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Sociocognitive Aspects in Learning and Teaching. Ismo T Koponen Department of Physics, Didactic Physics, University of Helsinki MCBS 2019 Vilnius, 20th July 2017. Problems of interest. P1 : How students acquire conceptual knowledge in a teaching-learning process?
Sociocognitive Aspects in Learning and Teaching Ismo T Koponen Department of Physics, Didactic Physics, University of Helsinki MCBS 2019 Vilnius, 20th July 2017
Problems of interest • P1: How students acquire conceptual knowledge in a teaching-learning process? • P1a: How teaching sequences are designed? • P1b: How students make progress during teaching sequence? • P2: How students’ abilities or proficiencies develop during teaching-learning sequence and how it affects its dynamics? • P3: How social interactions affects and are affected by changes in students’ abilities or proficiencies?
Related problems Computational models • R-P1: How researchersexplorenewideas and newresearchstrategies. How discoveriesare made in science? • C1: Foraging for knowledge on an epistemiclandscape. • R-P2: Development of skills in learning and training. • C2: Logisticmodels of development and sigmoidallearningcurves. • R-P3: Therole of sociallearning in opinionformation. • C3: Agentbasedmodels of opinionformation.
Examples and benefits • R1 & C1: Knowledge acquisition: [e.g. MacKenzie et al. 2015] • Genericdynamics of discovery, effect of success in foraging on itsdynamics. Possibility to explorelearningfromotherexplorers (sociallearning). • R2 & C1: Learning dynamics: [e.g. van Geert 2014] • Genericproperties of dynamics: Origin of sigmoidallearningcurve on constraints on learning. Learning historydependentlearning, hysteresiseffects on learning. • R3 & C3: Sociallearning: [e.g. Castellano et al. 2009] • Effect of socialinteraction and purelysociodymaicseffects on opiniondynamics. Genericdependenciesbetweenbetweenopinions and socialstructures.
Can we model learning in educational settings? Computational modelling in educational research? • P1-P3 Covermanycentralaspects of learning in educationalsettings. • R-P1-R-P3 arestartingpoint for computationalmodelling of P1-P3. Prospects to model P1-P3! • Seminalmodels of P3 with R-P3 in 2001-2003 [Bordogna et al. 2001, 2003]. • Reaction[Brumfield 2001]: Distrortsgoals of educationalresearch. Notonlyunnecessarybutharmful! • Possiblereasons for thereactions: • Disciplinaryfragmentation and segragation to isolatedschools[Balietti et al 2015]. • Notrealisticenough, tooidealized, genericfeaturesnotenough?
Group discourse and discourse patterns in learning Barron, B. (2003). When smart groups fail. Journal of the Learning Sciences 12, 307–359.Bonito, J. A. (2000). The effect of contributing substantively on perceptions of participation. Small Group Research, 31, 528–553. • Discourse patterns are characterized by bidirectionaly reciprocity in turn taking in discourse and responses. • Even moderate size groups is the isolation, when some member do not participate in discourse and task engagement.
Basic assumptions • Key driving forces in formation of discursive connections are based on competitive comparisons and cooperation. • The competition is for floor in discussions and participation • The cooperation is about seeking a cooperation of discursive and active partners.
Agent Based Model: Rules of Interaction • An agent i has activity κii and it is aware of its peer j’s activity κjj. An agent i has discursivity κij towards its peer j and it is aware that towards it, its peer j has discursivity κji. • Comparative interaction affects activity: If agent i finds that its activityκiiis lower than its peer j's discursivity κji, then i tends to increase its activity because it competes for floor in discussion. If agent's activity is higher than its peer's discursivity, then agent decrease its activity because there is no need to compete. • Competitive interaction affects discursivity: 1) agent's discursivityκij towards its peer j increases/decreases if agent finds that its peer's discursivity κji towards it is higher/lower than its own activity κii. 2) the discursivity κij is decreased if it is higher than peer j's activity κjj.
The Model Shares features with Leviathan-model describing appraisal based comparisons [Deffuant et al. (2013) Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 16, 1–28] κii ← κii+ πo (κji-κii) κii (1-κii) κij ← κij + πo[α (κji-κii) + (1-α) (κjj-κij) +λ (sign[κij-κii](κiiκjj)1/2] κij(1-κij) The sensitivity to the competitive comparison is α ϵ [0,1] called the competitivity. The affinity of agents to collaboration is λ ϵ [0,1] called cooperativity. The probabilities that competitive comparisons and cooperation lead to changes in activities are of sigmoidal type p(x)=1/(1+exp[-x/σ]), where x= κij-κii for competition and x= κji-κij for cooperation.
Simulations: Stochastic method (Monte Carlo)[ 1. Pair of interacting agents is selected at random 2. The probabilities for competitive comparisons and co-operation are pij=pij (δij), where δij=κij-κij for competition (α) pij*=pij (δij*), where δij*=κji-κij for co-operation (λ) Changes realized are decided by these probabilities. This is done by selecting at a time two random numbers: Rα, Rλ [0; 1] and If Rα > pij competition changes activities If Rλ >pij* co-operation changes activities
Monitoring discourse patterns:Triadic census[J. Moody (1998) Social Networks 20, 291—299.]
Conclusions Low competitivity α < 0.4: Fully connected egalitarian triads (300). Intermediate competitivity 0.3 < α < 0.6: Dyadic leadership type patterns (201) are dominant. High competitivity region α > 0.5: Dyads become increasingly prominent patterns Strong self-reinforcing feedback effect between highly discoursive agents. Co-operativity helps to maintain egalitarian patterns and partially egalitarian triads at high competition. Isolation takes place at groups of five or more members when competition is high.
Computational modelling of sociodynamics of learning: An agent based model • D1: Target knowledge description: Epistemic landscape consisting of idealized explanatory schemes; evidence explained and proficiency required to use the scheme. • D2: Agent description; proficiency as agent’s state, memory. • D3: Social dynamics description; self-proficiency and peer-proficiency, appraisals.
A three-tiered system of explanatory schemes:An idealized representation of student’s explanatory models (representation of empirical findings) • Koponen (2013) Complexity 19, 27-37. • Koponen & Kokkonen (2014) Frontline Learning Research 4, 140-166. ,
D3:Proficiency development on basis social comparisons Bandura’s social learning theory transformed to agent based model Leviathan-model describing appraisalα based comparisons [Deffuant et al. (2013) Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 16, 1–28] Model of skill development based on memoryμ±of success/failure. [van Geert (2014) Mind,Brain, and Education 8, 57–73.]
D2+D3: Social learning and scheme selection UTILITY BASED SOCIAL BASED Differencies only matter
Explanatory scheme selection guided by self-proficiency and social learning Matemaattis-luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta / Henkilön nimi / Esityksen nimi
Comparisons with empirical results? Problem: How in empirical results different effects are collated • Empiricalsettingsdonotattempt to resolvecognitive and socialeffects in learninggains effectsareexploreddifferently, but in similarsettings. • Improvingempiricalsettings: 1) Teachingtaskmustbeexplicitelydescribed; 2) Requiredproficienciesmustbeknown; • 3) Sociodynamicinteractionpatternsneed to beknown • Three differentresearchtraditionsshouldbeintegrated to obtainbetterresolvingpower in empiricalresearch.
ConclusionsAgent-Based Modelling in Educational Research Do we need such an approach? • NO?? fromviewpoint of currentisolatededucationalresearchparadigmswiththeirkeyconceptualconstructs and researchmethods. Theway to conceptualisetheproblem is toodifferent • YES!! ifmoreintegratedresearchparadigm is of interest. Modellinghelps to conceptualisetheproblem and reasonabouttheinterdependencies of differentphenomena helps to design empiricalsettingswithbetterresolvingpower.