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Learn about course numbers, graduation rules, access courses, and special education support for students with disabilities. Explore the regulations and guidelines for transcripts, diploma requirements, and cognitive disabilities. Join us for insightful discussions.
FY12 Special Education Data Collections Update Data Collection Conference August 17- 19, 2011 Athens, Georgia
Course Numbers • Elimination of 90.XX Course Numbers • Access Course Numbers XX.XXX5 • Use of XX.8 and XX.9 Course Numbers • Course Numbers on Transcripts • Associated Board Rules
Old Board Rule Note: The number 90.XXXXXXX is used for any course determined by a student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and taught by a special education teacher. Carnegie unit credit is not given for those courses and the seven digits to the right of the decimal may be used as the school system wishes, such as, to identify semester, class period, teacher, etc.
Graduation Rule • Code: IHF(6) 160-4-2-.48 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS FOR STUDENTS ENROLLING IN THE NINTH GRADE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE 2008-09 SCHOOL YEAR AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. Adopted: July 21, 2011 Effective: August 11, 2011 • Section 7. STUDENTS WITH SIGNIFICANT COGNITIVE DISABILITIES. (i) Students with significant cognitive disabilities may graduate and receive a regular high school diploma when the student’s IEP team determines that the student has: (I) completed an integrated curriculum based on the GPS that includes instruction in Mathematics, English/Language Arts, Science and Social Studies as well as career preparation, self determination, independent living and personal care to equal a minimum of 23 units of instruction, and
Access CoursesStudents Grades 9-12 • Code: IDA(3) 160-4-2-.20 LIST OF STATE-FUNDED K-8 SUBJECTS AND 9-12 COURSES FOR STUDENTS ENTERING NINTH GRADE IN 2008 AND SUBSEQUENTYEARS. • A 5 is used in the fourth numerical digit to designate coursework for students who participate in the Georgia Alternate Assessment. (XX.XXX5) • These “Access” courses align to approved state-funded courses but provide access to the standards established for the approved course. In order to meet the IEP or local system requirements for students with significant cognitive disabilities, any approved state-funded course may be designated as an Access course by utilizing a 5 in the fourth numerical digit. • Course list in above State Board Rule
Graduation Rule 160-4-2-.48 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS • Section 7. STUDENTS WITH SIGNIFICANT COGNITIVE DISABILITIES. (i) Students with significant cognitive disabilities may graduate and receive a regular high school diploma when the student’s IEP team determines that the student has: (I) completed an integrated curriculum based on the GPS that includes instruction in Mathematics, English/Language Arts, Science and Social Studies as well as career preparation, self determination, independent living and personal care to equal a minimum of 23 units of instruction, AND (II) participated in the GAA during middle school and high school and earned a proficient score on the high school GAA in Mathematics, English/Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies, AND
“Access” CoursesStudents Grade K-8 While Access courses were designed to support the acquisition of units of credit for high school students with significant cognitive disabilities participating in the GAA, any K-8 course number maybe modified to include a XX.XXX5 for students in those grades with significant cognitive disabilities who are participating in the GAA.
XX.8 and XX.9 Course Numbers • XX.8 8 = GENERAL EDUCATION COURSE IN A SPECIAL EDUCATION SETTING An 8 as the first numerical digit to the right of the decimal indicates the students are students whose Individualized Education Program (IEP) has placed them in a general education course but in a special education setting and are being taught by a certified special education teacher. Students in these classes are earning Carnegie unit credit. • XX.9 9 = GENERAL EDUCATION COURSE IN A GENERAL EDUCATION SETTING WITH SPECIAL EDUCATION SUPPORT A 9 as the first numerical digit to the right of the decimal indicates the students are students whose Individualized Education Program (IEP) has placed them in a general education course in a general education setting but with a specified amount and model of special education support listed on the IEP. Students in these classes are earning Carnegie unit credit.
Transcripts OCR Guidance Note: In accordance with guidance issued by the United States Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, on October 17, 2008, transcripts may not contain information disclosing students’ disabilities. Therefore, course numbers that identify students as students with disabilities must not be printed on transcripts. Course numbers including .8 and .9 should not appear on student transcripts.
Diploma One of Those “D” Words
Federal Register § 300.102 Limitation—exception to FAPE for certain ages. (a) General. The obligation to make FAPE available to all children with disabilities does not apply with respect to the following: (3)(i) Children with disabilities who have graduated from high school with a regular high school diploma. (ii) The exception in paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section does not apply to children who have graduated from high school but have not been awarded a regular high school diploma. (iii) Graduation from high school with a regular high school diploma constitutes a change in placement, requiring written prior notice in accordance with § 300.503. (iv) As used in paragraphs (a)(3)(i) through (a)(3)(iii) of this section, the term regular high school diploma does not include an alternative degree that is not fully aligned with the State’s academic standards, such as a certificate or a general educational development credential (GED)
Graduation Rule 160-4-2-.48 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS • Section 7. STUDENTS WITH SIGNIFICANT COGNITIVE DISABILITIES. (i) Students with significant cognitive disabilities may graduate and receive a regular high school diploma when the student’s IEP team determines that the student has: (I) completed an integrated curriculum based on the GPS that includes instruction in Mathematics, English/Language Arts, Science and Social Studies as well as career preparation, self determination, independent living and personal care to equal a minimum of 23 units of instruction, AND (II) participated in the GAA during middle school and high school and earned a proficient score on the high school GAA in Mathematics, English/Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies, AND (III) reached the 22nd birthday OR has transitioned to an employment/education/training setting in which the supports needed are provided by an entity other than the local school system.
Highlights of Significant Changes FTE Environment codes for students age 5 or less on September 1 are reported as alpha codes, A-J. (E611) ‘S’ type students with the ALL IEP flag = N, all programs codes must = 0 (E5381) Student reported with PRIMARY AREA and no exit EVENT CODE, All IEP must = 'Y', 'N', or 'S'.(E1081)
Highlights of Significant Changes FTE • Inclusion code = 6 (Job Coach), program must = K (E529) • Students reported with a withdrawal code of “G”, graduate, in more than one year will receive an error (E3114) • Special Education exit EVENT CODE reported for student, REPORT TYPE must = ‘R’. (E796)
Highlights of Significant Changes FTE • Element ID -FTE110 Event Code • Identifies students who have exited Special Education within the last fiscal year and before the current fiscal year FTE Cycle-1 count date EVENT CODE must = ‘09’ (Special Education Exit) or ‘10’ (Parent Revoked Consent). (E595)
Highlights of Significant Changes FTE • Element ID -FTE111 Event Date • Identifies the date students have exited Special Education. The date must be within the last fiscal year and before the current fiscal year FTE Cycle-1 count date. • EVENT DATE cannot be null and must be in the yyyymmdd format. (E596) • The EVENT DATE cannot be greater than the current date nor prior to the student’s date of birth. (E599) • WITHDRAWAL DATE must be after the EVENT DATE reported for exit EVENT CODE ‘09’ or ‘10’. (E578) • EVENT DATE must be within the last fiscal year OR in the current fiscal year and prior to the current FTE count date. (E788)
FTE Data Elements • Report Type Every student with REPORT TYPE = "S" • Must be served in a special education program* • Must have been through due process procedures • Must have an Individualized Education Program (IEP)* • Must met the eligibility requirements for the area of disability being reported for special education services • Must be scheduled to receive instruction from a teacher certified in the area of disability noted in their IEP* Exceptions include parentally placed in private school students, ‘All IEP’ = S (Service Plan) or N (No service).
PRIMARY AREA • PRIMARY AREA indicates the student’s primary area of exceptionality. Only one PRIMARY AREA may be reported for each student. • PRIMARY AREA = '8' must have GRADE LEVEL = 'PK', 'KK', 'UK', 'U1’, ‘01’, ‘02’, ‘03’, ‘04’ or ‘05’. • PRIMARY AREA = '8' must have DATE OF BIRTH such that the student is less than or equal to 9 years of age as of September 1.
160-4-7-.05-17 ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION AND CATEGORIES OFELIGIBILITY The SDD eligibility may be used for children from ages three through nine (the end of the school year in which the child turns nine). [See 34 C.F.R. § 300.8(b)]
Code: IDDF (7) 160-4-7-.07 LEAST RESTRICTIVE ENVIRONMENT (LRE)(Effective March 31, 2010) 4. Home-Based instruction may be used as a short-term placement option on occasions when the parent and LEA agree at an IEP meeting with the following considerations: (i) A free and appropriate public education (FAPE) is provided and includes access to the general curriculum and an opportunity to make progress toward the goals and objectives included in the IEP; (ii) home-based services must be reviewed no less than quarterly by the IEP team; and (iii) all IEPs that require home-based placements will include a reintegration plan for returning to the school setting.
Code: IDDF (7) 160-4-7-.07 LEAST RESTRICTIVE ENVIRONMENT (LRE)(Effective March 31, 2010) 6. Hospital/homebound instruction program (HHB) is used for students with disabilities who are placed in a special education program and have a medically diagnosed condition that will significantly interfere with their education and requires them to be restricted to their home or a hospital for a period of time. The LEA shall provide hospital/homebound instruction to students with disabilities, under the requirements found in Georgia rule 160-4-2-.31 Hospital Homebound Services.
No FTE Funding Local boards of education not complying with maximum class size requirements shall be subject to a complete loss of funding for the entire class or program that is out of compliance. For additional information refer to Georgia Board of Education Rule 160-5-1-.08 CLASS SIZE.
Maximum Class Size Flexibility General Requirements: Special Education Requirements District must adhere to the caseload requirements of rule 160-4-7-.14. Special education classroom must contain 38 square feet per student. District must adhere to the rules for paraprofessionals as part of the class requirements of rule 160-4-7-.14. Districts must continue to provide a free appropriate public education to all students eligible for special education services under IDEA. • District must submit a resolution approved by the local board to the Georgia Department of Education.
160-5-1-.02 SCHOOL DAY AND SCHOOL YEAR FOR STUDENTS AND EMPLOYEES • (k) The FTE count shall be taken in accordance with provisions in SBOE Rule 160-5-1-.07 STUDENT DATA COLLECTION regardless of a school’s daily schedule on FTE count days.
FTE Weight Formulas Unweighted FTE An unweighted FTE is the sum of all segments reported for a given program, divided by six and rounded to the nearest whole number. It does not represent a particular student. A particular student may have several different FTE unweighted categories assigned during an academic day. Therefore, the services the student receives may show up in the totals of different unweighted FTE categories. Unweighted FTE = Rounded ((Sum All Segments) / 6) Weighted FTE = Unweighted FTE X Program Weight
Code: IEC160-5-1-.08 Class Size • Resource Delivery Instruction for students with disabilities outside the regular classroom for 3 or fewer segments of the instructional day. • Self-Contained Delivery Instruction for students with disabilities in one area of exceptionality for 4 or more segments of the instructional day.
Disability Areas Influenced by Resource/ Self-Contained Status
QBE Reports Quality Basic Education - Reports
FTE Data Elements(State Funding Implications) • Students reported with primary areas of Autism, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Significant Developmental Delay should be coded using the program codes in which the student is served. • Students reported with the primary area of Other Health Impaired • are always reported with a program code of “Y” and • may be served in a variety of special education settings.
Code: IDDF (7) 160-4-7-.07 LEAST RESTRICTIVE ENVIRONMENT (LRE) (d) School age placements: 1. General education classroom with age-appropriate non-disabled peers, if required by the IEP: (i) Additionalsupportive services. The child remains in regular classroom with supplementary aids and services provided to the teacher and/or child to implement the IEP. (ii) Direct services. The child remains in the regular classroom with direct services from special education personnel on a consultative, collaborative, or co-teaching basis.
SUPPORTIVE INSTRUCTION Supportive instruction is specifically designed instruction or supplemental aids or services provided from personnel such as a paraprofessionals, interpreters, job coaches, other assistive personnel, and other regular education teachers. Students receiving special education services through supportive instruction are funded at Level 5.
Inclusion Codes INCLUSION indicates that a student with disabilities has an individualized education program (IEP) that identifies the general education classroom as the least restrictive environment for the delivery of special education services for that course. Inclusion includes both supportive instruction and collaborative instruction.
Level 5 Inclusion CodesSupported Instruction • 4 - Paraprofessional • 5 – Interpreter • 6 – Job Coach (Must be used with Program Code K) • 7 – Assistive/Other Personnel (OT/PT) • 8 – Certified Teacher (Not Special Education) All the above must be used with general education program code
Speech Speech Pathologist Schedule on Tuesday, October 4 Is this speech pathologist meeting state funding class size? If his caseload has 50 students is he seeing all his students on the day of the count? If all of these students have a grade placement of PreK, how much is he earning in state FTE funds?
.” Georgia Board of Education Rule 160-5-1-.08 CLASS SIZE • NOTE : If students from different disability programs are within the same segment , the maximum class size shall be determined by the program with the smallest class size . • NOTE: Middle school and high school students served in a departmental model shall have an individual maximum class size of seven without a paraprofessional and ten with a paraprofessional , provided the number of students of any one disability within the class does not exceed the individual maximum class size for that disability .
Code: IDDF (14) 160-4-7-.14 Personnel, Facilities, Equipment, Materials and Class Size • Class Sizes and Caseloads • Paraprofessionals Three paraprofessionals are the maximum number that can be used to increase the maximum class size for any special education class. • Autism, TBI, OHI and SDD The placement of students with these disabilities in program areas will not change class sizes.