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Hic Hammone satus , rapta Garamantide Nympha , This (man/one), born from Ammon , a Garamantian nymph having been raped, templa Iovi centum latis immania regnis , established/put up one hundred huge temples to Jove in his broad kingdom,
Hic Hammonesatus, raptaGaramantideNympha, This (man/one), born from Ammon, a Garamantian nymph having been raped, templaIovi centum latisimmaniaregnis, established/put up one hundred huge temples to Jove in his broad kingdom, 200 centumarasposuit, vigilemquesacraveratignem one hundred altars, and with the blood of sheep had consecrated the watchful fire, excubiasdivumaeternas, pecudumquecruore eternal sentinel(s) of the gods, and pinguesolum et variisflorentialiminasertis.the fertile earth and the thresholds flowering with varied wreaths.
Isqueamensanimi et rumoreaccensusamaroand he, crazed of mind and inflamed by bitter rumor,dicitur ante aras media inter numinadivomis said to have beggedJove before the altars in the midst of the presence(s) of the gods205multa Iovemmanibussupplexorassesupinis:many things with hands upturned:
“Iuppiteromnipotens, cui nuncMaurusiapictis“All-powerful Jupiter, to whom now the Maurusian (Moorish) peoplegensepulatatorisLenaeumlibathonorem, having dined on embroidered couches pour (as a libation) Lenaean (i.e. Bacchic) honor (i.e. wine as a manifestation of Bacchis)aspicishaec? an te, genitor, cum fulmina torques,do you see these things? Or, father, would when you hurl your lightning bolts,nequiquamhorremus, caecique in nubibusignesdo we shudder in vain, and do blind fires in the clouds210 terrificantanimos et inaniamurmuramiscent?terrify the minds (of men) and stir up empty ramblings?
Femina quae nostriserrans in finibusurbemThe woman, who wandering in our territoriesexiguampretioposuit, cui litusarandumset up a small city at a price, to whom (we have given) a shore for plowingcuique loci legesdedimus, conubianostraand to whom we have given the laws of the place, our marriage alliancesreppulit, ac dominumAenean in regna recepit.has rejected, and has received Aeneas as master into her kingdom.
215Et nuncille Paris cum semivirocomitatu,And now that Paris with his effeminate retinue,Maeoniamentummitracrinemquemadentemhaving tied a Maeonian cap under his chin and with dripping (with perfume) hairsubnexus, raptopotitur: nosmuneratemplisgains the object taken: we indeed bring gifts to your temples,quippetuisferimus, famamquefovemusinanem.”and we cherish an empty rumor.”