mission should partially address investigation