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Three Ways Grace Believers Perform Pre-Planned Works

Discover the role of grace believers as slaves to Christ and ministers to others. Explore scripture readings, characteristics of a minister, and the importance of willingly acting as a slave to Christ before carrying out His planned ministry.

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Three Ways Grace Believers Perform Pre-Planned Works

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  1. Three Ways Grace Believers Perform Pre-Planned Works Scripture Reading: II Corinthians 10:1-5; 6:1-7

  2. Introduction • We are made to be (potential) slaves when we believed the gospel • Rom 6:17-18

  3. Review • We are to willingly yield ourselves as slaves to Christ, and not to men • Gal 1:10; Eph 6:6-7 • Serving Christ as a slave will result in serving other believers as a slave FOR Christ

  4. Review • We should serve as willing slaves in “Newness of spirit” • Rom 7:6

  5. Review • The slave of the Lord must not fight • II Tim 2:24 (a good soldier) • II Tim 2:3-4 • II Tim 4:7 • II Cor 10: 3-4 • II Cor 6:3-4

  6. ‘As an Attendant, One Who Waits Upon Another’ • Every believer is an attendant (minister) • Eph 4:12 (cf Col 4:17 Archipus’ ministry)

  7. ‘As an Attendant, One Who Waits Upon Another’ • Characteristics of a minister (attendant) • I Cor 12:5 - Ministering in physical service and material goods • Act 6:2 - serving tables • Rom 15:25-26 - giving money • I Cor 16:14-16 - giving time and physical service

  8. ‘As an Attendant, One Who Waits Upon Another’ • Characteristics of a minister (attendant) • Ministering in spiritual things • II Cor 4:7 - ministry of the New Covenant (for the Church) • II Cor 5:18, 20 - ministry of reconciliation (“be reconciled to God”) • I Tim 1:12 - Paul was put into a ministry (an apostle, cf vs 1)

  9. Conclusion • NT grace believers perform God’s pre-planned works as Christ’s servant-slaves and as His ministers (attendants). • You must first, willingly act in the realm of a slave to Christ (your Lord), before you can carry out the ministry (service as an attendant) that He has planned for you.

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