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CMS Activities in China Weiguo Li Representing CMS Chinese Group May 14, 2005 CERN-China workshop. Production:Tasks and the Status Physics Considerations Summary. Production. CSC Production Task at IHEP Beijing RPC Production at Peking Univ. ME1/3 ME1/2. Conclusion. IHEP Task:
CMS Activities in China Weiguo Li Representing CMS Chinese Group May 14, 2005 CERN-China workshop
Production:Tasks and the Status • Physics Considerations • Summary
Production CSC Production Task at IHEP Beijing RPC Production at Peking Univ. ME1/3 ME1/2 Conclusion IHEP Task: 72 ME1/2 & 72 ME1/3 CSC Assembly &Testing For CMS Endcap Muon System
CMS tasks carried out by Chinese Team • Barrel MDT HV boards (IHEP), finished in 2003. • Endcap Muon CSC (IHEP) • 150CSC (Cathode Strip Chamber), all finished and shipped to CERN • Mechanical parts • CMS endcap magnet support (IHEP), finished in 2000 • Barrle Muon Support IB1+IB4 (IHEP), done in 2004 • Hall floor (IHEP), delivered in 2004 • 4. Endcap and barrel Muon RPC (Beijing University) • 5. Participating in the CMS assembling at : 2.5 men-year/year
Barrel MDT HV boards (2000-2003) 1. Assemble, solder and test two kinds of HV boards, HVB,HVC, 11500 each 2. Connecting HV cables 157650 Finished and delivered to CERN
CMS endcap Muon CSC Task:Complete in 2001-2004. (Because of the delay of electronics, complete till May, 2005) Prototype: ME1/2,ME1/3, establish assembling line (2001) ME1/2 CSC 72+3(Complete end of 2002, ahead of schedule) ME1/3 CSC 72+3(Complete in Aug. 2003, ahead of schedule) 2. Assembling of FED Electronics and cosmic ray test in FAST SITE ( testing 30items/CSC)118 CSC delivered to CERN in 3 batches (2003.12, 2004.8,2004.11),and passed the testing, The speed and quality of assembling the chamber and electronics are the best. The last batch delivered to CERN in April.
IHEP CMS/CSC FAST Site Long term HV training 3.6KV 2weeks, 3.7KV 2 weeks 3.8KV one month.
CSC FAST Test set up Muon 24 scintillators read out at both ends VME/NIM DAQ system Scintillation hodoscope CSC chamber
3.Mechanical Fabrications by IHEP • Endcap Magnet Yoke • support, finished in 2000, • got CMS Quality prize • 2.MB1+MB4(MB4 finished in2002 and MB1 in 2004) • Delivered to CERN • 3. CMS Floor, done in2004 and delivered to CERN Endcap Yoke support Floor delivered to CERN
4、RPC(Beijing University) Assemble and test of 1/3 Barrel RPC(RB1)and 1/4 endcap RPC(RE1/2-3: station Quantity Area Total area bare chamber Grand total RB1 120 5.2m2 624 m2 480 1248 m2 RE1/2-3 144 ~2.0 m2 290 m2 432 580 m2
For Barrel RPC, finished manufacture and assembling, Delivered to Italy for final assembling and test. For Endcap RPC,parts are manufactured, deliverd to CERNfor assembling and testsing.EDR got approval of CMS. Till May of 2005,complete 1/2 endcap RPC assembling and delivered to CERN, most have been tested at CERN. In 2004, assemble electronics on RPC at CERN. In 2000, RE1/2 prototype Beam testing at CERN.
Beijing U. played essential roll in designing a thin structure for endcap RPC, and this design change has been accepted for whole endcap RPC, and the honeycomb and the readout strips are manufactured in China.
5. A team at CERN, participating in CMS assembling and testing, 2003+2004 5 men-year CSC installation at SX5
Efforts are stepped up for physics analyses, • got some support from NSFC, • Will participate in the search for Higgs and • Super-symmetric particles, pick some special • channels. • Work on some interesting topics to start with, • Bc, and high-pt J/ study. • Closely work together with Chinese theoretical • community to look for suitable topics. • Work on computing facility.
Bc physics (IHEP) • Channels: Bc→J/ψlυ, Bc→J/ψ; with J/ψ→ll • Measurements: mass, life time, branching ratio • Goals 1) To study the heavy quark dynamics; 2) To test the spin symmetry derived in NRQCD and HQET;
Status 1. Generator is ready
Status 2. Number of events estimation with leptonic trigger Assuming : int. lumi: 10 fb-1 requiring: single μ19GeV, doubleμ7GeV single e 29GeV, double e 17GeV
Vertex reconstruction Y cm X cm
J/ψ and Bc invariance mass reconstruction Bc→J/ψμυ, J/ψ→μμ
Background • General QCD Punch through hadron (fake muon) Gamma conversion (fake electron) • J/ψ + X • B(Bu, Bd, Bs)+X
Selection strategy • Bc→J/ψlυ J/ψ→l l 1) 3 isolated leptons 2) the invariant mass of a pair of leptons (l+l-) is around J/ψ 3) the other lepton shares the same vertex of J/ψ, and the vertex should displaced from the interaction point 4) the reconstructed pt of Bc should be larger than a threshold • Bc→J/ψ J/ψ→l l replace the 3rd lepton by in the above
Plans • Estimating the number of events at different trigger thresholds At start-up luminosity, we would have lower thresholds, or even no threshold • Selection and reconstruction • Mass, life time and branching ratio fitting • Error estimation
Theoretical uncertainty source: • LO only • color singlet only (no color-octet available) • inputs mass of b quark, c quark ; parton distribution function (pdf).
HVV anomalous coupling • H: Higgs VV: ZZ or WW, qqVV final states • Goal: To study the HVV coupling property, to verify • the Higgs observed belongs to SM or not
Number of events predicted at different mH and one of the coupling Constant fW/Λ2 , error is quoted in the bracket Assuming 300 fb-1
HVV status • Generator has been done • The interface between the generator and CMS simulation and reconstruction is done • Start to simulate and reconstruct events
Other physics channels under considering • Higgs searching, Hγγ • Drell-Yang process • WW, ZZ final states, TGC
Manpower in analysis at IHEP • Shaohe Zhang, Beijiang Liu, Zhen Zhang, Zhiyun Zhao, Jinjie Wu, Mingshui Wu Junquan Tao (7 students) • Min Yang (1 postdoc, more will come) • Guoming Chen , Chunhua Jiang, Xiaoyan Shen (3 professors) Some are full time, some part time
Physics Plan at Beijing Univ. Detector: muon reconstruction Analyses: Large pt J/ and , then using J/ for B physics and heavy ion physics
Muon Detector Simulation • At the level-1 trigger, to implement the staged (i.e. reduced) endcap RPC and to study the consequency of the staging. • Also at the level-1 trigger, to study the connection between the RPC and CSC, since that the CSC chamber may have the ghost combination when two or more muons crossing a single chamber. RPCs may help to solve this ambiguity.
J/ Simulation and reconstruction(I) • Only endcap muon system can trigger relatively low PT muons decayed from J/; in the barrel, muons with PT < 6 GeV/c can not reach the muon system. • Large PT production of cc (J/) , bb () states can help to solve the current uncertainties • Non-Relativistic QCD (NRQCD), color-octet mechanism • Puzzle in J/ polarization (transverse polar. or not)
J/ Simulation and reconstruction(II) Other possible topics involved: • The m triggering and reconstruction for J/ • B J/+ X mm+X then to study the rare B decay • Use J/ to calibrate detectors • Suppress the J/ background, in SUSY and heavy ion physics studies
Progress(I) • Event generation with CMKIN 4-2-0 (Pythia 6.2.27), and analysis of output at the generator level and reconstruction level. • Simulate the events (e.g. 1000 single J/) with OSCAR 3-6-0. • Reconstruction with ORCA 8-7-1, looking for the di-m decay channel. Invariant mass of di-m (gen’d) PT of J/ (gen’d)
Progress(II) Invariant mass of di-m (recon’d) PT of J/ (recon’d)
Progress(III) Invariant mass of 1000 J/ di-m (after L3 trigger) 61 di-m 40 recon’d 25 after L3
Analyses Team at Beijing U. Qian, Sijin, Ying, Jun, Wang, Q. J., Yang, Z.C., Dang, K.M., Qiao, Y.Y. Yuan, M.Y., Ma, T. ~ 8 persons USTC may also participate.
What to do next? • Fulfill the obligation in CMS, participating in detector maintenance and operation; • Put more efforts in software and physics analyses preparation, I feel more cooperation with other CMS institutes is absolutely necessary in this area.
Chinese funding should decide how to support physicists to participate in CMS activities, especially the Fund needed for travel, sending persons abroad, and computing facility at home. I am sure Chinese physicists can play an important roll in CMS operation and physics analyses.
2004年度CMS进展总结 1.我承担CMS探测器研制进展顺利,CSC和RPC两部分按期完成2004年度任务,得到CMS合作组的好评。2005年6月底将完成全部国内组装任务.前期任务将全部完成 2. CMS地板和MB1,RPC蜂窝板机械加工按期完成并运抵CERN. (后期任务) 4.2003,2004年度派出5人年物理和技术人员参加CMS CSC和RPC部分探测器的现场组装和测试,2005年将 继续派人完成现场任务. (后期任务)
1.前期(1999-2004)经费使用 前期总投入1200万元,贡献4650K瑞士法郎 (基金委:600万,科技部:450万, 科学院:150万) a. 桶部飘移室高压分配板(高能所)80万元(实用100万) b. 端部 Muon 阴极条室(高能所)420万元 c. CMS磁铁支架(高能所2000年完成)420万元 探测器支架IB1+IB4(高能所2004年完成)105万元 d. 端部 Muon RPC 阻性板室(北京大学) 180万元 合计使用经费支出1225万(高能所自筹25万)
2. 后期经费共620万元(至2007): (基金委320万+科技部300万,到位经费:90+147万) 1.M&O(Maintenance and Operation): A&B:2002-2007 A. 由全部合作方按人头承担的费用,我们为16人, 至2006年底应付289K CHF. 完成289KCHF的方法: 高能所将于2005派出DT电缆工作组6人*0.5年=3人年 (折合贡献150KCHF) 54万元(高能所自筹) 高能所完成RPC蜂窝板生产(折合贡献135KCHF) 约115万元 B. 派出人员参加CMS现场安装和测试12.5人年(5年) 225万元 (折合贡献625KCHF) 2.CofC(CostofCompletion含 C&I(Commissionand Integration): 我们承担前期份额追加的费用700K CHF 蜂窝板投入(北大) 80万 贡献~120万(200KCHF) CMS-floor(IHEP投入)200万 贡献~300万 (500KCHF) 合计投入: 674万元, 折合贡献: 285K+700K+625K=1610K CHF
三. 2005年CMS工作计划 1.继续CSC电子学部件组装和CSC 整体测试,并于6月底前运抵CERN 2.派出物理和技术人员参加CMS现 场安装和测试 3.为CMS数据获取准备好物理分析 的基础工作
四. 存在问题和困难: • 最近由于探测器建造费用的不可预见的增加, CMS 又要求中国追加建造经费250KCHF • 2. 参加CMS 数据获取物理分析的人员和国内分析平台设备如何支持和建设? • 3. 2007后CMS 的持续运行费如何支付?
请各位领导和专家批评指正! 谢谢!