INTRODUCTION • TerraSAR-X is Germany’s first remote sensing satellite to be implemented in a public –private partnership between the German Aerospace Centre(DLR) and EADS Astrium GmbH. TerraSAR-X supplies high quality radar data that has been used for continuous monitoring of Earth and has helped achieve several private business applications. The TerraSAR-X mission is a continuation of two very successful radar missions namely X-SAR and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission initiated with the collaboration of NASA and the Italian Space Agency (ASI).
MISSION DESIGN The terraSAR-X satellite was launched from Baikonur on a Russian launch vehicle. Once in the orbit, the satellite has been taken over by the Mission Control Centre in Oberpfaffenhofen. The system baseline includes 2 ground stations in Germany, of which Weilheim is the satellite control station and Neustrelitz is the central receiving station for the 300-Mb/s X-band downlink. The nature of the mission concept is shown in the block diagram in figure1. Figure1: Mission Concept
SYSTEM DESIGN A] PRIMARY PAYLOAD- SAR: • The primary payload is a SAR which employs an active phase controlled antenna system to operate in the X-band at 9.65Ghz. The SAR works in all its modes. 1] In the spotlight mode a resolution of upto 1m is obtained as the radar images an area of 5 to 10 by 10kms size. 2] In the stripmap mode a resolution of upto 3m is obtained as the satellite images a 30km strip width and a maximum length of 1500km. 3] In the scanSAR mode a resolution of 18m is obtained as it scans a strip of 100km width and maximum length of 1500km.
B] SECONDARY PAYLOAD: • There are two secondary payloads: 1] LASER COMMUNICATION TERMINAL(LCT): • The LCT is used to verify the optical data transfer in space. It has a transmission rate of 5.6Gb/s for satellite-to-satellite or satellite-to-ground communication link. 2] THE TRACKING OCCULTATION AND RANGING EXPERIMENT (TOR): It comprises of the IGOR dual frequency GPS receiver alongwith a laser reflector. IGOR allows an accuracy of up to a few cm. It also helps in performing radio occultation measurements in the ionosphere and the atmosphere. The presence of the laser reflector unit helps in determining the exact distance between the TerraSAR-X satellite and other satellites.
DUAL RECEIVE ANTENNA (DRA): The DRA concept logically splits the long standard antenna during the receiving mode into two parts in along track. It can be seen from the figure 5 below ,that the beamwidth of the halved antennas are doubled as compared to the complete antenna whereas the receiver gain is reduced by 3dB. In configuration A the Tx azimuth pattern is widened in order to make it compatible with the Rx azimuth pattern as shown in part a of the figure 6 below. This results in 6dB reduction of two -way gain. In configuration the Tx azimuth pattern is unaffected. It results in -3dB reduction of two-way gain but produces very small beamwidth, as shown in part b of the figure.
The DRA concept opens up new applications, namely: 1] ALONG TRACK INTERFEROMETRY (ATI): • The ATI helps measure the radial velocity component of the moving objects. The instrument sensitivity depends upon the carrier frequency and time delay between two consecutive measurements. 2] STRIPMAP RESOLUTION ENHANCEMENT: The widening of the Rx azimuth pattern results in a longer illumination time alongwith an increase in Doppler bandwidth. The drawbacks are that there has to be an increase in the PRF to achieve the wide pattern complemented with a decrease in SNR. 3] FULL POLARIMETRIC MODE: Polarization matrix
GROUND SEGMENT 1] INSTRUMENT OPERATION AND CALIBRATION: The operation and calibration is performed by the Microwaves and Radar Institute in Oberpfaffenhofen. It includes setting the instrument in order to acquire high quality image data. 2] PAYLOAD GROUND SEGMENT: The ground segment is responsible for proper processing and archiving of the obtained data. The Remote Sensing Technology Institute and German Remote Sensing Data Centre are responsible for the development of the receiving station
FIRST RESULTS: 1] Russia- west of Wolgograd : The centre portion shows the image of the Tsimlyanskoye reservoir. Here the water from river Don is used for power generation. The image was captured during heavy precipitation, hence the images of light fog at the top.
3] Dubai- Islands: The following is an image of the first artificial island ,” The Palm Jumeirah” which comprises of 300 smaller islands well arranged in the shape of the world map. The use of various colours makes the figures more prominent.
APPLICATIONS AND EXPERIMENTAL MODES 1] Oceanography: With the help of TerraSAR-X underwater wells could be detected, as the images of offshore swells up to 10m can be easily measured. The picture shows the image of the Bay of Melbourne in the spotlight mode. The groundswell is of 250m and is reduced by the interaction with ground structures.
3] Traffic monitoring TS-X provides valuable information regarding the nature of roads for traffic motion. The following picture shows the image of west of Dresden covering an area of 15*4 sq m. The traffic processor enabled the determination of the velocity of 923 vehicles along the freeway A4 in east west direction.
FUTURE PROSPECTS • The TerraSAR-X system will be followed by TerraSAR-X2 system. • In the meantime TanDEM-X (TerraSAR-X add-on for Digital Elevation Measurement) is in progress. • It will used to from a three dimensional digital elevation model of different landmasses. The three areas of applications are high accuracy elevation models for hydrology, Along Track Interferometry for ocean current measurements and Polarimetric SAR interferometry applications.
REFERENCES • 1]”The TerraSAR-X Mission And System Design”, Rolf Werninghaus and Stefan Buckreuss- IEEE Transactions On Geoscience And Remote Sensing, Vol.48, N0.2 February 2010 • 2] “Conceptual Studies for Exploiting The TerraSAR-X Dual Receive Antenna ”, Josef Mittermayer and HartmutRunge- Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium, 2003, IGARSS ’03 ,Proceedings. 2003 IEEE International. • 3]” www.Astrium – geo.com ”