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Journal of Management and Governance

Journal of Management and Governance. Launched in 1996 The Italian Academy of Business Economics (Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale - AIDEA) has decided to create an International Journal Editors: M. Warglien, U. of Venice (1996-2000) A. Grandori, U. Bocconi, Milan (2001-2006)

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Journal of Management and Governance

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  1. Journal of Management and Governance • Launched in 1996 • The Italian Academy of Business Economics (Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale - AIDEA) has decided to create an International Journal • Editors: • M. Warglien, U. of Venice (1996-2000) • A. Grandori, U. Bocconi, Milan (2001-2006) • R. Di Pietra, U. of Siena (2007-2009) • In 2004 Kluwer was incorporated by Springer Verlag

  2. Journal of Management and Governance • 13 volumes published • Quarterly Journal • Published 250 articles (380 authors) • July 2006: Editorship takeover • Aims & Scope changed (large set of issues related with Governance – 360° around Governance) • New composition of the Journal’s Boards

  3. Journal of Management and Governance • Aims & Scope (1/4) • The Journal of Management and Governance (JMG) is an international journal dedicated to advancing the understanding of corporate governance issues within and throughout privately-held firms, publicly-held corporations and government-controlled organizations. • The journal is devoted to exploring the links between management and governance through both theoretical analyses and empirical investigations to improve the understanding of all the rules, codes, principles, practices, processes, mechanisms, structures and relationships, as well as institutions, networks and individuals affecting the way how firms and organizations are managed, administered and controlled.

  4. Journal of Management and Governance • Aims & Scope (2/4) • Since corporate governance is a multi-faceted subject, the journal aims to analyze a broad spectrum of topics and issues related to the management and governance of firms and organizations: • strategies and decision-making; • accounting, • reporting and information control; • measurement issues in governance; • relational, cognitive and behavioural based research; • institutional economics.

  5. Journal of Management and Governance • Aims & Scope (3/4) • JMG intends to act as an arena of scientific debate within and among academic and professional networks of researchers with a strong interest in investigating how knowledge, preferences and performance are formed and how they influence governance and management practices and policies. • Contributions from all areas of business administration (accounting and control, general and strategic management, organizational theory and behaviour, finance and banking) and manuscripts concerning both the private and the public sectors are welcome to the extent that they contribute to these general issues and to the understanding of governance thus broadly defined.

  6. Journal of Management and Governance • Aims & Scope (4/4) • JMG is international in authorship and editorship. • It follows the internationally shared norms of blind review and research quality standards, but it distinctively and deliberately adheres to a constructive rather than destructive review process approach. • The journal has various paper formats and methods. • Any research strategy is recognised, as long as it effectively addresses the issue at hand and rigorously adheres to the methodology adopted, in survey research or simulation, a case study or a statistical analysis”

  7. Corporate Governance: Theoretical Perspectives

  8. Journal of Management and Governance • Editor-in-Chief • Roberto Di Pietra, University of Siena • Co-Editors • Thomas Ahrens, Warwick Business School, UK • Lino Cinquini, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa, Italy • Rosario Faraci, University of Catania, Italy • Igor Filatotchev, King's College London, UK • Reviews and Overviews Editors • Corrado Gatti, La Sapienza University - Roma, Italy • Edoardo Mollona, University of Bologna, Italy

  9. Divisional Editors (since 2008) • Roberto Di Pietra, University of Siena, • Accounting and Governance (Governance and accounting regulation, Financial reporting and governance, IAS/IFRS and impact on the governance models); • Thomas Ahrens, Warwick Business School, • Accounting and Governance (corporate governance, management accounting, management control, accountability); • Lino Cinquini, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa • Management accounting and control systems (design and practices — and their impact in relation with governance, performance management systems—design and practices—and governance); • Igor Filatotchev, Caas Business School, London, • Entrepreneurial Governance (comparative governance, governance and business strategy); • Rosario Faraci, University of Catania, Strategic Governance • (governance of family business, governance of start-ups and small firms, governance of state-owned enterprises, governance of multinationals and large business groups, governance of "firms in transition", governance of venture-backed firms and private equity, micro and macro theoretical foundations of strategic governance).

  10. Journal of Management and Governance • Scientific Committee • Lorenzo Caprio, Catholic University - Milan, Italy • Giovanni Costa, University of Padua, Italy • Rosella Ferraris Franceschi, University of Pisa, Italy • Gianni Lorenzoni, University of Bologna, Italy • Riccardo Mussari, University of Siena, Italy • Joan Enric Ricart Costa, IESE Barcelona, Spain • Joshua Ronen, NYU - Stern Business School, USA • Robert Scapens, Manchester Business School, UK • Henry Tosi, University of Florida, USA • Shaker Zahra, University of Minnesota, USA • Luigi Zingales, The University of Chicago, USA

  11. Journal of Management and Governance • Editorial Board • 38 members • 12 Italy • 8 UK • 5 USA • 4 Spain • 2 France • 1 Austria, Canada, Ireland, NL, Norway, Sweden, Denmark • Editorial Board • M. Allegrini (Univ. Pisa, I) • J. Alvarez (IESE, Univ. Navarra, E) • E. Anessi Pessina (Univ. Cattolica, I) • A. Arora (Carnegie Mellon Univ., USA) • M. Bazerman (Harvard Business School, USA) • N. Brennan (UCD, EIRE) • J. Burns (Univ. Dundee, UK) • L. Canibano (UAM, E) • A. Capasso (Sannio Univ., I) • T. Certo (Texas A&M Univ., USA) • S. O. Collin (Kristianstad Univ. College, Sweden) • T. Dacin (Queen's Univ., Canada) • I. Demirag (Queen's Univ. Belfast, UK) • G. Easton (Lancaster Univ., UK) • I. Gutierrez (Carlos III Univ., E) • H. Hinterhuber (Innsbruck Universität, Austria) • M. Huse (Norvegian School of Management, N) • M. La Torre (Univ. La Sapienza, I) • E. Lorenz (Centre d'Etudes de l'Emplois, F) • C. Markides (LBS, UK) • S.McLeay (Univ. Wales, UK) • R. Mercurio (Univ. Federico II, I) • A. Mora (Univ. Valencia, E) • B. Nooteboom (Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, NL) • H.Nørreklit (Aarhus School of Business, DK) • D. Parthiban (Univ. Oklahoma, USA) • M. Pizzo (Seconda Univ. Napoli, I) • P.Quattrone (Univ. of Oxford, UK) • D. Ravasi (Univ. Bocconi, I) • P. Schwizer (Univ. di Parma, I) • M. Segalla (HEC Paris, F) • W. Shen (Univ. Florida, USA) • S. Turley (MBS, UK) • D. Venanzi (Univ. Roma Tre, I) • M. Wright (Univ. Nottingham, UK) • E. Zaninotto (Univ. Trento, I) • A. Zattoni (Parthenope Univ., I) • A. Zucchella (Univ. Pavia, I)

  12. JMG Statistics • Usage Statistics • 2007 Downloads: 14908 • 2008 Downloads: 24290 • 2008 Downloads (Jan-March): 5138 • 2009 Downloads (Jan-March): 7169 • % Increase, 2007-2008: 62.9% • % Increase, Jan-March 2008-2009: 39.5% • Average % Increase, 2007-2008 for US Business & Economics Journals: 48.1%

  13. Journal of Management and Governance • Events and initiatives 2009 • Naples, 9th AIDEA Youth International Workshop on "Corporate Governance, Information and Control in an Evolutionary Context" – Naples, April 3-4, 2009 • Cagliari, 10th Workshop di Organizzazione Aziendale - Cagliari, April 29-30, 2009 • Chicago, Public Utilities: Organizational Change and New Governance Structures for Sustainable Governance, AOM Annual Conference, August 11, 2009 • Ancona, Untouchable or Intangible? Governing, Managing and Disclosing Intangibles in modern firms and businesses, September 24, 2009 • Venice, First JMG Conference, “Governing Strategy and Knowledge: Tools and Methodologies”,October 8-10, 2009

  14. Journal of Management and Governance • Events and initiatives 2010-2011 • Workshop and Special Issue on “Performance Measurements and Corporate Governance” (Pisa, September 10-11, 2010) • 5th Workshop on Accounting Regulation – Special issue on Governance and Accounting Regulation (September 23-25, 2010) • 30th Strategic Management Society World Conference (Rome September 12-15, 2010) • 34th European Accounting Association Annual Conference (Roma-Siena April 19-21, 2011)

  15. Journal of Management and Governance • Submission • Papers should be submitted to: • jmg@unisi.it • or directly addressed to Prof. Roberto Di Pietra (Editor), Department of Business and Social Studies, School of Economics, University of Siena, Piazza S. Francesco, 7 – 53100 Siena – Italy e-mail: dipietra@unisi.it • Websites: http://www.springer.com/business/business+for+professionals/journal/10997 http://www.disas.unisi.it/jmg/

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