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Explore the events and figures that shaped America during the Spanish American War and Progressive Era, from the influence of Reverend Josiah Strong and Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan to the impact of Theodore Roosevelt and the rise of Progressivism. Discover key moments such as the acquisition of Somoa and Hawaii, the role of "Yellow Journalism," the rise of the "Roughriders," and the implementation of important acts and amendments. Witness the political, social, and economic transformations that defined this era.

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  1. Spanish American War 1898 Reverend Josiah Strong, Our Country 1886 Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan, The Influence of Sea Power Upon History 1890 Overseas

  2. Theodore Roosevelt Henry Cabot Lodge William H. Seward “Seward’s Icebox” Hamilton Fish James G. Blaine “Pan-Americanism” Somoa Hawaii Richard Olney Cuba “Yellow Journalism”

  3. Jose Marti Joseph Pulitzer William Randolph Hearst William McKinley U.S.S. Maine

  4. Theodore Roosevelt “Roughriders” Teller Amendment Commodore George Dewey Philippines Puerto Rico William Jennings Bryan Platt Amendment “Open Door Policy” Boxer Rebellion 1900

  5. Progressivism William McKinley Progressive Era Frederick W. Taylor “Scientific Management” Henry Ford Model T 1909 J.P. Morgan Age of Theodore Roosevelt

  6. “Money Trust” Eugene V. Debs Socialist Party I.W.W. (The International Workers of the World) Clarence Darrow Henry Demarest Lloyd, Wealth Against Commonwealth 1894 Robert M. La Follette (“Fighting Bob”) Alton B. Parker Department of Commerce and Labor 1901 Bureau of Corporations

  7. Hepburn Act 1906 • Pure Food and Drug Act 1906 • Meat Inspection Act 1906 • National Park System • Gifford Pinchot

  8. William Howard Taft 1908-1912 Panic of 1907 Dingley Tariff Payne Aldrich Tariff 1909 Joseph G. Cannon 16th Amendment 17th Amendment J.P. Morgan Progressive Republican League 1911 Height of Progressivism

  9. Robert La Follette Theodore Roosevelt Progressive Party (“Bull Moose” Party) 1912 Woodrow Wilson 1912-1920 Underwood Tariff 1913 Federal Reserve Act 1913 Federal Trade Commission Clayton Act Samuel Gompers, A.F. of L. Louis J. Brandeis Federal Farm Loan Act 1916 Adamson Act 1916 William Jennings Bryan

  10. Porfirio Diaz Francisco “Pancho” Villa John J. “Blackjack” Pershing

  11. Booker T. Washington W.E.B. DuBois N.A.A.C.P. 1909

  12. Austria-Hungary Central Powers Allied Powers Woodrow Wilson 1912-1920 William Jennings Bryan Edward M. “Colonel” House Lusitania Charles Evans Hughes Zimmermann Telegraph Bolsheviks Kerensky Food Administration Herbert Hoover Committee on Public Information World War I

  13. Sedition Act 1918 • The 14 Points 1918 • Henry Cabot Lodge • James C. Cox • Warren G. Harding 1920-1923 • League of Nations

  14. “Flapper” 18th Amendment (Prohibition) 1919 Volstead Act (October 1919) 19th Amendment (Women’s Suffrage) A. Mitchell Palmer “Palmer Raids” “Red Scare” The 1920s

  15. Sacco and Vanzetti Ku Klux Klan Teapot Dome Scandal Warren G. Harding 1920-1923 Calvin Coolidge 1923-1928 Robert La Follette John W. Davis “Scopes Monkey Trial” Kellogg-Briand Pact 1928 Herbert Hoover Alfred E. “Al” Smith

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