1. Women’s Political Empowerment
2. Categorization of Projects under Thematic Area Capacity Building of Public Representatives
Voters Education
Capacity Building of NGOs
Research and Advocacy
3. Details of Projects
4. Details of Projects
5. Details of Projects
6. Main Issues/Challenges Structural Issues/Challenges
Institutional Issues/Challenges
Functional Issues/Challenges
7. Structural Issues/Challenges Social and cultural barriers, including issues like restrictions on women’s mobility that affect their access to information and resources
Entrenched patriarchal mindset that defines women’s rightful place only in the home.
Politics is considered as male domain in the public view.
There is a lack of a societal acceptance of women’s political role;
Women are hindered to participate as voters and as candidates by the local power brokers
Women are disenfranchised
8. Strategies Adopted Networking and Advocacy
Using Radio and Talk shows
Sensitization of local political leadership
Mobilization and support to women
Development and dissemination of print material
Capacity building of local CBOs
9. Institutional Issues/Challenges Male domination in power politics;
Lack of interest of political parties to orientate themselves toward the political participation of women;
Lack of government will to create enabling environment for women’s political participation and representation
Lack of representation of women in the decision making bodies of political parties;
Masculine model of politics and decision making;
Prohibiting women from casting their votes
Male resistance to women politicians in the political structures
Lack of democracy and democratization of political structures
Independent Election Commission
10. Strategies Adopted Develop the capacity of local groups for advocating women rights
Regular coordination with political parties and government agencies
Linkages developed among line department and communities
Capacity building of local organizations to tap public resources as CCBs
Gender sensitization trainings
Capacity building of line agencies and political parties
11. Functional Issues/Challenges Inadequate political training of women;
Lack of capacities and know-how of the political system
Lack of education and awareness of women of their political rights;
High level of illiteracy among women
Lack of confidence and trust among women;
Lack of political skills
Lack of financial resources and social capital
Lack of experience in playing a decision-making roles
Lack of voter’s education
Non-registration of voters
Voters do not have National Identity Cards
12. Strategies Adopted Training of women on importance of political education
Getting support of the local leadership for enhancing women’s political participation
Voter registration and support in getting ID cards
Material development and use of media
13. Areas of Focus for Future Citizenship Rights and Women’s Exclusion
Culture and Political Rights of Women
Gender and Democratization
Capacities and Capabilities in Politics