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ConMIN 矿场状态监测解决方案

ConMIN 矿场状态监测解决方案. 行业细分版 斗轮式挖掘机 传输系统. TAKRAF BWE SRs 6300. VATTENFALL Europe Mining. 斗轮挖掘机 #1510 TAKRAF SRs 系列. HTML GUI – 机器状态一览. 采掘系统简图. 机组简图. . . 机器驱动系简图. . 机组驱动系. VIBRONET  - 在线状态监测 挖掘机 1510. Alarm. System status. Trend. Diagnostic. Back. Start.

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ConMIN 矿场状态监测解决方案

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  1. ConMIN矿场状态监测解决方案 行业细分版 斗轮式挖掘机 传输系统 TAKRAF BWE SRs 6300

  2. VATTENFALL Europe Mining 斗轮挖掘机 #1510 TAKRAF SRs系列

  3. HTML GUI – 机器状态一览 采掘系统简图 机组简图   机器驱动系简图  机组驱动系 Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  4. VIBRONET - 在线状态监测 挖掘机 1510 Alarm System status Trend Diagnostic Back Start Connection status System Conveyor Gearbox Main drive Gearbox Conveyor HTML GUI – 系统简图 TAKRAF BWE SRs 6300 Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  5. VIBRONET - 在线状态监测 齿轮箱 Alarm System status Trend Diagnostic Back Start Connection status System Drive 1 Drive 2 Driven module Drive 1 Drive 2 Driven module Drive 1 Drive 2 Driven module Sensor location HTML GUI – 斗轮式挖掘机驱动系 Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  6. VIBRONET - 在线状态监测 传送带 1 Alarm System status Trend Diagnostic Back Start Connection status System Drums 1.7 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.6 1.4 1.5 M1 BA1 M2 BA2 Drums HTML GUI – 传输系统简图 Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  7. VIBRONET -在线状态监测 齿轮箱 – 驱动系 1 Alarm System status Trend Diagnostic Back Start Machine data Connection status left YE 1202 Online trends YE 1201 Conical gearbox side YE 1106 YE 1105 M1 Vibration Gear mesh Bearings 0° 140° 145° 85° SE 1113 Parameters operation 180° 180° right YE 1101 280° 135° EE 1114 M 45° Planetary gearbox side YE 1204 GE 1207 YE 1102 YE 1203 SE 1007 HTML GUI – 斗轮式挖掘机驱动系 1 YE - Acceleration GE - Displacement SE - RPM EE - Load Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  8. YE 1209 YE 1103 YE 1104 VIBRONET - 在线状态监测 齿轮箱 – 驱动系 2 YE 1210 EE 1114 Alarm System status Trends Diagnostic Back Start Machine data Connection status YE 1107 left Online trends Conical gearbox side YE 1108 M2 0° 30° 45° 85° Vibration Gear mesh Bearings YE - Acceleration GE - Displacement SE - RPM EE - Load SE 1113 180° 180° 45° right Parameters operation M 45° 45° YE 1212 Planetary gearbox side GE 1215 YE 1211 HTML GUI –斗轮式挖掘机驱动系 2 Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  9. YE 1109 VIBRONET - 在线状态监测 齿轮箱 – 驱动系 315° left Alarm System status Trends Diagnostic Back Start Machine data Connection status GE 1205 Conical gearbox side GE 1213 Online trends 350° 260° Vibration Gear mesh Bearings GE 1206 right YE 1110 190° 280° YE - Acceleration GE - Displacement SE - RPM EE - Load GE 1214 315° Planetary gearbox side Operation parameters GE 1115 HTML GUI – 斗轮挖掘机主轴 Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  10. YE 1202 YE 1102 YE 1106 VIBRONET - 在线状态监测 齿轮箱 – 传感器位置 YE 1105 GE 1207 YE 1201 YE 1101 YE 1204 YE 1203 YE 1108 Sensor list Connection status YE 1212 GE 1205 YE 1107 YE 1210 YE 1104 YE 1103 GE 1206 Monitored objects GE 1213 GE 1214 GE 1215 YE 1211 YE 1209 YE - Acceleration GE - Displacement SE - RPM EE - Load HTML GUI –斗轮式挖掘机传感器位置 Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  11. 轴承上的振动传感器 振动传感器 距离传感器 应变仪 传感器典型位置示例 距离传感器监测轴 的相对振动 应变仪监测主支撑螺栓 (保护机理: 扭拒过高 停机!) Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  12. 保护机理:在线扭矩测量 通过附加的测量值实现出色的机器保护: • 我们曾经遇到过,在某齿轮箱没有探测到明显的振动增长 • 但是扭矩相比正常值增长了三倍 • 保护措施: 自动停机 Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  13. VIBRONET - 在线状态监测 传送带 (传送带 1) Alarm System status Trends Diagnostic Back Start Machine data Connection status 1.7 右边 YE 1111 180° 180° Vibration Bearings 1.1 1.3 1.4 Parameters operation 0° YE 1112 左边 交换滚筒 (输入滚筒) 张紧滚筒 交换滚筒 被驱动滚筒 (输出滚筒) HTML GUI – 传送带 Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  14. 齿轮箱 张紧轮 驱动轮 传输桥上的测点位置 延长电缆,作为张紧轮运动时的补偿 加速度振动传感器 Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  15. 不平衡 不对中 磨损 磨损 不平衡 磨损 裂缝 轴承损坏 磨损 电气故障 啮合问题 断齿 不平衡 斗轮式挖掘机– 典型故障 位移和扭矩测量 Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  16. 电气故障 磨损 不平衡 轴承故障 裂缝 磨损 磨损 电气故障 齿轮啮合问题 断齿 不平衡 裂缝 变形 皮带传输系统 – 典型故障 不平衡 不对中 磨损 驱动皮带轮 电机 齿轮箱 Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  17. 扭矩&位移在线测量 挖掘过程: 负载 + 转速 负载变化时 行星架轴产生位移 负载变化时 行星架1 产生位移 负载变化时 行星架2 产生位移 斗轮挖掘机 #1510 Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  18. 支撑轴上的扭矩变化趋势 挖掘机的 一个旋转周期 低负载时 轮片的周期性 干涉 由于对扭矩的要求增加 造成转速的短时下降 斗轮式挖掘机 #1510 Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  19. 挖掘机齿轮箱的振动信号 齿轮啮合频率 齿轮啮合频率 行星架轴频率 斗轮式挖掘机 #1510 Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  20. VATTENFALL Europe Mining 斗轮式挖掘机#1557 TAKRAF SRs 2000+VR90

  21. 斗轮式挖掘机 #1557 – SRs 2000+VR90HTML GUI界面样图* *HTML GUI界面属于选配并可根据用户不同需求进行设定 Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  22. 其它故障示例:检测和分析 轴承问题,不平衡等

  23. 外圈损坏频率及多倍谐频 速度频谱 0 – 160 Hz 传送带调偏滚筒上的轴承损坏 (1) 更换轴承 趋势数据 加速度 a0-S, 2 Hz - 40 kHz 轴承损坏原因: 轴承密封损坏导致污染物渗入 Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  24. 滚动体转动频率 速度频谱 0 – 160 Hz 传送带调偏滚筒上的轴承损坏 (2) 轴承损坏 趋势数据 加速度 a0-S, 2 Hz - 40 kHz 轴承损坏原因: 由于磨损导致轨道面凹痕 Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  25. 不平衡刹车滚筒,驱动 1 “unbalance” “unbalance” Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  26. 趋势图 – 齿轮箱 Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  27. 趋势图 – 齿轮箱 Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  28. VATTENFALL Europe Mining 斗轮式挖掘机 #1519 TAKRAF SRs 6300

  29. VATTENFALL: 斗轮式挖掘机 #1519 TAKRAF SRs 6300 BWE #1519 / TAKRAF SRs 6300 Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  30. 传输系统 Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  31. Belchatow Mine波兰 斗轮式挖掘机 #546 (K41) TAKRAF SRs 2000

  32. 客户: Belchatow / 波兰 Belchatow Mine • 地点 波兰 • 面积 2560 ha • 产能 3850万吨/年 • 传送带总长 90 km 设备使用: • 褐煤挖掘机 8 • 剥土挖掘机 6 • 翻斗挖掘机 6 • 驱动站 80 Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  33. 客户: Belchatow / 波兰 褐煤挖掘机 • 斗轮式 • 8 组驱动系 (电机 + 齿轮箱) • 4 个滚筒 翻斗挖掘机 • 6 组驱动系 (电机 + 齿轮箱) • 4 个滚筒 驱动站 • 在电机,齿轮箱,滚筒上分布28个测点 Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  34. 波兰 – Belchatow: 斗轮式挖掘机 546 – SRs 2000 Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  35. A P M Normal links -BA_Beschleunigungssensor VIBROWEB XP –在线状态监测 斗轮式挖掘机 546 – SRs 2000 TAKRAF GmbH -BT_Temperatursensor P P A Warning Ölfilter Warnung Signalanalyse Startseite Zurück Alarm System -BN_Drehzahlsensor Antrieb 2 (unten) Kegelradseite -BP_Drucksensor Alarm Belchatow / Polen -BM_DMS_Momentenmessung BA1101 Schwingung Kegelritzelwelle oben radial Open Circuit -LubCos_Ölzustandsüberwachung BA1102 Schwingung Kegelritzelwelle oben axial Disabled M Antrieb 1 (oben) BA1103 Schwingung Kegelritzelwelle unten radial rechts Planetenseite BA1104 Schwingung Kegelritzelwelle unten axial BT1201 Temperatur Kegelritzelwelle oben Lager 1 BT1202 Temperatur Kegelritzelwelle oben Lager 2 BT1203 Temperatur Kegelritzelwelle unten Lager 1 Temperatur Kegelritzelwelle unten Lager 2 BT1204 BM1105 Abtriebsmoment BT1205 Außentemperatur BP1106 Öldruck vor Filter BP1107 Öldruck nach Filter Momentanwerte BT1206 Ölsumpftemperatur BN1301 Eingangsdrehzahl LubCos Ölzustandsüberwachung Maschinendaten BE1303 Kupplungsschlupf (Temperaturüberschreit.) HTML GUI见面 – 斗轮式挖掘机 546 – SRs 2000 Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  36. M A P -00000.0 links -BA_Beschleunigungssensor [RPM] VIBROWEB XP – 在线状态监测 斗轮式挖掘机 546 – SRs 2000 TAKRAF GmbH -BT_Temperatursensor P P A Ölfilter Warnung Zurück Startseite Signalanalyse Alarm System -BN_Drehzahlsensor Antrieb 2 (unten) Kegelradseite -BP_Drucksensor Belchatow / Polen -BM_DMS_Momentenmessung BA1101 Schwingung Kegelritzelwelle oben radial -00000.0 [mm/s] -00000.0 [m/s-2] -LubCos_Ölzustandsüberwachung BA1102 Schwingung Kegelritzelwelle oben axial -00000.0 [mm/s] -00000.0 [m/s-2] M Antrieb 1 (oben) BA1103 Schwingung Kegelritzelwelle unten radial -00000.0 [mm/s] -00000.0 [m/s-2] rechts Planetenseite BA1104 Schwingung Kegelritzelwelle unten axial -00000.0 [mm/s] -00000.0 [m/s-2] BT1201 Temperatur Kegelritzelwelle oben Lager 1 -00000.0 [°C] -00000.0 ∆ [°C] BT1202 Temperatur Kegelritzelwelle oben Lager 2 -00000.0 [°C] -00000.0 ∆ [°C] BT1203 Temperatur Kegelritzelwelle unten Lager 1 -00000.0 [°C] -00000.0 ∆ [°C] Temperatur Kegelritzelwelle unten Lager 2 BT1204 -00000.0 [°C] -00000.0 ∆ [°C] BM1105 Abtriebsmoment -00000.0 [kNm] BT1205 Außentemperatur -00000.0 [°C] BP1106 Öldruck vor Filter -00000.0 [hPa] BP1107 Öldruck nach Filter -00000.0 -00000.0 [hPa] ∆ [hPa] BT1206 Ölsumpftemperatur -00000.0 [°C] BN1301 Eingangsdrehzahl LubCos Temperatur / relative Ölfeuchte 00.0 [°C] 00.0 [% r.H.] relative Dielektrizitätskonstante / Leitfähigkeit 00.0 [-] 00.0 [pS/m] HTML GUI 界面 – 斗轮式挖掘机 546 – SRs 2000 Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  37. Belchatow, 波兰 Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  38. 其他客户 – 斗轮式挖掘机 / 传送系统 • VATTENFALL Europe Mining – Welzow Süd Mine (德国 / 斗轮式挖掘机 #1519 SRs 6300 & 传送系统, 自 1997年起)  Video available (German language), 174 MB • Elektrownia Bełchatów电站 (波兰 / 斗轮式挖掘机 SRs 2000 & 传送系统) • Tamnava West 矿 (塞尔维亚 / 斗轮式挖掘机 & 传送系统) • Maritza 矿 (保加利亚 / 斗轮式挖掘机SRs 4000+VR & 传送系统)  世界上第四大斗轮式挖掘机 • MIBRAG, Schleenhein 矿 (德国 / 斗轮式挖掘机 SRs 2000) Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

  39. 感谢您的参与! 登录我们的网站:www.m1718.net Certain products and procedures shown herein are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or patent applications

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