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Explore the mysteries of the Universe's mass composition, from dark matter to baryonic fraction, cluster abundance, and evolution. Delve into the cosmic forces shaping our existence.
WEIGHING THE UNIVERSE Neta A. Bahcall Princeton University
Why Weigh Universe? • How much matter in Universe? • Is there Dark-Matter?Where is it located? • Is there Non-baryonic (‘exotic’) dark-matter? What is it? [Baryon limit is ~4-5% of critical-density.] • Most fundamental cosmological parameter Cosmology; Evolution of Universe; Age of Universe; Galaxy Formation; Gravity
Mass Density of Universe How much? How distributed? • Mass-to-Light Function • Baryon Fraction • Cluster Abundance and Evolution • Other Large-Scale Structure Obs. All yield m ~ 0.25 Mass ~ Light(on large scales)
Mass-Density (Units) • Critical mass-density (= density needed to halt the Universe expansion): critical = 3Ho2/8G ~10-29g/cm3 ~ 6 p/m3 • m = m/crit • m = 1 is the critical density ‘Flat’ Universe b(baryons)(observed) ~ 0.04 [Mpc = 106pc; 1pc ~ 3 ly; Mo=2E33g]
Flat Rotation Curves M/L Kaptyen (Local) 1920’s Zwicky (Clusters) 1930s Rubin (Galaxies) 1970s ( M/L ~ R ) • M ~ v2R ~ R • M/L ~ R • [GMm/R2~mv2/R]
Mass-to-Light Method <M/L>cl Luniv(Lo/Vol) = m(Mo/Vol) Weigh cluster mass, Mcl (<R~1Mpc) • <M/L>cl = 300h • m = m/critical m ~ 0.2 +-0.05
Weighing Clusters 3 Basic Methods • Motion of galaxies[MR ~ v2R] Temperature of hot gas[MR~TR] Gravitational lensing[MR]
Mass-to-Light Function (Bahcall, Lubin & Dorman ‘95; Bahcall and Fan ‘98) SDSS Ωm=0.2
Theory vs. Observations (Bahcall, Yu, et al ‘01)
Cluster M/Li(R) Profile (SDSS, weak lensing2x104 clusters N= 3 to 220 (Sheldon etal 2008) Flat >~ 1Mpc M ~ L X=R(vir)
M/Li(r=22Mpc) vs. Mcl(SDSS; Sheldon etal ‘08) Ωm= 0.2 +- .03 Flat M/L on large scales; SAME for ALL clusters!
M/L Function: Conclusions M/L Function Flattens on Large Scales: M ~ L(on large scales) reaching the end of Dark-Matter Total Mass-Density of Universe: m = 0.2 +- 0.05
Baryons in Clusters[Stars and Gas] Ωb/Ωm(cl) Mb/Mtot(cl) = 0.13 (gas) + 0.03 (stars) = 0.16 (h=0.7) • Ωb(BBN; CMB) = 0.042 (h=0.7) • Ωm = Ωb/(Ωb/Ωm) = 0.26+-0.04 0.24 +- 0.04corrected forgas outflow
Baryon Fraction vs. Scale ( 0.18)(Bahcall & Martin ‘07) m= 0.24
m from Baryon-Fraction • b/m = 0.18 +- 0.02 h=0.7 (Clusters; CMB) • b = 0.042 +- 0.004 (BBN; CMB) m = 0.24 +- 0.04
Weighing the Universe M/L Function m= 0.2 +- 0.05 Baryon Fraction 0.24 +- 0.04 Cluster Abundance 0.2 +- 0.05 and Evolution [8 =0.9 +- 0.1] • Supernovae Ia + Flat 0.25 +- 0.05 • CMB + LSS + h + Flat 0.24 +- 0.04 m ≈ 0.23 +- 0.05 4% Baryons + ~20% Dark Matter • Mass ~ Light(R >~ 1Mpc)
Cosmic Acceleraion: Supernovae (‘07) Ωm- ΩΛ ~ -0.5
The Cosmic Triangle m + + k = 1 (Friedmann’s eq.) • Mass Density:m = 0.25 • Dark Energy: = 0.75 • Space Curvature:k = 0
Mass-density, Curvature, Expansion • H2(t) = 8G(m + )/3 - k/a2(t) • k = 0 Flat geometry (no curvature) 1 Closed (positivly curved space) -1 Open (negatively curved space) /H2m + + k = 1Friedmann Eq. m ~ a-3 • ~ constant (IF Cosmological Constant)
Cosmic Triangle Mass Density of Universe:25% Critical Universe will expand forever • Dark Energy in Universe:75% Universe expansion accelerates • Universe Space Curvature:0 Universe ‘Flat’
Fate of Universe Universe Will Become: Larger Sparser Darker Colder
Hot Gas in Clusters(X-Rays; S-Z) (Carlstrom etal)
Mass Density of Universe How much? How distributed? • Mass-to-Light Function • Baryon Fraction • Cluster Abundance and Evolution • Other Large-Scale Structure Obs. All yield m ~ 0.25 Mass ~ Light(on large scales)
Mass-to-Light FunctionM/L(R) • How does M/L depend on scale? • How and where is the mass distributed? • How use it to weigh Universe? • <M/L>rep Luniv(Lo/Vol) = m(Mo/Vol) • Determine M, <M/L> of clusters, SCs, LSS <M/L> rep [≈ 300h] • m ~ 0.2 +-0.05
Cluster (M/L)200 versus M200 M/L~M0.33+-0.02 M/L ~ M0.33+-0.02
M/L Function: Conclusions • M/L Function Flattens on Large Scales M ~ L (reaching end of Dark-Matter) • Dark Matter located mostly in large galactic halos 100s Kpc) Group/Clusters: made up of Sp+E mix (+their DM halos); no significant additional DM • Cluster M/L increases slightly with M (mergers?) • Rich clusters M/LB is ‘Anti-biased’ (M/LB>mean) • Asymptotic Cluster M/Li(22Mpc) is same for ALL Groups and Clusters, 362+-54h ! • Mass-Density of Univers: m = 0.2 +- 0.03
III. Cluster Abundance and Evolution Powerful method to determine mand 8 8 = Amplitude of mass fluctuations (initial ‘seeds’) • ncl (z~0) 8 m0.6 ~ 0.35 • ncl (hi z)Breaks degeneracy m=0.2+-0.05 and 8=0.9+-0.1 • 8(galaxies)(obs) ~ 0.9 • If Mass ~ Light (on large scale) 8(m)~ 0.9
Cluster Mass-Function(SDSS)(Bahcall, Dong, et al ‘02)Best-fit MF: m=0.2 and 8=0.9 Fit: m=0.2 8=0.9
m - 8 constraints from MF:m = 0.2 and 8 = 0.9 m=0.2, 8=0.9
m - 8 constraints from SDSS cluster MF[Bahcall etal ‘03 Rozo etal ’09] m=0.2, 8=0.9
Cosmological Constraints (Bahcall & Bode)(from Low and Hi redshift cluster abundance) Low z Hi z