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Perry, Suzanne and Michael Aft. "An Aging Population Can Contribute Much to Society ." Ed. Katherine Swarts . The Aging Population . Detroit: Gale Cengage Learning , 2009. 146-153. Print. Note the hanging indent. This citation was made using Son of Citation Machine. .
Perry, Suzanne and Michael Aft. "An Aging Population Can Contribute Much to Society." Ed. Katherine Swarts. The Aging Population. Detroit: Gale Cengage Learning, 2009. 146-153. Print. Note the hanging indent. This citation was made using Son of Citation Machine. Sourcecard from book
This note is verbatim. All of yours should be, too. Therefore, you need to use quotation marks. Perry and Aft 148 Contributions This is your Source ID. It comes from your sourcecard. Use the word in the flag (all authors’ names if there are more than one) + page numbers, if applicable. “Proponents of getting the boomers involved in nonprofit activities say they hope to radically reshape the way society thinks about the graying of America. Instead of viewing older Americans exclusively as a drain on society who are going to bankrupt health-care and Social Security programs, they argue, they should be considered a tremendous asset that can be tapped to help solve social problems.” This is your topic. Get it from your bubble map Notecard from previous book
All of the components of the notecard and sourcecard are included in this entry. Source ID. Use page # column ONLY if the source includes page numbers. Topic. This comes from your bubble map. Citation, created using Son of Citation Machine. Verbatim note, enclosed in quotation marks. Spreadsheet entry from previous book
Baby Boomers Beneficial to Economy Harmful to Economy This is probably what your bubble map looks like right now. You will add to it as you take notes.
Baby Boomers Beneficial to Economy Harmful to Economy Can contribute Add this “grandchild” bubble based on the note you just took.
Sprague, Nancy. "Counterpoint: The Baby Boom Generation Is Bankrupting the U.S. Social Security and Medicare Programs." Points of View: Baby Boomers (2013): 3. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 29 Sept. 2013. Points of View database created this citation. Capitalization errors needed to be corrected. Sourcecard from Points of View database
Inadequate Social Security Sprague “As a result of the boomer generation’s size and characteristics, there is an excellent chance that those eligible for retirement in the next twenty-five to thirty years will receive little or no Social Security retirement benefits.” Notecard from Points of View database
Baby Boomers Beneficial to Economy Harmful to Economy Will deplete Social Security Can contribute Add this additional “grandchild” bubble based on the note you just took.
Bernard, Dave. "The Impact of Baby Boomers Working Past 65." On Retirement. U. S. News & World Report LP, 18 Jan 2013. Web. 29 Sep 2013. This citation was created using Son of Citation Machine. Sourcecard from article found on Internet
Bernard Delaying retirement “When existing employees stay on the job longer, there will be fewer opportunities available for younger workers in search of a career. In an already tight job market, this could prove frustrating to younger job candidates who are forced to wait in the wings.” Notecard from previous Internet article
Fewer jobs available for young Great-grandchild Older workers delaying retirement Baby Boomers Beneficial to Economy Harmful to Economy Will deplete Social Security Can contribute Add this additional “grandchild” bubble based on the note you just took. Notice that you were also able to add a “great-grandchild” since your note gave you specific details about this reason.