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Hugelkultured Swale Design for CSC Property, Stelle, IL Base Illustration from Bill Mollison’s “Introduction to Permaculture” Modified by Bill Wilson of Midwest Permaculture for the North American Temperate Zones and to incorporate the hugelkultur concept.
Hugelkultured SwaleDesign for CSC Property, Stelle, IL Base Illustration from Bill Mollison’s“Introduction to Permaculture” Modified by Bill Wilson of Midwest Permaculture for the North American Temperate Zones and to incorporate the hugelkultur concept.
OverstorySemi-dwarf Fruit Trees – Black Locust (N) MidstoryHazelnut – Service Berry – Dwarf Fruit Trees – Elderberry – Siberian pea shrub (N) Understory Gooseberry – Currents – Asparagus – Rhubarb - Herbs - False Indigo (N) Ground Cover Strawberry – Nasturtium - Clovers (N) Vines Grapes – Winter Hardy Kiwi – Hops In Swale Daylilies - Comfrey Linear Food ForestPerennial trees and plants located along the entire downhill side of the hugelkultured swales
…and open areas for annual gardens and/or small livestock grazing Designed by Midwest PermacultureClient: Center for Sustainable Community, Stelle, IL