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S L O V E N S K Á T E C H N I C K Á U N I V E R Z I T A V B R A T I S L A V E Fakulta chemickej a potravinárskej technológie S L O V A K U N I V E R S I T Y O F T E C H N O L O G Y I N B R A T I S L A V A Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology. DIVAI 2012, Štúrovo.
S L O V E N S K Á T E C H N I C K Á U N I V E R Z I T A V B R A T I S L A V E Fakulta chemickej a potravinárskej technológie S L O V A K U N I V E R S I T Y O F T E C H N O L O G Y I N B R A T I S L A V A Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology DIVAI 2012, Štúrovo NEW FORMS OF EDUCATION IN THE FIELD OF RADIATION PROTECTION Oľga Holá
Introduction Enormous development of the applicationsof IR: • in medicine, biology, chemistry, techniques and in material sciences. • IR - basis of many new fields, e.g. nuclear medicine • Nuclear energy - an irreplaceable source of energy Negative influences ofIR: • atom bombs, tests of nuclear weapons, nuclear accidents • Public – • discussion of influences on our health and on environment • interest in the heart of the matter – what is ionizing radiation • IR – poses a threat to mankind or helps us → radiation protection
Transfer of information • education on various faculties of universities • public can be informed - mass media - internet - various publicity campaigns – Days of open doors,Night of Researchers, Informative day of SNUS • vacuum in education - on secondary schools
Study, promotional- informative material 1. „Multimedia programme of education in the field of ionizing radiation and radiation protection“KEGA MŠ SR 2005-2009 - the team cooperation of many workplaces (18 co-autors) - output - multimedia textbook „Ionizing radiation and radiation protection“ (Holý, K., Holá, O., et.al) - text part (25 chapters with quantity of hypertexts) - multimedia part (12 videofilms, 43 presentations), - informative part
2. Informative day of SNUS (Slugeň et al. 2009) - mayors and city managers from the municipalities nearby nuclear power station Jaslovské Bohunice - lectures - DVD materials ⋲ text + video films + presentations
3. University textbook„Radiation protection“with subtitle: „Ionizing radiation, its effects and protection of it“ (Holá, Holý 2010).APVV LPP-0230-09 - Text + DVD supplement + illustrative video films as well as colour figures
RADIAČNÁ OCHRANA Ionizujúce žiarenie, jeho účinky a ochrana pred ionizujúcim žiarením S T U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave Oľga HOLÁ Karol HOLÝ ISBN 978-80-227-3240-6
Our video-film library • 1. Radioactivity • 2. Irradiator • 3. X-rays and diffraction device • 4. Application of X-rays in medicine diagnostics • 5. Modern techniques in radiology and nuclear medicine • 6. Nuclear medicine – open radiation sources in diagnostics and therapy • 7.Ionizing radiation and radiation protection • 8. Days of radiation protection • 9.Proton synchrotron in Ružomberok
Forms of education • Days of open doors2010, 2011 • Night of Researchers2010, 2011 • Week of Science and Techniques • training for teachers of chemistry and natural sciences • the lecture-experimental tours
Days of open doors 26.5.2010 Holá O.: Rádioactivity around us
Days of open doors 24.5.2011
Night of Researchers– 24.9.2010 - Avion
Week of Science and Techniques on Slovakia 2010 BratislavaSNM – Museum of Natural Sciences
Holá O.: Multi-purpose utilization of strong magnets – MRI, cyclotrons, synchrotrons 2.12.2010
Night of Researchers- 23.9.2011 Holá O., Ilčin M.: Radioactivity around us Ionizing radiation and its influences
Night of Researchers– 23.9.2011
The lecture-experimental tours • 1.Radioactivity – a threat for mankind or an inseparable part of our life • 2.Origin of X-rays and their use • 3.Do you know working principles of CT, MRI, ultrasonography, PET? • 4.Nuclear medicine – open irradiators in diagnostic and therapy • 5.Multi-purpose utilization of strong magnets – MRI, cyclotrons, synchrotrons • 6.Radiation protection
Realized tours with themes of IR • Prírodovedecké múzeum – téma 5a (3 prednášky = 2 triedy z Gymnázia Bilikova Ba, 1 trieda SPŠ elektrotechnická) • Gymnázium Krompachy – téma 7 • Športové gymnázium Košice – téma 7 • Gymnázium Púchov – témy 9, 9a • Gymnázium Metodova Ba – téma 5a • Gymnázium Prievidza – témy 7, 9, 9a • Stredná odborná škola Slovenská Ľupča - témy 7, 9, 9a • Gymnázium Krompachy – témy 9, 9a • Gymnázium Liptovský Mikuláš – témy 9, 9a • Gymnázium Košice – témy 9, 9a • Stredná odborná škola – Košice témy 9, 9a • Gymnázium Nová Baňa – témy 9, 9a • Gymnázium Žiar n/Hronom – témy 9, 9a • Gymnázium Einsteina – Bratislava – témy 9, 9a • Gymnázium Matky Alexie Bratislava - témy 9, 9a Together 30 lectures
Experiences • To supply the power-point presentation of lecture directly by demonstrations, experiments • To combine the power-point presentation with the video clips and video-films, internet • To allow a pause during a lecture • To assign a written questions, tasks at the beginning of lecture – it helps to maintain the attention during the whole lecture • To give a time for discussion and for “playing” with demo tools • To evaluate the student’s answers of written quiz and to reward some students with symbolic prizes
Photodocumentation Košice
Quiz prize award
Conclusion • application of above mentioned study materials for an education as well as for propagation are very positive. • new forms of an education – • the activities for general public, • our lecture–experimental tours at the secondary schools, have very kindly response. „Lack of cognition is stone of evil “
Contact • olga.hola@stuba.sk This work was supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the contract No. APVV LPP-0230-09.