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Introduction to Emergency Care Practical Session. Objectives. At the end of this session, each student should be able to: Be familiar with first aid giving’s general sequence. Recognize first aid kit and emergency trolley common contents. First Aid Giving’s general Sequence: RAP CAB H.
Introduction to Emergency Care Practical Session
Objectives • At the end of this session, each student should be able to: • Be familiar with first aid giving’s general sequence. • Recognize first aid kit and emergency trolley common contents.
First Aid Giving’s general Sequence: RAP CAB H R = Responsiveness (استجابة) A = Activate EMS P = Position (وضعية) C = Circulation A = Airway B = Breathing H = Hemorrhage (نزيف)
R is for Responsiveness Is the victim conscious? Method of Assessment: Touch the victim's shoulder, and (1) Ask if the victim is alright; and (2) Ask if the victim needs help. • If verbalized “no”, then proceed no further • If verbalized “yes”, or you noticed “no response” from the victim, then proceed to A
A is for Activate EMS • EMS: Emergency Medical System
P is for Position • If there is no spinal injury, then position according to injury. • Do not reposition the victim if there is a possibility of spinal or neck injuries. • However, if the victim is in a dangerous place, you can move the victim with extreme care. • Remember, additional help can be sought.
C is for circulation • If there is no pulse, then this victim needs cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). • For any victim more than 1 year old, carotid artery pulse may be used for checking the presence of pulse. • For any victim less than 1 year old, brachial artery pulse may be used for checking the presence of pulse. • If you are not trained to perform CPR, then find someone who is trained.
A is for airway • Check to see if the airway is blocked. • Use your finger to sweep the mouth to remove any seen object.
B is for breathing • Observe the chest for any movement of air. • If the victim is not breathing they need rescue breathing (نفس انقاذ). • If the victim is not breathing, then the victim may need head repositioning before providing rescue breathing. • Do not provide rescue breathing unless you are trained. Instead, find someone who is trained.
H is for Hemorrhage • If the victim is bleeding, then provide necessary care.
First Aid Kit Common Contents • Gauze Pads (وسادات الشاش الطبي) - To cover wounds, prevent infection, and stop minor bleeding. • Roll Gauze Bandage (ضمادة شاش طبي لافّة) - To cover wounds, prevent infection, and stop minor bleeding. • Adhesive Bandages (ضمادات لاصقة) - To secure gauzes (الشاشات الطبية) over the wounds. • Adhesive Tape (شريط لاصق) - To secure (تثبت) bandages to wounds. • Scissors - To cut gauze and bandages.
First Aid Kit Common Contents(continued) • Roll Crepe Bandage (ضمادة شادة لافّة) - To stabilize strains or sprains and cover wounds. • A strain (توتر أو إجهاد) is a stretched or torn muscle or tendon (وتر). • Tendons are tissues that connect muscle to bone. • Twisting or pulling these tissues can cause a strain. • A sprain (التواء) is a stretched or torn ligament (رباط). • Ligaments are tissues that connect bones at a joint.
First Aid Kit Common Contents(continued) • Container - To keep all first aid items in one common container. • Antiseptic Solution (سائل معقم) - To prevent infection on cuts. • Latex Gloves (قفازات لاتكس أو مطاط) - To protect the rescuer, victim, and bystanders from infection and blood pathogens.
First Aid Kit Common Contents(continued) • Triangular Bandages (ضمادات مثلثة الشكل) – To support fractured limbs.
The Emergency Trolley (عربة طوارئ) (Also Called: Crash Trolley) It is a multi drawer cabinet that contains essential medications and tools needed for emergency cases.
Common Goals of emergency trolley Use • Compromised Airway (مجرى تنفس متضرر) • Respiratory Distress (صعوبة تنفس) • Respiratory Arrest (توقف تنفس) • Cardiac Arrest (سكتة قلبية) • Drug Overdose (تناول جرعات دوائية بشكل مفرط) • Hypoglycemia (نقص السكر في الدم) • Anaphylactic Reaction (رد فعل تحسسي)
Common Contents of Emergency Trolley Oxygen Supply Defibrillator with Monitor جهاز إزالة رجفان القلب (مع شاشة مراقبة) Portable Suction Apparatus (جهاز شفط محمول) Laryngoscope (منظار حنجرة) Forceps (ملاقط) Sphygmomanometer (جهاز قياس ضغط الدم) Stethoscope (سماعة طبية) Emergency Drugs (أدوية خاصة بحالات طارئة) Checklist of Trolley/Cart Contents
Contents of the Emergency Trolley External Contents: Oxygen supply. Oxygen Cylinder Oxygen Regulator with flowmeter and a valveto adjust the rate of oxygen flow
Contents of the Emergency Trolley External Contents: Defibrillator with Monitor جهاز إزالة رجفان القلب (مع شاشة مراقبة)
Contents of the Emergency Trolley External Contents: Portable Suction Apparatus (جهاز شفط محمول)
Contents of the Emergency Trolley Stethoscope سماعة طبية Sphygmomanometer جهاز قياس ضغط الدم An instrument to measure blood pressure.
Contents of the Emergency Trolley Laryngoscope منظار حنجرة Bag Valve Mask قناع به صمام يشبك بحقيبة (بكيس) للتهوية
Contents of the Emergency Trolley Pocket Mask
Contents of the Emergency Trolley Tracheostomy Set أدوات الشق الرغامي
Contents of the Emergency Trolley Oropharyngeal Airways أنابيب فموية بلعومية Nasopharyngeal Airways أنابيب أنفية بلعومية
Contents of the Emergency Trolley Intravenous وريدية Supplies (IV Supplies)
Contents of the Emergency Trolley I.V Cannula Butterfly Tourniquet Syringes
Contents of the Emergency Trolley Tongue blades Protective gowns Masks Scissors مقصات Thermometer ميزان حرارة Kidney bowel وعاء كلوي