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Created by Mr. Made Nuryadi

Commutative, Associative And Distributive Properties Of Numbers Sifat-sifat operasi hitung bilangan (komutatif,Asosiatif dan Distributif). Created by Mr. Made Nuryadi. OBJECTIVES. The students will be able to: 1. Understand the communicative, distributive and associative properties of numbers

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Created by Mr. Made Nuryadi

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  1. Commutative, Associative And Distributive Properties Of NumbersSifat-sifat operasi hitung bilangan (komutatif,Asosiatif dan Distributif) Created by Mr. Made Nuryadi

  2. OBJECTIVES The students will be able to: 1. Understand the communicative, distributive and associative properties of numbers 2. Apply to use of numbers count operation. 3. Apply to use to solve problems

  3. Commutative Pertukaran Is it the same? + = + 2 3 3 2 5 = 5 Samakah hasil dari 4+5 dan 5+4 Apa kesimpulan mu tentang sifat komutatif pada penjumlahan???

  4. SIFAT KOMUTATIF PADA PERKALIAN Apakah sifat komutatif berlaku pada perkalian??? Apakah 26 x 4 sama dengan 4 x 26? Ex: 26 x 4 = 4 x 26 104 = 104 Apakah sama 12 x 15 dan 15 x 12 ? Apa kesimpulanmu?

  5. Can we use commutative property in subtraction? Please check it by yourself!!!! What is your conclusion??? Sorry ya… Sifat komutatif tidak berlaku pada pengurangan

  6. Solve these problems Find the missing numbers • 7+5 = ….+7 7. 8 x 2 =…..x… • 9+27 =27+…. 8. 9 + 3=…..+…. • 16+…=12+…. • 12 x 5 = 5 x…. • …x 7 =….x 10 • 6 x….= 12 x 6

  7. ASSOCIATIFAssosiatif (pengelompokan) Associative property to addition is it the (3+4)+8 equal to 3+(4+8)? (3+4)+8 =15 3+(4+8)=15 Associative property to multiplication Apakah berlaku??? Let’s check!!!

  8. Practice 1 Find the missing numbers • (4 +2)+8 =4 +(…+8) • 5+(….+12)=(….+7)+…. • {(-5) +7}+(-3)=(-5)+{…+(….)} • 3x(4x6)=(…..x…..)x…… • (20x….)x….= ….x (7x8) • 25 x (4x16) =……..

  9. Why do you study communicative and associative? • Commutative and associative make easier to solve problems Ex: Find the value of 25x52x4=…. Let’s check! 25x52x4= 25 x 4 x 52 sifat komutatif = (25 x 4)x 52 sifat assosiatif = 100 x 52 =5200

  10. Practice 2 Use commutative and associative properties to solve these problems! • 2 x 35 x 500=…… • 25 x 279 x 4 =…… • 125 x 136 x 8 =…… • 20 x 265 x 50=……. • 4 x 18 x 25 =……

  11. Distributive Penyebaran If there are three numbers a, b, c with the form (a x b) + (a x c), we can make simple. (a x b)+(a x c)= a x (b +c) Ex: (4x12)+(4x8) = 4 x (12 + 8) = 4 x 20 = 80

  12. Practice 3 Change in to different form! • (8 x 6) +(8 x 4)=…..x (….+….) • (13 x 13) – (13 x 2)=….x (.…-….) • (24 x 64) + (24 x 36) =…..x (…..+…..) • (56 x155)- (55 x 56)=….x (.…-….) • ….x (34+66) = (25x….) + (25 x….) • 7 x (26+74)= (….x….)+(….x….)

  13. Let’s practice!!! Find the value of these problems by using commutative, associative or distributive properties! • (71 x 28) + (72 x 71)=……. • (113 x 12) – (12 x 13) =….. • (256 x 175) + ( 25 x 256)=…….

  14. Quiz • Tunjukkansifatasosiatifpadaoperasipenjumlahanmenggunakanbilangan 4, 5, dan 8. • Selesaikanlahdenganmenggunakangabungansifatkomutatifdanasosiatif: 4 x 125 x 25 • Selesaikandenganmenggunakansifatdistributif: a. (116 x 13) + (84 x 13) b. (17 x 225) – ( 17 x 125)

  15. Thanks “If you can dream it, you can do it”

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