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DINATEC Diversified Nutri-Agri Technologies Inc.,. PRESENTS. DINAFERM. A Systems Approach to beneficial yeast inclusion technology. Presented by Dr. Martin Moreira Ph. D. DINAFERM. UP TO DATE BIO-TRANSFORMATION AND BIO-AGLUTINATION TECHNOLOGY FOR TODAY’S MODERN LIVESTOCK, POULTRY AND
DINATEC Diversified Nutri-Agri Technologies Inc., PRESENTS DINAFERM A Systems Approach to beneficial yeast inclusion technology Presented by Dr. Martin Moreira Ph. D.
What is DINAFERM ? • DINAFERM is an active yeast supplement guaranteed at a particular level of colony Forming Units per gram from none to 7.5 billion. • The active yeast will be Saccharomyces cerevisiae. S. cerevisiae (Sc), commonly known as baker's or brewer's yeast, is one of more than 500 distinct species of yeast. The (Sc) cell is approximately 1/10,000 of an inch in length and like the human cell possesses a nucleus, with chromosomes and nucleoli, separated from the cytoplasm by a membrane.
DINAFERM • Is a Source of B‑vitamins, protein and other essential nutrients. • Has antioxidants and enzymes such as: • PROTEASE 27,500 units. • AMYLASE 27,500 units • LIPASE 2,250 units • PHYTASE • Agglutinates certain mycotoxins and pathogenic agents such as Salmonellas.
MODE OF ACTION For cattle, horses, swine, and poultry Depends on animal species, type of diet and stage of lactation. Cattle, poultry, swine and horses have shown positive response. Improvements in productivity, overall health and well being are consistent.
MODE OF ACTION For Ruminants Studies show increase in total number of anaerobic microorganisms, including cellulolytic (fiber digesting) and lactate-utilizing bacteria, in the rumen. Production of B-vitamins, proteins and other nutrients used by beneficial intestinal microbes for growth. Utilization of oxygen in rumen improves growth of strictly anaerobic bacteria. Oxygen inhibits adhesion of cellulolytic bacteria to fiber. Dinaferm improves rate of fiber digestion by increasing cellulolytics & stimulating feed intake & production. Increase in lactate-utilizing bacteria and subsequent decrease in lactate levels in the rumen of animals fed Dinaferm stabilize rumen pH, which leads to increased numbers of cellulolytics. Important when feeding high concentrate rations where rumen pH can drop to acidosis levels.
MODE OF ACTION For Ruminants Increase in total rumen bacteria is associated with Increased ammonia uptake Increased levels of microbial protein leaving the rumen and subsequent increased supply of amino acids to the small intestine. Microbial protein supplements the duodenal protein and boosts milk production in early lactating cows. Research indicates response is greater when ratio of concentrate to forage is higher and fed during late dry or early lactation phase.
Additional Benefits for Beef Cattle • Get cattle onto feed faster • Improved feed utilization • Higher daily gains • Better feed efficiency
Additional Benefits for Dairy Cattle Any lactating female is under stress. Particularly after parturition when she comes into milk and her energy requirements and intake increase dramatically. DINAFERM 1B fed 7-10 days prior to parturition will make this adjustment period a relative breeze. The metabolic intermediates already in our yeast culture and produced by our mature, live yeast cells will help maintain the fiber digesting bacteria (only a live yeast can do this). Cows and nannies fed yeast, tend to have greater numbers of bacteria resulting in greater milk production, longer peak production, improved butterfat, improved feed efficiency, less weight loss and improved longevity. DINAFERM 1 B works equally well top dressed or mixed with the total food ration.
HORSEMEN, DINATEC AND DINAFERM We have a 3 way love relationship with your horses DINAFERM 1 B contains fully grown active cells, having stored their enzymes in the media in which they were grown, thus supplying immediate enzymatic action for enhanced digestion of proteins, fat, fiber and starch. Mares make great use of this advantage when providing milk for their young. Normal growth of developing horses and maintenance of mature horses can be complished more efficiently with the addition of DINAFERM 1 B horsemen have been reporting these benefits. We invite you to tell us what it does for your horses (and as a bonus, see what it does for their hair coats!).
Additional Benefits For your Horses • Increased feed consumption • Supplies natural B vitamins • Improved digestion of fiber • Better and stronger hoofs • Greater assimilation of Calcium & Phosphorus
SWINE DINAFERM is used to great advantage by pork producing customers. DINAFERM is effective in helping to reduce supplemental phosphorus requirements, costs and pollution. DINAFERM produces among other enzymes phytase which releases phytin phosphorus, the primary form of phosphorus in cereal grains. Phytin phosphorus is poorly utilized so most of the phosphorus in grains goes unused. Many pork producers use DINAFERM to reduce supplemental phosphorus costs and its subsequent effect on the environment.
SWINE DINAFERM will eliminate constipation in lactating sows which then consume more and wean heavier pigs. The addition of DINAFERM to grower/finisher diets will help stop cannibalism, reduce manure volumes and aid in manure odor control. Producers frequently comment on its ability to reduce incidence of ulcers as well. DINAFERM does not function as a medication. The dependable, positive results producerssee with DINAFERM are a result of yeast's ability to ensure and enhance normal digestion.
BENEFITS POULTRY Better utilization of nutrients & grain phosphorous Broiler chickens show a 7-8% improvement in growth Agglutinates 100 % of the Aflatoxin content in feed and more than 40 % of T-2 as well as DAS. Agglutinates pathogenic bacteria 7-10 points better feed conversion Lower mortality
Field Test Results Body Weights No negative control groups used. Efficacy is that over Zinc Bacitracin treatment Results dated September 14, 2000
Field Test Results Feed Conversion No negative control groups used. Efficacy is that over Zinc Bacitracin treatment Results dated September 14, 2000
DINAFERM Economics One ton of feed will produce 333.33 broilers at a live weight of 1.75 kg. & feed conversion of 2.00. Dinaferm cost $4.00/KG, ($1.86/LB), Feed cost $0.21 /kg, ($0.097/LB), Live broiler price $1.16/KG, (0.529/LB). Based on preceding we can increase broiler weight an average of 100 grams per bird, therefore 333.33 birds per metric ton will yield 33.33 more kg of meat per MT Based on improved feed conversion figures we can save 5 –7.5 conversion points on average which for 1 treated metric ton is equal to 16.85 kg of feed savings
DINAFERM Calculation of return on investment (ROI) 33.33 more kg of broiler meat per ton @ $1.16 $38.66 16.35 kg of feed per treated metric ton@ $0.21 $ 3.43 Total savings per metric ton $42.09 Total Dinaferm treated cost per metric ton of feed $ 4.00 ROI=TSPMT./. TC ROI=42.09./.4 ROI=10.52:1
DINAFERM QUALITY POINTS There are many strains of S. c. Dinatec Inc. uses only the best quality and most effective strains of S.c. Strict quality control has to be adhered to in order to keep top strain un-contaminated. A special high tech coating of the yeast insures higher efficacy. Field test results prove the efficacy of Dinaferm. Beware of cheap imitations. You get what you pay for.
ANIMAL TYPE RECOMMENDED DOSE RECOMMENDED USE CHART CATTLE Top dress 1 oz per 1000 pounds live weight/day HORSES Top dress 1 0z. per 1000 lbs weight/day SWINE .Add 1 kg per metric ton or 2 lbs per ton POULTRY Add 1 kg per metric ton or 2 lbs per short ton Broilers Add 1 kg per metric ton from day 1 to slaughter Pullets Add 500 grams per Metric ton to 18 weeks Leghorn Layers Add 1 kg per metric ton from 18 weeks to end of lay Lehhorn Breeders Add 500 grams per ton to 20 weeks Broiler Breeders Add 1 kg per metric ton from 20 weeks to end of lay
DINAFERM Hits the target every time
References Stanley,V.G., Ojo,R., Woldesenbet,S., Hutchinson, D.H., and L.F Kubena, 1993. The use of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to suppress the effects of aflatoxicosis in broiler chicks.Poultry Sci. 72:1867-1872. Stanley,V.G., Hutchingson,D.M., Reine,A.H., Corrier,D., and A.A. Hinton,Jr, 1992. Magnesium sulfate effects on coliform bacteria reduction in the intestines, ceca, and carcasses of broiler chickens. Poultry Sci. 71:76-80. Pearson,S.A., Stanley,V.G., Reine,A.H., Huff,W.E., Kubena, L.F., and R.B Harvey, 1990. Single and combination effects of administering salinomycin and aflatoxin to broiler chicks. Poultry Sci. 69:849-851.
DINATEC Diversified Nutri-Agri Technologies Inc., The End …….…for now……. We at DINATEC want to thank you for taking time to watch this DINAFERM 1 B presentation “A Dynamic Approach to Nutri-Agri Product Research and Technology Development”