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Definition and modelling of Train and Path in TAF/TAP TSIs

This draft work discusses the definitions and modeling of trains and paths in TAF/TAP TSIs. Explore the main objects, attributes, life cycle, and data model related to trains and paths. Learn about existing definitions of trains, paths, urban transportation services, and international railway traffic. Delve into proposed definitions for production trains, commercial trains, and physical trains, as well as paths in the railway system.

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Definition and modelling of Train and Path in TAF/TAP TSIs

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  1. Definition and modellingof Train and Pathin TAF/TAP TSIs DraftWork in progress FTE, TrID WG Christian Weber, SNCF Version 0.3 of 08/12/2018

  2. Agenda • Definition of Train and Path • Main objects and attributes • Life cycle • Train modified in one network only • Numbers • Data model

  3. Agenda • Definition of Train and Path • Main objects and attributes • Life cycle • Train modified in one network only • Numbers • Data model

  4. Existingdefinitions : Train, Path (1/3) • Single European Railway Area (directive 2012/34) • ‘international freight service’means a transport service where the train crosses at least one border of a Member State; the train may be joined and/or split and the different sections may have different origins and destinations, provided that all wagons cross at least one border • ‘international passenger service’means a passenger service where the train crosses at least one border of a Member State and where the principal purpose of the service is to carry passengers between stations located in different Member States; the train may be joined and/or split, and the different sections may have different origins and destinations, provided that all carriages cross at least one border • ‘urban and suburban services’means transport services whose principal purpose is to meet the transport needs of an urban centre or conurbation, including a cross- border conurbation, together with transport needs between such a centre or conurbation and surrounding areas • ‘regional services’means transport services whose principal purpose is to meet the transport needs of a region, including a cross-border region • ‘train path’means the infrastructure capacity needed to run a train between two places over a given period

  5. Existingdefinitions : Train, Path (2/3) • OPE TSI (regulation 2012/757) • Train : A train is defined as (a) traction unit(s) with or without coupled railway vehicles with train data available operating between two or more defined points • Rolling Stock LOC&PAS TSI (regulation 1302/2014) • A ‘train’ is an operational formation consisting of one or more units • TAF &TAP TSIs (regulations 1305/2014 & 454/2011) • ‘path’means the infrastructure capacity needed to run a train between two places over a given period (route defined in time and space) • ‘path assembly’ : Joining up of individual train paths to extend path in terms of time and space • ‘route’ : The geographical way to be taken from a starting point to a point of destination • ‘train path’ : Train route defined in time and space • ‘train path/slot’ : A definition of a train's route in terms of time and the locations (marker points) at which it will originate and terminate along with details of those locations en-route at which it will either pass or call. The detail might also include any activities that the train will perform en-route for example train crew, locomotive or other consist changes

  6. Existingdefinitions : Train, Path (3/3) • Draft CUI Uniform Rules (OTIF) • ‘international railway traffic’ means traffic which requires the use of an international train path or several successive national train paths situated in at least two States and coordinated by the infrastructure managers concerned • The definitions of Train and Path are various • The wordServiceisusedaccording to the client point of view • A commondefinition of Train and Path shouldbeagreed by the differentactors • This definitionshouldreflect the differentunderstandings

  7. Proposal of definition : Train • According to the context, a ‘train’ could be : • ‘production train’ • defined as a journey between an origin and a destination with a timetable and a given calendar • to be implemented, a ‘production train’ needs a path, a set of vehicles including tractive vehicles (cf. ‘physical train’) and human resources (driver, conductor, etc.) • the composition of a ‘production train’ can vary during the journey and can carry one or several ‘commercial train(s)’ • ‘commercial train’ • defined as a seamless offer of transport for the passengers or freight loads between origin and destination of the ‘commercial train’, including intermediate stops • the ‘commercial train’ receives a number used by the client or loader to find information about the journey • ‘physical train’ • defined as an operational formation consisting of one or more units (cf. definition of ‘train’ in LOC&PAS TSI) • defined by the set of European Vehicle Numbers (EVNs) of each vehicle • it’s the train running on a track The concept of ‘physicaltrain’ is not very relevant for timetablingconcerns

  8. Proposal of definition : Path • ‘Path’ • ‘path’means the infrastructure capacity needed to run a train between two locations over a given period (route defined in time and space) • a ‘path’ is designed by the infrastructure manager (or the allocation body) usually on national level • a ‘path’ can be an assembly of other paths to reflect the complete journey of a train, we speak then of ‘full assembled path’ • a ‘path’ is designed : • on request of a railway undertaking (or an applicant) • or directly by the infrastructure manager without request in order to structure the capacity of the network (‘pre-arranged path’)

  9. Example (1/5) • Overview IM1 IM2 B A C E D N M Trainset

  10. Example (2/5) • Production Train IM1 IM2 Production Train 1 B A C E D N M Production Train 2 Production Train 3

  11. Example (3/5) • Commercial Train IM1 IM2 Commercial Train 1 B A C E D Commercial Train 3 N M Commercial Train 2

  12. Example (4/5) • Physical Train IM1 IM2 Physical Train 5 Physical Train 3 Physical Train 1 B A C E D N M Physical Train 2 Physical Train 4 The concept of ‘physicaltrain’ is not very relevant for timetablingconcerns

  13. Example (5/5) • Path IM1 IM2 Path 1 Path 2 B A C E D N M Path 3 Path 4 Path 5 One path per country

  14. Agenda • Definition of Train and Path • Main objects and attributes • Life cycle • Train modified in one network only • Numbers • Data model

  15. What are the main objects and attributes for planning and operation ? PLANNED TRAIN NUMBER(PTN) is the "short number" usedby RU to identify the train during RU harmonisation (in PCS, fieldcurrentlynamed "International Train Number"). PATHis the space-time allocatedby IM to RU.Identified by PAIDdecided by the IM 5 3 6 Köln 1 COMMERCIAL TRAIN NUMBER(CTN) is the numberused for passengersinformation (e.g. on the reservation ticket, display in stations).The CTN isallocated by the RU and usedby the RU and the SM (Station Manager) Amsterdam TRAINis the "move offer"foreseen by RU. Identified by TRIDallocatedby the RU at the beginning of the path allocation INFRASTRUCTURE TRAIN NUMBER(ITN) is the "short number" usedby IM to identify the national path and usually the assembledpathaccording to UIC leaflets 419-1/2 Bruxelles 7 Object Paris Time PATH REQUESTis a request by RU to IM to receivea pathto operate the train.Identified by PRIDallocatedby the RU Attribute 2 CASE REFERENCEis a workflow document used for one pathrequest or a set of pathrequestsgathered for organisationalreasons.Identified by CRIDallocatedby the RU (or the IM for internalpurposes) OPERATIONAL TRAIN NUMBER(OTN) is the "short number" used by IM and RU in dailyoperation (e.g. display in signalling box, communication signallingbox/train).Allocated by the IM, itisusuallyequal to ITN and canbechanged in case of event in operation 4 8

  16. Description of the objects Objectsand Identifiers - Overview • Four objects are definedcurrently • Train ("owned" by the RailwayApplicant [RA]) • Path Request("owned" by the RA) • Path("owned" by the IM) • Case Reference cf.Dossier("owned" by the RA, IM, otheractors) • Theseobjects are not explicitelydefinedin the TAP/TAF data model (xsd) but implicitelydefined in the messages • The data model willbeproposed at the end of the presentation TRID, PRID, PAID, CRID have a common structure : Planning (withcalendar/regime) : 24 AN Operation (withday of running) : 32 AN

  17. Agenda • Definition of Train and Path • Main objects and attributes • Life cycle • Train modified in one network only • Numbers • Data model

  18. Life cycle Simplified planning cycle Lead RUwithotherRUs National RU to National IM 1 1 1/IM 1/IM Path Request PRID PathInfo Composition Locations withtiming Calendar Wished OTN Train TRID TrainInfo Composition Locations withtiming Calendar Wished OTN To request National IM to National RU Lead RUwithotherRUs x n/IM n/IM x PathPAID Train TrainInfo Composition Locations with timing Calendar OTN(s) PathInfo Composition Locations with timing Calendar OTN(s) To produce WhichTRID ? Is the TRAIN (to request) the sameobjectthan the TRAIN (to produce)?

  19. Life cycle Basic examplewith 2 RUs and 2 IMs (1/4) Lead RU = RU1 RU2 RU1 TrainTRID1 TrainInfo Orig. 08:00 Bord. 10:00 Dest. 12:00 Mo to Su OTN 123 Path Req.PRID1 TrainInfo PathInfo Orig. 08:00 Bord. 10:00 Mo to Su OTN 123 Path Req.PRID2 TrainInfo PathInfo Bord. 10:00 Dest. 12:00 Mo to Su OTN 123 Lead RU = RU1 IM2 IM1 TrainTRID? TrainInfo1 Orig. 08:15 Bord. 10:15 Dest. 12:15 Mo to Th OTN 567 TrainTRID? TrainInfo2 Orig. 08:15 Bord. 10:15 Bord. 10.30 Dest. 12:30 Fr OTN 567 TrainTRID? TrainInfo3 Orig. 08:30 Bord. 10:30 Dest. 12:30 Sa to Su OTN 567 PathPAID4 PathInfo4 Bord. 10:30 Dest. 12:30 Fr to Su OTN 567 Path PAID3 PathInfo3 Bord. 10:15 Dest. 12:15 Mo to Th OTN 567 PathPAID2 PathInfo2 Orig. 08:30 Bord. 10:30 Sa to Su OTN 567 Path PAID1 PathInfo1 Orig. 08:15 Bord. 10:15 Mo to Fr OTN 567 • There is1TRAIN (to request) • There are 3 TRAINS (to produce) • How canitbemanaged ?

  20. Life cycle Basic examplewith 2 RUs and 2 IMs (2/4) Easy to manage • For the IMs • There are 4 PATHS to produce • Capacity check on line and in stations • Programming of the signalling boxes • Traffic management • Etc. How to manage ? • For the RUs • There is1 TRAIN to request • There are 3 TRAINS to produce • Rostering (rolling stock, drivers, conductors, etc.) • Resources allocation • Information for passengers (timetabling, digital tools, ticketing, display in stations and trains, etc.) • Information for freightcustomers • Etc.

  21. Life cycle Basic examplewith 2 RUs and 2 IMs (3/4) How to manage 1 TRAIN to requestand 3 TRAINS to produce?  • Numerous updates • Complexprocess • Difficult IT implementation • Create new TRIDs and inform via Update Link Message   • TRID kept • Object TRAIN TO PRODUCE = TRID (ID only) + relevant PATH objects (PAID + PathInfo) • TheTRAIN TO PRODUCE remainsvirtual and is NOT a real object • Shouldbegenerateddynamically • Complex to manage • Difficult IT implementation TRID1  PAID4 In IM2 Fr-So PAID3 In IM2 Mo-Th PAID1 In IM1 Mo-Fr PAID2 In IM1 Sa-Su  • EachTrainInfoelementreceives an ID (e.g. 2 AN) -> format 26 AN for objet TRAIN TO PRODUCE • AddTrainInfoelementsafteranswer • Object Info Message to be sent • TRID kept • One TRAIN objectwithseveralTrainInfoelements(1 requestextended to 3 afteranswer) • Different formats • Numerous updates • Complexprocess • Difficult IT implementation   • TRID kept • Create a new object (e.g. TRAIN PRODUCTION) usedonly by the RUs • This objectisimplemented by the RUs • Object TRAIN PRODUCTION • TPID (24 AN or 32 AN daily) • TRID • TrainInfo (1 element) • Createdafter allocation by the LeadRU and sent to the otherRUs via ObjectInfoMessage • Easy to implement • Principle of TRID kept • Object TP managedonly by RUs • No Update Link to send 

  22. Life cycle Basic examplewith 2 RUs and 2 IMs (4/4) Lead RU = RU1 RU2 RU1 TrainTRID1 TrainInfo Orig. 08:00 Bord. 10:00 Dest. 12:00 Mo to Su OTN 123 Path Req.PRID1 PathInfo Orig. 08:00 Bord. 10:00 Mo to Su OTN 123 Path Req.PRID2 PathInfo Bord. 10:00 Dest. 12:00 Mo to Su OTN 123 Lead RU = RU1 IM2 IM1 TrainTPID1TRID1 TrainInfo Orig. 08:15 Bord. 10:15 Dest. 12:15 Mo to Th OTN 567 TrainTPID2TRID1 TrainInfo Orig. 08:15 Bord. 10:15 Bord. 10.30 Dest. 12:30 Fr OTN 567 TrainTPID3TRID1 TrainInfo Orig. 08:30 Bord. 10:30 Dest. 12:30 Sa to Su OTN 567 PathPAID4 PathInfo4 Bord. 10:30 Dest. 12:30 Fr to Su OTN 567 Path PAID3 PathInfo3 Bord. 10:15 Dest. 12:15 Mo to Th OTN 567 PathPAID2 PathInfo2 Orig. 08:30 Bord. 10:30 Sa to Su OTN 567 Path PAID1 PathInfo1 Orig. 08:15 Bord. 10:15 Mo to Fr OTN 567

  23. Life cycle with Train Production object PROs • Easy life for the RUswith a new objectTRAIN PRODUCTION usedonly by RUs • The Lead RU creates the object TRAIN PRODUCTION and informsthe otherRUsvia the Object Info Message • The object TRAIN PRODUCTION isusedinside the RUs and is the basis for RU production (rostering, passengersinformatio, etc.) • The TRID isunchangedduring the completeprocess • No need to update the object TRAIN (to request) evenwhen the answer of the IMsisdifferent of the request of the RUs • TRID continues to beused in the messages (RU/IM, IM/IM, RU/RU) • No need for the RUs to send the object TRAIN PRODUCTION to the IMs • Only the TPID canbe sent by the RUs to IMs (as information only) but itis not used by IMs • The phase of request and the phase of production are mirrored

  24. Life cycle with Train Production object Simplified planning cycle Lead RUwithotherRUs National RU to National IM 1 1 1/IM 1/IM Path Request PRID PathInfo Composition Locations withtiming Calendar Wished OTN Train Request TRID TrainInfo Composition Locations withtiming Calendar Wished OTN To request National IM to National RU Lead RUwithotherRUs x n/IM n/IM x PathPAID Train Production TrainInfo Composition Locations with timing Calendar OTN(s) PathInfo Composition Locations with timing Calendar OTN(s) To produce TPIDx TRID The TRAIN PRODUCTION isproducedand itkeeps the TRID createdduring the Train Requestprocess

  25. Life cycle with Train Production object Samecharacteristics, same Train Production objects(1/2) RU1 RU1 • RU1 wantstwo trains: • one for workingdays • one for week-ends Path Req.PRID1 PathInfo Orig. 08:15 Dest. 12:15 Mo to Fr OTN 1234 TrainTRID1 TrainInfo Orig. 08:15 Dest. 12:15 Mo to Fr OTN 1234 TrainTRID2 TrainInfo Orig. 08:30 Dest. 12:30 Sa to Su OTN 5678 Path Req.PRID2 PathInfo Orig. 08:30 Dest. 12:30 Sa to Su OTN 5678 IM1 RU1 Path PAID1 PathInfo Orig. 08:15 Dest. 12:15 Mo to Fr OTN 1234 • The answeristwo trains: • one for workingdays • one for week-ends • samethan the wish Train TPID1TRID1 TrainInfo Orig. 08:15 Dest. 12:15 Mo to Fr OTN 1234 PathPAID2 PathInfo Orig. 08:30 Dest. 12:30 Sa to Su OTN 5678 Train TPID2TRID2 TrainInfo Orig. 08:30 Dest. 12:30 Sa to Su OTN 5678

  26. Life cycle with Train Production object Samecharacteristics, same Train Production objects (2/2) RU1 RU1 • RU1 wants one train : • the same for all days Path Req.PRID1 PathInfo Orig. 08:00 Dest. 12:00 Mo to Su OTN 1234 TrainTRID1 TrainInfo Orig. 08:00 Dest. 12:00 Mo to Su OTN 1234 RU1 IM1 Train TPID1TRID1 TrainInfo Orig. 08:15 Dest. 12:15 Mo to Fr OTN 1234 Train TPID2TRID1 TrainInfo Orig. 08:30 Dest. 12:30 Sa to Su OTN 5678 PathPAID2 PathInfo Orig. 08:30 Dest. 12:30 Sa to Su OTN 5678 Path PAID1 PathInfo Orig. 08:15 Dest. 12:15 Mo to Fr OTN 1234 • The answeristwo trains : • one for workingdays • one for week-ends • different of the wish In both cases the objects TRAIN PRODUCTION to beproducedby the RU are the sameeven the process to createthemisdifferent

  27. Agenda • Definition of Train and Path • Main objects and attributes • Life cycle • Train modified in one network only • Numbers • Data model

  28. Modification in one network With the current TRID • Before the start of the pathrequestperiod for the annualtimatable, IM2 informsthat a reroutingwilltake place from B to C in March with 30 minutes additional time • RU1 and RU2 have to create 2 objects TRAIN with 2 TRIDs (in practice : differentvariants) • As consequence : all IDs are different for bothperiods • RU1 sendsto IM1 the same Path Request content for bothperiods but PRIDs are different • The Path allocated by IM1 to RU1 isidentical for bothperiods but PAIDs are different Rerouting on network 2from 01/03 to 31/03 Daily except 01/03 to 31/03 08:00 A 08:00 A IM1 RU1 IM1 RU1 PRID1 PAID1 PRID3 PAID3 09:00 09:00 B B TRID1 TPID1 TRID2 TPID2 IM2 RU2 IM2 RU2 PRID2 PAID2 PRID4 PAID4 C C 10:30 10:00 This shouldbesimplified

  29. Modification in one network Whatshouldbe the simplestway • Simplestway : • Path Request 1 and Path 1 have the same ID and same content for bothperiods • Consequences : • Train (Request) 1 and Train (Request) 2 shouldbemergedwith the same TRID1 • The Train (Request) objectshouldcontain 2 elementsTrainInfo (1 for eachperiod) • With the Train Production object, no need to update the content of the object Train (Request) Rerouting on network 2from 01/03 to 31/03 Daily except 01/03 to 31/03 08:00 A 08:00 A IM1 RU1 IM1 RU1 PRID1 PAID1 PRID1 PAID1 09:00 09:00 B B TRID1 TPID1 TRID1 TPID2 IM2 RU2 IM2 RU2 PRID2 PAID2 PRID3 PAID3 C C 10:30 10:00

  30. Modification in one network Messages and possible data model – RU1 and IM1 PathRequestMessage 1 TRAIN(REQUEST) TRID1 • TrainInformation • Station A : 08:00 • Station B : 09:00 • Station C : 10:00 • All daysexcept 01-31/03 • TrainInformation • Station A : 08:00 • Station B : 09:00 • Station C : 10:30 • 01-31/03 PATH REQUEST PRID1 • PathInformation • Station A : 08:00 • Station B : 09:00 • All days PathDetailsMessage 1 PATH PAID1 • Station A : 08:00 • Station B : 09:00 • All days TRID1 PRID1

  31. Modification in one network Messages and possible data model – RU2 and IM2 PathRequestMessage 2 PathRequestMessage 3 TRAIN(REQUEST) TRAIN(REQUEST) TRID1 TRID1 • TrainInformation • Station A : 08:00 • Station B : 09:00 • Station C : 10:00 • All daysexcept 01-31/03 • TrainInformation • Station A : 08:00 • Station B : 09:00 • Station C : 10:00 • All daysexcept 01-31/03 • TrainInformation • Station A : 08:00 • Station B : 09:00 • Station C : 10:30 • 01-31/03 • TrainInformation • Station A : 08:00 • Station B : 09:00 • Station C : 10:30 • 01-31/03 PATH REQUEST PATH REQUEST PRID2 PRID3 • PathInformation • Station B : 09:00 • Station C : 10:00 • All daysexcept 01-31/03 • PathInformation • Station B : 09:00 • Station C : 10:30 • 01-31/03 PathDetailsMessage 2 PathDetailsMessage 3 PATH PATH PAID2 PAID3 • Station B : 09:00 • Station C : 10:00 • All daysexcept 01-31/03 • Station B : 09:00 • Station C : 10:30 • 01-31/03 TRID1 TRID1 PRID2 PRID3

  32. Modification in one network Messages and possible data model – Train Production TRAINPRODUCTION TRAINPRODUCTION TPID2 TPID1 TRID1 TRID1 PAID1 PAID1 PAID3 PAID2 • TrainInformation • Station A : 08:00 • Station B : 09:00 • Station C : 10:30 • 01-31/03 • TrainInformation • Station A : 08:00 • Station B : 09:00 • Station C : 10:00 • All daysexcept 01-31/03 • Everyactor has the right objects to implement : • IM1 with PA1 for all days • IM2 with PA2 (all daysexcept 01-31/03) and PA3 (01-31/03) • RU1 and RU2 with TP1 (all daysexcept 01-31/03) and TP2 (01-31/03) • TRID1 isunchanged and permits the links between all objects

  33. Agenda • Definition of Train and Path • Main objects and attributes • Life cycle • Train modified in one network only • Numbers • Data model

  34. Numbers(check alignmentwithfor FTE WG) • PTN (Planned Train Number) • "Short number" used by the RUsto identify the train during RU harmonisation between the planners • Allocated by the Lead RU, usually by agreement with the otherRUsinvolved in the harmonisation • Unicityisrequired in the scope of RU harmonisation • Usually the PTN is the ITN of the full assembled path • If several ITNs are used for the full assembled path, the PTN is usually the “main” ITN (longest journey, nb of running days, etc.) • The ITN can be changed during the planning process • Could be alphanumeric depending on agreements between RUs • As one CASE REFERENCE can concern MAIN and SUB, the PTN is an attribute of the CASE REFERENCE grouping MAIN and SUB • As one PATH REQUEST can lead to several PATHS, these objects are grouped in the CASE REFERENCE with the PTN as attribute • The PTN could also be an attribute of the TrainInformationSection, tbc

  35. Numbers • CTN (Commercial Train Number) • "Short number" usedfor passengers information (e.g. on the reservation ticket, display in stations, etc.) • The CTN isallocatedby agreement between the involvedRUs • The CTN isused by the RUs (retail, ticketing, passengers information) and the Station Managers (information in stations) • The CTN islinked to a set of vehicles on the samejourneywith the sameorigin and destination • A "Production Train" can carry one or several CTN(s) • Unicityisrequired in the scope of retail and passengers information • Could be alphanumeric depending on agreements between RUs

  36. Numbers • ITN (Infrastructure Train Number) • "Short number" used by the IM(s) to identify the national pathand/or the full assembledpathaccording • ITN is a numbercompliantwith: • UIC leaflets 419-1/2 for international trains • National train numberingscheme for domestic trains • Unicityisrequired in the scope of (future) operation • Allocated by the Coordinator IM (international trains) or the IM (domestic trains) during the planning phase • The ITN can change along the journey depending on international or national rules • The RUs can request a “preferred ITN” usually by pre-agreement with the IMs • Is only numerical due to technical constraints with GSM-R and ETCS

  37. Numbers • OTN (Operational Train Number) • "Short number" usedby the IMsand RUsin dailyoperation (e.g. display in signalling box, communication signallingbox/train, etc.) • OTN is a numbercompliantwith: • UIC leaflets 419-1/2 for international trains • National train numberingscheme for domestic trains • Unicityisrequired in the scope of operation • Equal to the ITN whenoperationtakes place as planned • The OTN can change in case of operationalevents, depending on international or national rules • Is only numerical due to technical constraints with GSM-R and ETCS

  38. Agenda • Definition of Train and Path • Main objects and attributes • Life cycle • Train modified in one network only • Numbers • Data model

  39. Meaning of the TRID The TRID isthe identifier of a TRAIN REQUEST meant as a ‘wishedoffer’ which can include a certain level of freedom concerning the locations , timing, calendar, etc. • The TRID identifies a TRAIN (to request) withpossiblyseveralelementsTrainInfo • The TrainInfoelementof the object TRAIN (to request) isa global overview of the wishedoffer to travel • The precisecharacteristics (locations, timing, calendar) are definedin the elementPathInfo of the Path Request(s) • The TRAIN to produce(TRAIN PRODUCTION) isidentified by the TPID (TrainProductionID) with a TrainInfoelementissuedfrom the relevant PathInfoelementsand isusedonly by the RUs • The TRID isalwaysused in the messages betweenRUs and IMs (RU/IM, RU/RU, IM/IM)

  40. Data model (draft)with the 5 objects TR, PA, PR, TP, CR CASE REFERENCE (CRID)Attribute : PTN (also in the TrainInformationelement, tbc) TRAINPRODUCTION TrainProduction ID (TPID) [1] (TPID+Day in operation) PathRequestMessage TrainID (TRID) [1] (TRID+Day in operation) TRAIN(REQUEST) TrainID (TRID) [1] PathID (PAID) [1-n] (PAID+Dayin operation) • TrainInformation [1-n] • Composition • Locations with Timing • Calendar • PTN, CTN • ITN* • Etc. • TrainInformation [1] • Composition • Locations with Timing • Calendar • PTN, CTN • ITN** (OTN in operation) • Etc. PATH REQUEST PathRequestID (PRID) [1] PATH TrainID (TRID) [1] PathID (PAID) [1] (PAID+Day in operation) • PathInformation [1] • Composition • Locations with Timing • Calendar • PTN ? CTN ? • ITN* • Etc. • PathInformation [1] • Composition • Locations with Timing • Calendar • PTN ? CTN ? • ITN** • Etc. PathDetailsMessage TrainID (TRID) [1] PathRequestID (PRID) [1] * wished/proposed by the RU ** allocated by the IM [x] cardinality (1 or n) Is the elementinside or outside the object ?

  41. TO BE CHECKED  Current situation in PCS PTN (Planned Train Number) CRID (Case Reference ID) • TRID (Train ID) if entirejourney in Applicant(s) Section • PRID (Path Request ID) if national journey in Applicant(s) Section • PAID (Path ID) if national journey in IM(s) Section ITN (Infrastructure Train Number) Change of ITN

  42. Questions ?

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