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MOTHER AND DAUGHTER AT SCHOOL. It is the biggest p ublic literacy campaign in Turkey. It was launched in 2008 with the cooperation between Ministry of Education and Halk Bank and it has been implementing by Provincial and District Directorates in local.
Itwaslaunched in 2008 withthecooperationbetweenMinistry of Educationand Halk Bank and it has beenimplementingbyProvincialandDistrictDirectorates in local.
Whatwasthe motive of thisproject? In 2008, TurkishStatisticsAgencydeclaredthatnearly 5 millionpeople ( morethan 3 millionwomen) in Turkeydidn’tknowreadingandwriting, themostimportantskills of person in his life. (in 2008, thepopulationwas 71.517.100) Therealsowas a shockingstatisticthatmost of thoseilliteratepeoplewereliving in 9 bigcities of Turkey (Ankara, Adana, Mersin, Şanlıurfa, Antalya, İstanbul, İzmir, Diyarbakır and Bursa) . The total number of peoplewho do not havewriting /readingskillsconsisted of 40% of theoverallpopulation in thesecities..
Whatwasthesituation in Tekkeköy/Samsun? 2008-2012
How haveweworkedfortheproject since 2008? Wehaveopened 125 literacycourses in ourdistrict since 2008. Learnerswerebetween 30 -60 yearsold. Andallpartcipantshavegottheiraccomplishmentcertificates at theend of thecourses. Tofosterthepublicawarenessforthecoursesandcampaign, wehung a big banner in thestreet, we had regularvisitstovillagesandgatheredwithpeopletointroducethecampaign, toassesstheresultsandensurethatpeoplewereaware of thecourses. Wemaderegularpublicannouncementfrommunicipalitybuilding. Weorganisedsomeoccasionslikereadingcompetition, readingfestivals, certificateceremoniesandgave prize forthewinner of competitiontomakethepeoplemoreeagertoattendtothesecourses.
How wastheresult? Thecampaign has goneverywell in ourdistrcitand in thecountry as well. 2303 people( 100 men, 2230 women) gottheircertificate of accomplishment of literacycourses since 2008. As a result, the rate of literacyforwomen has reached 95,92 andfor men 93,22% in Tekkeköy. Therearestillpeoplewho do not knowwriting/readingandwecontinuetoopenliteracycoursesforthemandstillcarryoutthecampaign.